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> HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd)

post Sep 28 2013, 19:13
Post #861

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HV Equipment PAB Symbols 1.0
Attached File  hv_equipment_pab_symbols.user.zip ( 1.32k ) Number of downloads: 96

-Display symbols of PAB which equipments have on the right side of equipment lists

Attached Image
S - Strength
D - Dexterity
A - Agility
E - Endurance
I - Intelligence
W - Wisdom

Attached Image

I'm using this to detect low-value-added equipments.
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post Oct 1 2013, 06:38
Post #862

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[pastebin.com] http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=GLKCSRzu

Automatically refreshes HV pages when the following are encountered:
- 503, aka derpy.gif @ 5 seconds between attempts
- Failed to initialize player state @ 2.2 seconds between attempts
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post Oct 1 2013, 07:22
Post #863

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QUOTE(ctxl @ Oct 1 2013, 13:38) *

[pastebin.com] http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=GLKCSRzu

Automatically refreshes HV pages when the following are encountered:
- 503, aka derpy.gif @ 5 seconds between attempts
- Failed to initialize player state @ 2.2 seconds between attempts

The "Failed to initialize player state" part didn't work for me because "HV Random Encounter Notification" script info was also displayed.
if (document.body.textContent === "Failed to initialize player state. Try again later.") {
if (document.body.textContent.startsWith("Failed to initialize player state. Try again later.")) {
seemed to work OK.
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post Oct 2 2013, 11:34
Post #864

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HV Equipment Attribute Viewer 1.0
Attached File  hv_equipment_attribute_viewer.user.zip ( 6.74k ) Number of downloads: 98


- Show typical attributes of equipments in the pages which display a list of equipments
- Toggle between current values and base values by pressing hotkey 'W'
- Calculate PXP of level 1 if current levels are between 2 and 9
- Support both HV font and custom font


- Fast PC
- Zoom to 125% or greater in the browser


- Each 'PAB' value is the total of PABs.
- Each base value is an approximation, not official.
- Each base value especially weapon damage has a margin of error.
- To reduce the margin of errors, the factor of Magic Damage is used 22+8/11 instead of 22.75 which is written in the wiki.


Line 1 -> |Class-1|Class-2|Class-3|Class-4|Class-5|PAB|Level+PXP|
Line 2 -> |Prefix|Specific-1|Specific-2|Specific-3|Suffix-1|Suffix-2|Level1 PXP|

Screenshots (Zoom to 150% in Chrome 30)

- Current values
Attached Image

- Base values (when 'W' is pressed)
Attached Image
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post Oct 2 2013, 11:37
Post #865

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QUOTE(greentea039 @ Oct 2 2013, 17:34) *

HV Equipment Attribute Viewer 1.0
Attached File  hv_equipment_attribute_viewer.user.zip ( 6.74k ) Number of downloads: 98

- Toggle between current values and base values by pressing hotkey 'W'

Just a note: this will conflict with HV base stat, though it should be easy enough to change in the script.
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post Oct 3 2013, 20:23
Post #866

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Hi I want to know if is possible to have a second quickbar because my spells don't fit in 1 thanks
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post Oct 5 2013, 12:38
Post #867
千石 撫子

shirahebikami of dream
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[userstyles.org] [Hentaiverse Chrome Custom font CSS]

update a new mirror,don't know why dissapear
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post Oct 7 2013, 10:20
Post #868

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Is there any script that hides locked item in forge? (this will make salvage more convenient, additionally, it can also hide/show a certain quality like exquisite, magnificent, etc. )
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post Oct 8 2013, 02:09
Post #869

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the HV Keybind script opens as a file when I drag and drop it in firefox. I have greasemonkey enabled. what am I missing?

edit: nevermind, had to rename the file

This post has been edited by shogun99: Oct 8 2013, 06:23
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post Oct 8 2013, 09:32
Post #870

Grammatically Incorrect (☞゚∀゚)☞
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QUOTE(FiniteA @ Oct 7 2013, 18:20) *

Is there any script that hides locked item in forge? (this will make salvage more convenient, additionally, it can also hide/show a certain quality like exquisite, magnificent, etc. )

I think there is a script that hides locked items for another reason but i assume that you can use it for pruning a list before salvaging.

Or maybe that was for tracking drops...anyway ask ctxl, he makes allot of useful scripts.
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post Oct 8 2013, 10:25
Post #871

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QUOTE(FiniteA @ Oct 7 2013, 16:20) *

Is there any script that hides locked item in forge? (this will make salvage more convenient, additionally, it can also hide/show a certain quality like exquisite, magnificent, etc. )

Salvage Filter should do the trick.

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post Oct 8 2013, 10:49
Post #872

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Varst can you check multishriner and mark it as broken if it doesn't work anymore on the wiki?
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post Oct 10 2013, 16:11
Post #873

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i have been looking at some of the scripts. And they i feel that i would under stand the minds of women before i under stand how to make a script.

I was wondering if it was possible to make a script. that instead of making a melee attack on a monster when you click on it, would cast a spell like Fiery Blast instead.

if it is possible could anyone help me ?? (as long as if it isen't against the rules)
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post Oct 10 2013, 20:48
Post #874

Lalalala la~ la la~!
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Wait, back up a little. Which part of scripts you don't understand?
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post Oct 11 2013, 10:56
Post #875

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Lement, i do understand how to use a script. I just don't understand How to make one ( The whole programming bit )
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post Oct 11 2013, 14:48
Post #876

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QUOTE(Pillowgirl @ Oct 8 2013, 08:49) *

Varst can you check multishriner and mark it as broken if it doesn't work anymore on the wiki?

still work for me. (last chrome.)
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post Oct 12 2013, 23:26
Post #877

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QUOTE(Lement @ Jun 9 2013, 02:07) *

Eh. Just edit the manifest to not include the styles.css.

EDIT: Small update/modification to the Csstester:Attached File  Csstester.crx.zip ( 207.06k ) Number of downloads: 449

→moved riddlemaster even more
→15 potions. Clickable! As is gem icon.
→No longer resizing monsters. Was unnecessary with typical monster spreads.

I like the css alternative to userscripts.

any chance we can get the features without layout changes?

my css is terrible (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) ...
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post Oct 13 2013, 05:41
Post #878

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Greasemonkey version of mouse melee. tested it on firefox

[bpaste.net] http://bpaste.net/show/vTzyED9hqFERISilSHXx/

This post has been edited by shogun99: Oct 13 2013, 05:43
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post Oct 15 2013, 05:14
Post #879

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It is the dawn of a new day!
Reflecting on your journey so far, you find that you are a little wiser.
You gain 1,179,315 EXP!
You gain 381 Credits
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post Oct 17 2013, 02:46
Post #880

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QUOTE(Nessumsar @ Oct 11 2013, 16:56) *

Lement, i do understand how to use a script. I just don't understand How to make one ( The whole programming bit )

You need to learn javascript, especially some CSS filter and event listener to do what you said in the prev. post
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