Cleared Sealed Power (IMG:[
87 9 You gain 61319 Credits!
87 8 You gain 30402.17 EXP!
87 7 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
87 6 Arena Clear Bonus! Received:
[Exquisite Sapphire Chainmail Mitons of Dampening]
87 5 Mithra dropped [Mithra's Flower]
87 4 White Bunneh dropped [Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch]
87 3 You are Victorious!
87 2 Mithra has been defeated.
87 1 You hit Mithra for 781 soul damage.
0 10 Spawned Monster I: MID=11 (Zombie Cow) LV=147 HP=3540 MP=120 SP=2 NA=67 Type=hostile
0 9 Spawned Monster H: MID=18 (Mithra) LV=149 HP=23870 MP=247 SP=157 NA=54 Type=hostile
0 8 Spawned Monster G: MID=13 (Mind Raper) LV=145 HP=3262 MP=103 SP=30 NA=70 Type=hostile
0 7 Spawned Monster F: MID=6 (Fire Fox) LV=148 HP=1590 MP=70 SP=35 NA=75 Type=hostile
0 6 Spawned Monster E: MID=15 (Apathetic Canuck) LV=148 HP=3478 MP=133 SP=36 NA=70 Type=hostile
0 5 Spawned Monster D: MID=14 (Blue Hedgehog) LV=148 HP=3478 MP=59 SP=44 NA=70 Type=hostile
0 4 Spawned Monster C: MID=12 (Manthra) LV=148 HP=3652 MP=154 SP=3 NA=65 Type=hostile
0 3 Spawned Monster B: MID=17 (White Bunneh) LV=146 HP=22099 MP=232 SP=206 NA=55 Type=hostile
0 2 Spawned Monster A: MID=10 (Blue Slime) LV=145 HP=1484 MP=20 SP=3 NA=78 Type=hostile
0 1 Initializing arena challenge #23 (Round 50 / 50) ...
0 0 Battle Start!
This post has been edited by ponkan: Sep 22 2009, 07:02