Accuracy: 332/332 (100.00%), Crits: 139/332 (41.87%), Offhand: 0/332 (0.00%), Domino: 101/332 (30.42%), OverStrikes: 0/332 (0.00%), Coalesce: 0/288 (0.00%), Interference: 0/14 (0.00%), Resists: 1/288 (0.35%), Spell Crits: 0/288 (0.00%), Avg hit dmg: 422.64|338.69, Avg crit dmg: 637.31|0, Avg dmg: 512.52|338.69
Hits taken: 3/14 (21.43%), Missed: 0/14 (0.00%), Evaded: 8/14 (57.14%), Blocked: 0/14 (0.00%), Parried: 0/14 (0.00%), Resisted: 1/2 (50.00%), Crits taken: 1/3 (33.33%), Total taken: 1630, Avg taken: 543.33
164 19 You gain 50242 Credits!
164 18 You gain 35765.09 EXP!
164 17 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
164 16 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Blood]
164 15 Arena Clear Bonus! [Fine Cotton Shoes of Protection]
164 14 You have obtained the title: Godslayer
164 13 Skuld dropped [Godly Health Potion]
164 12 Urd dropped [Token of Blood]
164 11 Yggdrasil dropped [Sapling]
164 10 You are Victorious!
164 9 The effect Screams of the Past on Skuld has expired.
164 8 The effect Stunned on Skuld has expired.
164 7 The effect Wails of the Present on Skuld has expired.
164 6 The effect Nerfed on Skuld has expired.
164 5 The effect Fury of the Sisters on Skuld has expired.
164 4 Skuld has been defeated.
164 3 Spreading Poison hits Skuld for 354 damage.
164 2 Skuld is stunned.
164 1 You hit Skuld for 466 crushing damage.
The Trio and the Tree on normal - complete
Very easy on normal (IMG:[