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> HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd)

post Mar 8 2023, 15:17
Post #5801

Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(gianfrix94 @ Apr 22 2017, 05:26) *

Hi guys, i made a new script since a friend asked me.
It's a custom filter for the shrine, that lets you decide what should be hidden from the list.
It adds a button under make offering called filter shrine that once clicked lets you tick/untick checkboxes to hide/show the items.
Here is it:
Attached File  ShrineFilter_0.2.1.user.js.txt ( 5.37k ) Number of downloads: 2342

0.1 - First Version
0.1.1 - BugFix
0.1.2 - Added mass select/deselect
0.1.3 - fixed Firefox undefined bug
0.2.1 - update for latest HV version

// ==UserScript==
// @name             Shrine Protector
// @version          0.2.2-b
// @author-orig      gianfrix94
// @author-editor    Eromancer
// @namespace        filterShrine
// @match            *://*.hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=ss*
// @match            *://*.hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=is*
// @match            *://*.hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=mm*
// @run-at           document-end
// ==/UserScript==

var myObject;

function populateFilterList() {
    var a = document.getElementsByClassName('itemlist');
    a = a[0].children[0].children;
    var shrine_list;
    shrine_list = "{\"Twilight Sparkle Figurine\":true,\"Rainbow Dash Figurine\":true,\"Applejack Figurine\":true,\"Fluttershy Figurine\":true,\"Pinkie Pie Figurine\":true,\"Rarity Figurine\":true,\"Trixie Figurine\":true,\"Princess Celestia Figurine\":true,\"Princess Luna Figurine\":true,\"Apple Bloom Figurine\":true,\"Scootaloo Figurine\":true,\"Sweetie Belle Figurine\":true,\"Big Macintosh Figurine\":true,\"Spitfire Figurine\":true,\"Derpy Hooves Figurine\":true,\"Zecora Figurine\":true,\"Daring Do Figurine\":true,\"Doctor Whooves Figurine\":true,\"Berry Punch Figurine\":true,\"Bon-Bon Figurine\":true,\"Fluffle Puff Figurine\":true,\"Lyra Heartstrings Figurine\":true,\"Octavia Figurine\":true,\"Cheerilee Figurine\":true,\"Vinyl Scratch Figurine\":true,\"Angel Bunny Figurine\":true,\"Gummy Figurine\":true}";
    myObject = {};
    myObject = JSON.parse(shrine_list);

    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
        var b = a[i];
        var elem = ((b.children[0].innerText) ? (b.children[0].innerText) : (b.children[0].textContent));
        if (!myObject.hasOwnProperty(elem))
            myObject[elem] = false;

    shrine_list = JSON.stringify(myObject);

function filterShrine() {
    var a = document.getElementsByClassName('itemlist');
    a = a[0].children[0].children;

    for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var b = a[i];
        var elem = ((b.children[0].innerText) ? (b.children[0].innerText) : (b.children[0].textContent));
        if (myObject.hasOwnProperty(elem))
            if (myObject[elem] === true)


directly removing all figurines
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post Mar 16 2023, 20:37
Post #5802

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[greasyfork.org] HenterVerse Clutter One Click Seller

Sell all clutter in The Markt with one single click. For now only support trophies, more to come in the future.

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post Nov 7 2023, 06:38
Post #5803
hc br

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HV論壇用裝備上色(漢化) (updata: 2023-11-20)
This plugin only takes effect in the forum, it will not work in HV

ENG Attached File  HV_forums_Hightlight_Equipment__2023__ENG.user.js.txt ( 21.86k ) Number of downloads: 946

繁中 Attached File  HV_forums_Hightlight_Equipment__2023__CHT.user.js.txt ( 62.36k ) Number of downloads: 605

簡中 Attached File  HV_forums_Hightlight_Equipment__2023__CHN.user.js.txt ( 62.36k ) Number of downloads: 488

Attached Image

This post has been edited by hc br: Nov 20 2023, 08:20
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post Nov 7 2023, 14:21
Post #5804

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QUOTE(mathl33t @ Jul 31 2022, 00:35) *

I made a forge optimizer spreadsheet (xlsx format) for mages. This tool helps you compare offensive and defensive value of your upgrades, as well as PAB distribution, by calculating contribution to arcane score and effective HP (a defense score) vs cost. Bug reports and feedback welcome.

Edit: Version 1.2 (mage only) thanks to feedback from Scremaz fixes an evade bug, combines forge and stat pages, and includes an all-in-one page. Also added an Isekai toggle. I couldn't figure out how to get it to show recommended forging level, but the ballpark estimate is if worth >>> cost, upgrade lots, and if worth is only slightly bigger than cost, upgrade little.

