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> HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd)

post Sep 24 2017, 23:23
Post #5181

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small thing: feed pills to all monsters regardless of morale [attachmentid=109084]
this is already done by other scripts, but the boner is that i added an option to feed pills only to monsters that have reached a set minimum level, so you can feed and upgrade your monsters with maximum laziness
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post Sep 25 2017, 06:09
Post #5182

The Sleeper
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@morineko: Ah, that's why it is so hard to save some pages with Smart Search.

Anyway, not really working, the problem is still present, only somtime it save and sometime not.
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post Sep 25 2017, 16:19
Post #5183

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Resetted my Google Chrome by accident (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)

Anyone has the Random Encounter Notification?

Edit, found hc br's code.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            Countdown Timer for the Random Encounter Event on E-Hentai
// @description     Adds a countdown timer for the Random Encounter event on E-Hentai.org and its subdomains.
// @grant           none
// @include         https://e-hentai.org/*
// @include         https://*.e-hentai.org/*
// ==/UserScript==

var wnd = window;
var doc = wnd.document;
var loc = location;
var href = loc.href;

if(!doc.querySelector('*[name="ipb_login_submit"]') && /(\.e-hentai\.org\/)|(^e-hentai.org\/)/.test(loc.hostname+'/') && !/\/palette\.html?\b/.test(href) && !doc.getElementById('countdown_timer')) {
    var set_cookie = function(k, v, t) {
        var expires = '; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT';
        if(t) {
            var d = new Date();
            d.setTime(d.getTime() + (t * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
            expires = '; expires=' + d.toGMTString();
        doc.cookie = k + '=' + escape(v) + expires + '; domain=.' + /[^\.]+\.[^\.]+$/.exec(loc.hostname)[0] + '; path=/';
        //doc.cookie = k + '=' + escape(v) + expires + '; path=/';
    var get_cookie = function(k) {
        var n = k + '=';
        var ca = doc.cookie.split(';');
        for(var i=0; i<ca.length; i++) {
            var c = ca[i];
            while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') { c = c.substring(1); }
            if (c.indexOf(n) == 0) { return unescape(c.substring(n.length, c.length)); }
        return undefined;

    if(!get_cookie('event')) { console.log('The "event" cookie does not exist or is invalid.'); throw 'exit'; }
    if(!get_cookie('re_cnt')) { set_cookie('re_cnt', 0); }
    if(!get_cookie('re_lst')) { set_cookie('re_lst', '[]'); }

    var timer_box = doc.createElement('DIV');
    timer_box.id = 'countdown_timer';
    timer_box.onclick = function() { if(/\bReady\b/i.test(this.textContent)) { wnd.open('https://e-hentai.org/news.php', href=='https://e-hentai.org/news.php'?'_self':'_blank'); } };

    var toggle_re_lst = function() {
        var re_lst_box = doc.getElementById('re_lst_box');
        if(re_lst_box) { re_lst_box.parentNode.removeChild(re_lst_box); return; }
        re_lst_box = doc.createElement('DIV');
        re_lst_box.id = 're_lst_box';
        re_lst_box.style.cssText = 'top:30px; right:0px; position:fixed; z-index:2147483647; background:rgba(0,255,0,1); color:#ff0000;';
        setTimeout(function() { re_lst_box.style.cssText = 'top:30px; right:0px; position:fixed; z-index:2147483647; background:rgba(0,255,0,0.2); color:#ff0000;'; }, 3000);
        re_lst_box.innerHTML = '[ List of Today ]<BR>';
        re_lst_box.onmouseover = function () { this.style.cssText = 'top:30px; right:0px; position:fixed; z-index:2147483647; background:rgba(0,255,0,1); color:#ff0000;'; };
        re_lst_box.onmouseout = function () { this.style.cssText = 'top:30px; right:0px; position:fixed; z-index:2147483647; background:rgba(0,255,0,0.2); color:#ff0000;'; };
        var decode_hv_b64 = function(i, e) {
            var a = doc.createElement('A');
            a.href = 'https://hentaiverse.org/?s=Battle&ss=ba&encounter=' + e;
            a.target = '_blank';
            a.textContent = (i+1) + '. ';
            a.style.cssText = 'color:#ff0000';
            var d = atob(e);
            var m = /([^-]+?)-([^-]+?)-([^-]+)/.exec(d);
            if(m == null) { return a; }
            var uid = m[1];
            var epoch = m[2];
            var hash = m[3];
            var da = new Date();
            da = da.toLocaleTimeString();
            a.textContent += da;
            return a;
        var re_lst = JSON.parse(get_cookie('re_lst'));
        if(re_lst) {
            for(var i=0, len=re_lst.length; i<len; i++) {
                var a = decode_hv_b64(i, re_lst[i]);
                if(i != 0) { re_lst_box.appendChild(doc.createElement('BR')); }
    addEventListener('keydown', function(evt) { if((evt.target.tagName!='INPUT') && (evt.target.tagName!='TEXTAREA') && (evt.keyCode == 76)) { toggle_re_lst(); } }, false);
    if(href == 'https://e-hentai.org/news.php') { toggle_re_lst(); }

