QUOTE(ZXT2645800668 @ Jan 17 2021, 07:26)
So how long does it usually take to confirm my payment to the e-h wallet?
It's been an hour now it still says that needs to be confirmed first.
The short user-friendly answer is "typically less than an hour, but sometimes longer".
The long technical complicated answer is that block times are unpredictable so it's hard to tell in general, and for BTC, it also depends on current network fee conditions vs what fee you use. BTC fees are relatively high right now, so low-fee transactions may take a long time (hours for <100 sat/b, days for <50 sat/b, weeks to never for <10 sat/b).
Nowadays I'd recommend using BCH if possible, especially for donations below $100 or so, since the fees for a reasonable confirmation time with BTC are typically going to be larger than the exchange rate bonus for transactions much smaller than that.