Edit: Version 1.3 is out with new pages for 1h mage and melee styles! Help me bug test with the new Isekai season. V1.4 now assumes 1H will use force shields and DMMs (and 1H mage does not). If you're playing 1H with a different kind of shield, set DMM cost to zero in the prices tab. Also fixes a bug with butcher and offhand weapons.


been playing with 1.4 a bit to decide on what to improve, with good results since I was clearly ignoring some cheap but valuable upgrades. Reeally useful tool, even if the setup requires some work

I have a few questions/ideas, feel free to fully ignore, I just got very invested with your excel work (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

what does the value in the intersection between phazons and worth mean (mage page)? since it is different for every piece, I'm not sure what to make of it.
how do I exactly tell when do damage phase upgrades become less worth it than DD? When there are no green values left for relevant numbers? (provided that I've set my atk value to DD cost/%dmg value)
on a different note, the chart includes yellow input cells for mdb and critdmg which I assume are for people with sets that have those values/can forge them. I understand having them blank is the correct way of dealing with them for people with charged sets, for example.

I played a bit with the chart to help myself read the data, in case you'd ever post a future version I'll post them here so that you can see what might help newbie hv players like me

Since the chart is a bit full of different numbers that make the conclusions hard to read, a row could be included to display the quotient of worth/cost.
in my case to not mess with your numbers I did it like this in a separate area, Just a division+simple cond. format

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/eO4sTME.png)

and in any case the worth row can benefit from displaying no decimals, so that the comparison between the cost and worth are notably easier

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/qb8bBYO.png)

note again that I really don't mean to correct your work, that I found so useful and helpful. I'm very thankful for your help (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Ironic that in this site full of porn, what turns me on is a spreadsheet posted in some corner of the forum :3

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post Nov 8 2023, 00:46
Post #5805

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QUOTE(Byza @ Nov 7 2023, 07:21) *

been playing with 1.4 a bit to decide on what to improve, with good results since I was clearly ignoring some cheap but valuable upgrades. Reeally useful tool, even if the setup requires some work

I have a few questions/ideas, feel free to fully ignore, I just got very invested with your excel work (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

what does the value in the intersection between phazons and worth mean (mage page)? since it is different for every piece, I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm glad you're finding it useful. The phazon worth is meant to tell you whether to buy another phazon. If it's positive, get another phazon and upgrade the green things. Also when I get a new phazon, I'll use it on whichever equipment's phazon worth is highest.

how do I exactly tell when do damage phase upgrades become less worth it than DD? When there are no green values left for relevant numbers? (provided that I've set my atk value to DD cost/%dmg value)
on a different note, the chart includes yellow input cells for mdb and critdmg which I assume are for people with sets that have those values/can forge them. I understand having them blank is the correct way of dealing with them for people with charged sets, for example.

Yes and yes. You're correct.

I played a bit with the chart to help myself read the data, in case you'd ever post a future version I'll post them here so that you can see what might help newbie hv players like me

Since the chart is a bit full of different numbers that make the conclusions hard to read, a row could be included to display the quotient of worth/cost.
in my case to not mess with your numbers I did it like this in a separate area, Just a division+simple cond. format

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/eO4sTME.png)

That does look like a better way of showing what to upgrade first. I like it.

and in any case the worth row can benefit from displaying no decimals, so that the comparison between the cost and worth are notably easier

(IMG:[i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/qb8bBYO.png)

note again that I really don't mean to correct your work, that I found so useful and helpful. I'm very thankful for your help (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

Ironic that in this site full of porn, what turns me on is a spreadsheet posted in some corner of the forum :3

Thanks for the kind comments and I'm glad it's helpful for you!
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post Nov 9 2023, 23:49
Post #5806

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I had to replace my computer recently, and redo all my scripts. Everything is back now, with one exception. I can not find which script showed me the number of materials used in the ugrades of an equipment on the bottom of the equipment page.

I expected it to be HVtoolBox, because it calculated a value for all the materials used in the past upgrades for equipment, or Live Percentile Ranges, because it is the only script I remember modifying an equipment page. But if it is an option in either, I can not find it in the code.

Does this sound familar to anyone?
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post Nov 10 2023, 01:07
Post #5807

Roll for Initiative
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Sounds like hvutils
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post Nov 10 2023, 05:36
Post #5808

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QUOTE(Shank @ Nov 9 2023, 17:07) *

Sounds like hvutils

I installed hvutils, and searched the configuration settings, but could find nothing that gave equipment pages a list of materials used in previous upgrades and their value.

