FSM Down!942 13 You have reached Level 114!
942 12 You gain 200034 Credits!
942 11 You gain 7409.75 EXP!
942 10 Your HP and MP have been fully restored!
942 9 Arena Token Bonus! [Token of Healing]
942 8 Arena Clear Bonus! [Godly Health Potion]
942 7 Flying Spaghetti Monster dropped [Noodly Appendage]
942 6 You are Victorious!
942 5 Regen restores you with 88 points of health.
942 4 Flying Spaghetti Monster drops a Soul Gem powerup!
942 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster has been defeated.
942 2 Your offhand hits Flying Spaghetti Monster for 365 holy damage.
942 1 You crit Flying Spaghetti Monster for 609 holy damage.
0 2 Spawned Monster A: MID=32 (Flying Spaghetti Monster) LV=113 HP=458280 MP=152 SP=137 NA=50 Type=hostile
0 1 Initializing arena challenge #111 (Round 1 / 1) ...
0 0 Battle Start!
First try.
Rapier +
Sword ChucksPhysical Attack (@ LV 114)
+49.4 % damage
+40.4 % hit chance
+25.6 % crit chance
Avoidance (@ LV 114)
+19.3 % evade
+0 % block
+10.4 % parry
+5.4 % resist
+71% Dark mitigation
Items used
Mana Elixir x 5
Last Elixir x 1
Soul Stone x 1
Scroll of Shielding x 5
Scroll of the Gods x 4 << That's all I have..
Infusion of Divinity x 33
I'm not sure will this plan going to work since my Avoidance would be very low and I didn't have Absorbs and Spark and only 4 scroll of gods, I'm a bit worry that this pure offense setup will be able to survive long enough...
"Bah.. Fuck it.." and I went in.
Though I don't really wanna do this, but 200,000 C is just too darn tempting. Oh well, I will try killing him "old school style" later..
I should kill him a bit faster but I forgot to use the infusions from time to time.. also I just realized after this fight that using SP attacks removed OC bonus from Soul stone.. lucky that I used SP attacks very late.
Oh, I almost forgot...
593 4 Puff of Logic hits you for 9993 soul damage.
593 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
541 4 The hostile spell is drained. You gain 28 Magic Points.
541 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
457 5 You
evade the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
457 4 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
413 3 The hostile spell is drained. You gain 29 Magic Points.
413 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
310 3 You
resist the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
310 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
275 4 You
resist the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
275 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
238 4 You
evade the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
238 3 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
149 5 You
evade the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
149 4 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
109 5 You
evade the attack from Flying Spaghetti Monster.
109 4 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
57 3 The hostile spell is drained. You gain 27 Magic Points.
57 2 Flying Spaghetti Monster casts Puff of Logic
Similar thing happened when I fought IPU as well. (IMG:[
@ PsychoticSoul
I suggest you to use infusion of darkness against Yuki next time, It help reduced SP attack damage as well as increased your damage.
This post has been edited by buktore: Nov 1 2010, 17:54