Defeated "The Twilight" on HARD.
It didn't take as long as End of Days did, but my Mace is stronger, I upgraded some of my armor, and I used Innate Arcana II to save Mana (I only used haste). I still think that each Legendary has way too high a defense, even against a Void Slaughter Mace, but at least now Konata falls faster.
I decided this time not to use Spirit Stance except when using Shatter Strike, and when casting spells to save on Mana. I ended using 1 less Mana Elixir and didn't use a Spirit Elixir this time around. I had slightly better luck with Gems this time around as well.
"A Dance of the Dragons", unless I somehow do a LOT more damage by then, still seems like it will not be doable via Melee because of all the Mana used casting Silence or utilizing Spirit Shield.
- JC