I have made a mockup image that shows very roughly what I saw in the past when I looked at an individual equipment page:
Attached Image

If this is a function of HVUtils, I would be greatful for guidance on how to enable it.
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post Nov 10 2023, 05:50
Post #5809

MagNet Magnate
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QUOTE(sogeth @ Nov 10 2023, 03:36) *

I installed hvutils, and searched the configuration settings, but could find nothing that gave equipment pages a list of materials used in previous upgrades and their value.

I have made a mockup image that shows very roughly what I saw in the past when I looked at an individual equipment page:
Attached Image

If this is a function of HVUtils, I would be greatful for guidance on how to enable it.

HV utils does that, but not on the equip pop-up. Go to Forge -> Upgrade, click an equip -> Show Upgrades -> Salvage Calculator -> click the equip name.

looks like this:
Attached Image
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post Nov 11 2023, 03:58
Post #5810

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QUOTE(sogeth @ Nov 10 2023, 11:36) *

I installed hvutils, and searched the configuration settings, but could find nothing that gave equipment pages a list of materials used in previous upgrades and their value.

I have made a mockup image that shows very roughly what I saw in the past when I looked at an individual equipment page:
Attached Image

If this is a function of HVUtils, I would be greatful for guidance on how to enable it.

looks like you're finding the PriceForgedEquipment. I had searched that for some days too, but now yet the HVUT works good on that, if you don't need check that value too often
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post May 12 2024, 21:14
Post #5811

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QUOTE(hc br @ Nov 7 2023, 00:38) *

HV論壇用裝備上色(漢化) (updata: 2023-11-20)
This plugin only takes effect in the forum, it will not work in HV

ENG Attached File  HV_forums_Hightlight_Equipment__2023__ENG.user.js.txt ( 21.86k ) Number of downloads: 946

繁中 Attached File  HV_forums_Hightlight_Equipment__2023__CHT.user.js.txt ( 62.36k ) Number of downloads: 605

簡中 Attached File  HV_forums_Hightlight_Equipment__2023__CHN.user.js.txt ( 62.36k ) Number of downloads: 488

I added some small modifications to the ENG ver.
Found a major bug -> Probably solved

I changed more than 10 lines of code this time.
So, I won't put many details here.
Here is the script and summary and
In case you want the original color style,you can change on your own
Or, copy all function eq1 - eq5 from the original version and replace mine
Attached File  HV_forums_Hightlight_Equipment__2023__ENG.user.js.txt ( 24.1k ) Number of downloads: 14

Error reason:
The original script will replace all its matches with well-formatted HTML (only the equipment name).
But I previously changed the match regex. So, it might replace the whole line/post with 1 well-formatted equipment name, resulting in missing of content.

This time, I changed the replace method. Most changes are inside "function eqmthh(eminn)"
Only replace quality to well-formatted quality, prefix to well-formatted prefix and so on.
I thought this would be significantly terrible for the performance but it runs smoothly as butter.

Since JS is not my language, and I only test it on Abby/Noni's auction, feel free to point out any problem.
One more modification: I made it work for reasoning website, too
I know it's well-sorted and organized. But my eyes hurt by reading so many plain texts.
Sometimes it makes notify and bid button not working. FIXED!!!! A long time ago. But I forgot to edit this post
This is very customized code. So, add it on your own. Or use my txt if you don't mind
Attached File  HV_forums_Hightlight_Equipment__2023__ENG.user.js.txt ( 26.51k ) Number of downloads: 6


// @match     *://reasoningtheory.net/itemlist*

Add to first a few lines.

After code

lklist = lklist.concat('Forge')

add this

lklist = lklist.concat('net/itemlist') //Reasoning13

After case 12, add case 13 code in this part

        case 12: //鍛造
        var torep = new Array();
        var repby = new Array();
        if(equipdiv= document.getElementById("upgrade_button"))equipdiv.style.cssText ="position:relative; top:20px; ";
        document.querySelector("#item_pane").innerHTML = equipdiv;
    case 13: //reasoningtheory
        var torep = new Array();
        var repby = new Array();
    // equipdiv=document.getElementsByTagName('tr');
    equipdiv.forEach(row => {
        const newHTML = eqmthh(row);

        // Parse the HTML to extract just the <a> tag contents
        const parser = new DOMParser();
        const doc = parser.parseFromString(newHTML, 'text/html');
        const updatedLink = doc.querySelector('a');

        const originalLink = row.querySelector('a');

        if (originalLink && updatedLink) {
            originalLink.innerHTML = '';

            updatedLink.childNodes.forEach(child => {

This post has been edited by l13763824039: Nov 9 2024, 03:16
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