QUOTE(k-kirei @ Aug 22 2013, 21:50)
HV Better MeleeVersion 1.0.2
For those who are tired of moving / stretching their arm pressing 1-0 and prefer to just their move mouse a little instead.
How to use:1. Point mouse into a mob.
2. Hold down 'A' button on your keyboard.
3. ????
4. Mob dies. Point mouse to next mob.
Two handed operation is easier than one (IMG:[
More features:- Change monster listing from A-J to 1-10, for those who are more comfortable using 1-0
- NEW! Script now works if you happened to battle in non-http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Battle* URL. (i.e. you closed browser and resumed battle in default/home
http://hentaiverse.org/ URL)
- NEW! Weapon skills join the party! Z X C for skill 1 2 3 respectively. (Requires hvstat skill buttons to be enabled, at least for now... Also, not tested for weapon skills other than DW skills, but they should work properly. Lolz.)
- NEW! Augments hvstat skill buttons :hover CSS with yellow background now, so you don't misclick another skill. (hvstat, y u no give hover background?!?)
HVBetterMelee.user.js.zip ( 921bytes )
Number of downloads: 1026 Is it possible to use it like older version? Without A being pressed. I might need to use that A for something else. Also, maybe it is because I use older version, but it overruns even when a message pops up and attack once more.
So, when enemy deals super dmg and I have only 1 hp left from spark of life, I still die from predetermined action.
Attack! Even if it means my death!
-Famous last words-
Does this version have the bug fixed?
I was happy to see HV STAT option of "Adjust key event handling not to overrun when an alert is shown", but was disappointed this does not apply to mousemelee. (IMG:[
Just that bug fixed, I want nothing moar!
except a full macro that farms 300 lv arena in IWBH mode without using potion for me when I am not at home. (IMG:[
This post has been edited by walkleft: Sep 6 2013, 22:50