    var newshead = doc.getElementById('newshead')
    if(newshead && /\/e-hentai\./.test(href)) {
        timer_box.style.color = '#ff0000'
    } else {
        timer_box.style.cssText = 'line-height:30px; top:0px; right:0px;font-size:16px; position:fixed; z-index:2147483647; background:rgba(0,255,0,0.2); color:#ff0000;'

    var update_timer = function() {
        if(href == 'https://e-hentai.org/news.php') {
            var da = new Date();
            if((da.getUTCHours()==0) && (da.getUTCMinutes()==0) && (da.getUTCSeconds()<=10)) {
                if(!/^Your IP.*banned/i.test(doc.body.textContent)) {
                    setTimeout(function() {loc.reload();}, 10000);
        var now = Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/1000);
        var diff = parseInt(get_cookie('event')) + 1815 - now;
        if(isNaN(diff)) { setTimeout(function() {loc.reload();}, 60000); return; };
        if(diff <= 0) {
            timer_box.textContent = 'Ready! re_cnt=' + get_cookie('re_cnt');
            if(href == 'https://e-hentai.org/news.php') {
                if(/^Your IP.*banned/i.test(doc.body.textContent)) {}
                else if(/The site is currently in Read Only\/Failover Mode/i.test(doc.documentElement.innerHTML)) { setTimeout(function() {loc.reload();}, 60000); }
                else { loc.reload(); }
        } else {
            var mm = Math.floor(diff / 60) + '';
            mm = (mm.length >= 2 ? mm : '0' + mm);
            var ss = Math.floor(diff % 60) + '';
            ss = (ss.length >= 2 ? ss : '0' + ss);
            timer_box.textContent = mm + ':' + ss + ', re_cnt=' + get_cookie('re_cnt');
            if( (mm == '00') || ((mm == '01') && (ss == '00')) ) {
                try {
                    if(doc.getElementById('eventpane').getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].textContent != 'HentaiVerse') {
                        if(!doc.getElementById('re_snd')) {
                            var audio = new Audio('http://www.freesound.org/data/previews/234/234524_4019029-lq.mp3');
                            audio.id = 're_snd';
                            audio.volume = 1;
                            audio.loop = true;
                        if(/40|20|10/.test(ss)) { alert('Random Encounter'); }
                    else {
                        if(doc.getElementById('re_snd')) {
                } catch(e) {}
        setTimeout(update_timer, 1000);

