"Past the Darkness, To The End of Time"
It's called End of Time, because that's how long it took me to finish it. (IMG:[
Not worth a screencap; Normal
13 17 You gain 81094 Credits!
13 16 You gain 573409.34 EXP!
13 15 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
13 14 Arena Clear Bonus! [Godly Health Potion]
13 13 Ryouko Asakura dropped [Hinamatsuri Doll]
13 12 Zombie Cow dropped [Godly Health Potion]
13 11 Manthra dropped [Godly Health Potion]
13 10 Mind Raper dropped [Godly Health Potion]
13 9 Konata dropped [Lock of Blue Hair]
13 8 Apathetic Canuck dropped [Fine Cotton Robe of Protection]
13 7 Yuki Nagato dropped [Broken Glasses]
13 6 You are Victorious!
0 10 Spawned Monster I: MID=22 (Ryouko Asakura) LV=298 HP=253980 MP=431 SP=140 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 9 Spawned Monster H: MID=7 (Scary Ghost) LV=295 HP=3602 MP=119 SP=22 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 8 Spawned Monster G: MID=14 (Blue Hedgehog) LV=298 HP=7098 MP=140 SP=78 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 7 Spawned Monster F: MID=11 (Zombie Cow) LV=297 HP=7250 MP=60 SP=12 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 6 Spawned Monster E: MID=12 (Manthra) LV=296 HP=7402 MP=176 SP=61 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 5 Spawned Monster D: MID=13 (Mind Raper) LV=295 HP=6732 MP=295 SP=41 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 4 Spawned Monster C: MID=20 (Konata) LV=298 HP=145080 MP=432 SP=64 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 3 Spawned Monster B: MID=15 (Apathetic Canuck) LV=295 HP=7028 MP=163 SP=78 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 2 Spawned Monster A: MID=23 (Yuki Nagato) LV=296 HP=252195 MP=375 SP=307 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 1 Initializing arena challenge #33 (Round 500 / 500) ...
0 0 Battle Start!
I kept waiting for RL to show up on the last round of one of these high end arenas, but it looks like that'll never happen since this is the last one.
Someone else can convert this into the new wiki format.
001-083: 1
084-166: 2^
167-249: 4^^!
250-333: 5^^^!
334-416: 7^^^^!!
417-499: 8^^^^^!!
500: 9^^^^^!!!
I'm not sure I could beat this on BT yet. That's 502 Legendaries. I wish I had access to this one back when it was a 100% trophy drop rate. (IMG:[
This post has been edited by hitokiri84: Jan 15 2011, 13:12