    var eventpane = doc.getElementById('eventpane');
    if(eventpane != null) {
        var re_evt = eventpane.querySelector('a[onclick*="https://hentaiverse.org/"]');
        //var re_evt = eventpane.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
        if(re_evt) {
            var hv_lnk = '';
            if((/^https:\/\//.test(re_evt.href)) && (!/#/.test(re_evt.href))) { hv_lnk = re_evt.href; }
            else {
                hv_lnk = /.*window\.open\(['"]?([^'"]+)['"]?/.exec(re_evt.onclick.toString().split('\n').join(''));
                if(hv_lnk) { hv_lnk = hv_lnk[1]; }
            if(hv_lnk) {
                hv_b64 = hv_lnk.replace(/.+?&encounter=([^&]*).*/, '$1'); // the base64 encoded part
                var re_lst = JSON.parse(get_cookie('re_lst'));
                if((!re_lst) || (re_lst.length == 0)) { re_lst = []; }
                if(re_lst.indexOf(hv_b64) == -1) { re_lst.push(hv_b64); }
                re_lst = JSON.stringify(re_lst, null, ' ');
                set_cookie('re_lst', re_lst);
                if(doc.getElementById('re_lst_box')) { toggle_re_lst(); toggle_re_lst(); }
            else {
                console.log('Error: There is a random encounter event but the HentaiVerse link cannot be found.');
                throw 'exit';
            re_evt.addEventListener('click', function() {
                if(re_evt.text != 'HentaiVerse') {
                    set_cookie('re_cnt', parseInt(get_cookie('re_cnt'))+1);
                    re_evt.text = 'HentaiVerse';
                    if(doc.getElementById('re_lst_box')) { toggle_re_lst(); toggle_re_lst(); }
                eventpane.style.display = 'block';
            }, false);
        else if(/\bdawn\b/i.test(eventpane.textContent)) {
            set_cookie('re_cnt', 0);
            set_cookie('re_lst', '[]');
            if(doc.getElementById('re_lst_box')) { toggle_re_lst(); toggle_re_lst(); }

This post has been edited by Aardwark: Sep 25 2017, 16:25
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post Sep 25 2017, 16:30
Post #5184

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Any way to mass salvage?
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post Sep 25 2017, 16:37
Post #5185

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Anyone has the Random Encounter Notification?

If you want to see timer for next RE in the HentaiVerse game itself - then you can use HVtoolBox script
Attached Image Attached Image
Any way to mass salvage?

Again, HVtoolBox to the rescue
Attached Image Attached Image

Link in my signature =)

Instruction in the first posts are little outdated - I will update them today/tomorrow - when will have enough time.
If you need any help - ask in HVtoolBox thread - I will help with what I can
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post Sep 25 2017, 16:41
Post #5186

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Also, s there any list of IDs for Quickbar Extend in Monsterbate?
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post Sep 25 2017, 17:11
Post #5187

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Also, s there any list of IDs for Quickbar Extend in Monsterbate?

IDs for spells? They try those
211: Drain           - 221: Slow          - 231: Blind
212: Weaken          - 222: Sleep         - 232: Silence
213: Imperil         - 223: Confuse       - 233: MagNet

411: Protection      - 421: Absorb        - 431: Heartseeker
412: Haste           - 422: SparkofLife   - 432: ArcaneFocus
413: ShadowVeil      - 423: SpiritShield  -

311: Cure
312: Regen
313: Full-Cure

:Fire:                 :Ice:                :Elec:
111: Fiery Blast     - 121: Freeze        - 131: Shockblast
112: Inferno         - 122: Blizzard      - 132: Chained Lightning
113: Flames of Loki  - 123: Fimbulvetr    - 133: Wrath of Thor

:Wind:                 :Holy:               :Dark:
141: Gale            - 151: Smite         - 161: Corruption
142: Downburst       - 152: Banishment    - 162: Disintegrate
143: Storms of Njord - 153: Paradise Lost - 163: Ragnarok
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post Sep 25 2017, 17:36
Post #5188

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QUOTE(f4tal @ Sep 25 2017, 17:11) *

IDs for spells? They try those
211: Drain           - 221: Slow          - 231: Blind
212: Weaken          - 222: Sleep         - 232: Silence
213: Imperil         - 223: Confuse       - 233: MagNet

411: Protection      - 421: Absorb        - 431: Heartseeker
412: Haste           - 422: SparkofLife   - 432: ArcaneFocus
413: ShadowVeil      - 423: SpiritShield  -

311: Cure
312: Regen
313: Full-Cure

:Fire:                 :Ice:                :Elec:
111: Fiery Blast     - 121: Freeze        - 131: Shockblast
112: Inferno         - 122: Blizzard      - 132: Chained Lightning
113: Flames of Loki  - 123: Fimbulvetr    - 133: Wrath of Thor

:Wind:                 :Holy:               :Dark:
141: Gale            - 151: Smite         - 161: Corruption
142: Downburst       - 152: Banishment    - 162: Disintegrate
143: Storms of Njord - 153: Paradise Lost - 163: Ragnarok

Thanks but this doesn't work for Tampermonkey on Chrome for whatever reason. There doesn't seem to be any error in code either.

I am talking about HVToolBox.
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post Sep 25 2017, 17:44
Post #5189

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I am talking about HVToolBox.

Version of Chrome browser?
Are you using regular hentaiverse (https://hentaiverse.org) or alt hentaiverse (http://alt.hentaiverse.org/)?
What version of HVtoolBox? 1.0.3?
Are you using any other scripts? Can you disable them?
Are you using custom font? You should use it.
Did HVtoolBox's box appeared on the left side of the screen or nothing at all?
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post Sep 25 2017, 17:44
Post #5190

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QUOTE(Aardwark @ Sep 25 2017, 18:36) *

Thanks but this doesn't work for Tampermonkey on Chrome for whatever reason. There doesn't seem to be any error in code either.

did you put the IDs in quotes?
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post Sep 25 2017, 17:58
Post #5191

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QUOTE(f4tal @ Sep 25 2017, 17:44) *

Version of Chrome browser?
Are you using regular hentaiverse (https://hentaiverse.org) or alt hentaiverse (http://alt.hentaiverse.org/)?
What version of HVtoolBox? 1.0.3?
Are you using any other scripts? Can you disable them?
Are you using custom font? You should use it.
Did HVtoolBox's box appeared on the left side of the screen or nothing at all?

Chrome latest version, hentaiverse normal, 1.0.3.
Scripts: Monsterbate and Random Encounter, both working
HVToolbox doesn't appear at all.

Which settings should I use in custom font? There aren't any errors in code when I checked.
QUOTE(sickentide @ Sep 25 2017, 17:44) *

did you put the IDs in quotes?

Fatal put the IDs in Code, I quoted them.
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post Sep 25 2017, 18:07
Post #5192

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QUOTE(Aardwark @ Sep 25 2017, 18:58) *

Fatal put the IDs in Code, I quoted them.

sorry, i thought you were having trouble with the quickbar extender, so i meant to ask if you put something like this in your settings:

rather than this, which doesn't work:

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post Sep 25 2017, 18:13
Post #5193

I'm responsible for what I say. Not for what YOU understand.
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2 questions about the monsterbation script.

One: If i open the skillbook during a fight, at the spells page i can't scroll all the way down.

Attached Image

Game bugs sometimes with IA and the skillbook can be needed.

line 109 / stopOnBuffsExpiring = false, // buff expiring in 1 turn or less

Is there any way to make this "buff expiring in 0 turns". In short not when there is still 1 turn left to the buff but when it reaches 0.
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post Sep 25 2017, 18:21
Post #5194

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Chrome latest version, hentaiverse normal, 1.0.3.
Scripts: Monsterbate and Random Encounter, both working
HVToolbox doesn't appear at all.

Are you sure you have activated HVtoolBox in TamperMonkey settings?
Attached Image
Could you disable other scripts and give a try?

Also, press combination ctrl+shift+I and follow this picture:
Attached Image
...do you have "HVtoolBox" here?

Which settings should I use in custom font? There aren't any errors in code when I checked.

Any settings would go - try arial, 10, normal, normal, -2 for example.
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post Sep 25 2017, 18:28
Post #5195

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QUOTE(Epion @ Sep 25 2017, 19:13) *

If i open the skillbook during a fight, at the spells page i can't scroll all the way down.

replace line 374:
'.minfo tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(3) { color: lightcyan; }' +

with this:
'.minfo tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(3) { color: lightcyan; } #table_magic .fc2 { font-size: 7pt; }' +

QUOTE(Epion @ Sep 25 2017, 19:13) *

Is there any way to make this "buff expiring in 0 turns". In short not when there is still 1 turn left to the buff but when it reaches 0.

change line 520:
if ( duration[3] < 2 && alertBuffs.test(effects[n].src) )

to this:
if ( duration[3] < 1 && alertBuffs.test(effects[n].src) )
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post Sep 25 2017, 18:44
Post #5196

I'm responsible for what I say. Not for what YOU understand.
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Thank you.
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post Sep 26 2017, 11:03
Post #5197

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QUOTE(f4tal @ Sep 25 2017, 18:21) *

Are you sure you have activated HVtoolBox in TamperMonkey settings?
Attached Image
Could you disable other scripts and give a try?

Also, press combination ctrl+shift+I and follow this picture:
Attached Image
...do you have "HVtoolBox" here?
Any settings would go - try arial, 10, normal, normal, -2 for example.

My Inspection in Chrome is different for some reason, but I found this:

Syntax error @ "HVtoolBox 1.0.3"! VM173:62
JSHINT output:
script: (W087) Forgotten 'debugger' statement on line: 352 at character: 9
script: (W041) Use '===' to compare with '' on line: 353 at character: 73
script: (W061) eval can be harmful on line: 1625 at character: 34
script: (W030) Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression on line: 2852 at character: 1
script: (E058) Missing semicolon on line: 2852 at character: 3
script: (E041) Unrecoverable syntax error. (100% scanned) on line: 2852 at character: 1

SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
    at eval (<anonymous>)
    at <anonymous>:2:479
    at Object.c [as F_c] (<anonymous>:2:324)
    at Object.E_u (<anonymous>:3:143)
    at q (eval at exec_fn (:2:27), <anonymous>:63:97)
    at ha (eval at exec_fn (:2:27), <anonymous>:61:367)
    at Object.create (eval at exec_fn (:2:27), <anonymous>:70:259)
    at f (eval at exec_fn (:2:27), <anonymous>:15:237)
(anonymous) @ VM173:62
VM173:62 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token :
    at eval (<anonymous>)
    at <anonymous>:2:479
    at Object.c [as F_c] (<anonymous>:2:324)
    at Object.E_u (<anonymous>:3:143)
    at q (eval at exec_fn (:2:27), <anonymous>:63:97)
    at ha (eval at exec_fn (:2:27), <anonymous>:61:367)
    at Object.create (eval at exec_fn (:2:27), <anonymous>:70:259)
    at f (eval at exec_fn (:2:27), <anonymous>:15:237)

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post Sep 26 2017, 11:36
Post #5198

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script: (E058) Missing semicolon on line: 2852 at character: 3
script: (E041) Unrecoverable syntax error. (100% scanned) on line: 2852 at character: 1


Could you try this version?
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post Sep 26 2017, 11:56
Post #5199

A certain pervert. OT expert. Just dancing around in the game.
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syntax? Aardwark, just to be sure... you didn't mess with the code, right?

and how did you import the script?
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post Sep 26 2017, 12:12
Post #5200

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I have an idea that Aardwark uses some sort of extension for browser like proxy and may accidentally copy its information in the code.
For example, I am using friGate proxy for Chrome. If I would open the proxy settings and will press ctrl+a at the page with script code - I will select everything on the screen AND some friGate text.
Attached Image

Then, if I would paste that data in TamperMoney - I will paste data from friGate extension also, right at the end.
Attached Image

That sounds suspiciously like this... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

This post has been edited by f4tal: Sep 26 2017, 12:15
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