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> HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd)

post Jan 10 2013, 18:17
Post #501

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QUOTE(4EverLost @ Jan 10 2013, 03:17) *

why do you want to run that one?

because I want to see it if a mag+ gear drops

QUOTE(ggxxsol @ Jan 10 2013, 07:42) *

Try to change your game font at “Font Engine”.
If you use HentaiVerse Font Engine, the script may work exceptionally.
Because HentaiVerse Font like a picture, so Stamina isn`t detected, then an error generats.

I'm using custom fonts already.
The Script is working but there is an error so every time I start google chrome there is this annoying 'you are using th script for the first time' popup.

This post has been edited by Ichy: Jan 10 2013, 18:17
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post Jan 10 2013, 23:32
Post #502

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hvkeybinds-2.4.1.user.js and the one i've edited both seem to not be working now, any idea why?
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post Jan 12 2013, 19:47
Post #503

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Mkay. I think I'm done polishing it.
Attached File  hvupv2.zip ( 189.75k ) Number of downloads: 74

This script can:

1) Remember and save scan results
2) Save it in the text format so you could copy it and save
3) Load saved data
4) Merge saved data
5) Show you resists in the battle. And mitigations.
6) Assume monsters base stats
7) Tell you approx damage of spells
8) Recommend you a spell to use
9) Recolour the text log
10) Show you how much damage monsters did you in the last turn
11) Hide spell table, monsters attacks, resists and log colouring

What it can't do:

1) Give you exact stats of monsters. Also, it will screw up occasionally.
2) Give anything even remotely reliable on boss monsters.


1) I've not tested in on what happens when you evade/resist a spell. Or when monster misses. If you'll happen to see it, please tell me. And copy a piece of log around that, too.
2) Actually, report anything weird you'll see.
3) I know about negative stats and can't do anything with that until the scan starts showing chaos upgrades.
4) I'd be grateful if you'll scan a boss and throw me your bestiary
5) I've been making it for full-screen play.
6) When there are too much monsters and show resists is on, they may not fir in the screen. I dunno what to do with that >w>
7) The txt file are my own scan results >w>
8) Hover the mouse over the name of the type to see a resist that the script assumes.
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post Jan 13 2013, 16:24
Post #504

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QUOTE(eqwer @ Nov 16 2012, 05:30) *

very good, but when i change backpack(battle invetory), it also false alarm me "attack with staff?"

Sorry. I didn't notice your post until now. Should be fixed.
Also I started working on it again. You'll find the latest version in my sig.
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post Jan 13 2013, 17:05
Post #505

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QUOTE(Ichy @ Jan 10 2013, 18:17) *

because I want to see it if a mag+ gear drops
I'm using custom fonts already.
The Script is working but there is an error so every time I start google chrome there is this annoying 'you are using th script for the first time' popup.

That maybe your browser`s problem, Cookie or others. So I modified the script. Removed the alert and button.
It will help you to detect MAG+ gear, token and Artifact. If monster drops any of these, it will stop, and never go to next round automatically.
I hope it can help you. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Attached File  HV_Stamina_Caution_and_Items_Detection_Simple_.user.zip ( 1.06k ) Number of downloads: 59
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post Jan 13 2013, 20:50
Post #506

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can i know how to edit multiple quickbar for firefox?
not qb2...

i can't find the haste an shadow veil icon...
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post Jan 19 2013, 10:28
Post #507

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Efficiency of Battle V1

The Script can record Credits and Exp from bettle, and calculate how much C and Exp you gain per min. It can help you to konw how many Credits you earn every day and which is best way to gain Exp.
After you install, something like the picture appears below the game when you are in The Arena or GrindFest.

Attached Image
Credits and Exp: Credits and Exp you gained. Click it to reset zhe velue to 0.
Time: Interval between you starting zhe battle and now.
"Ratio(/min):420C|405kExp" : I earn 420 Credits and 405k exp per min.

Attached File  Efficiency_of_Battle.user.zip ( 1000bytes ) Number of downloads: 62

Any questioin, pm please. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Jan 19 2013, 10:28
Post #508

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double post

This post has been edited by ggxxsol: Jan 19 2013, 11:43
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post Jan 20 2013, 17:51
Post #509

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The Equipment Base Stat Display seems to be broken after patch 0.7.3 for me. Anyone has a working one ?
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post Jan 20 2013, 19:49
Post #510

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[userscripts.org] Hentaiverse Equipment Comparison
Is also broken!
I have pm:ed its creator who are hopefully still around.
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post Jan 21 2013, 00:00
Post #511
Jack Nicholson

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Magic Scores script is broken too T.T
It only works for the mainhand and offhand weapon, but not for the armor

This post has been edited by Jack Nicholson: Jan 21 2013, 00:24
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post Jan 21 2013, 01:05
Post #512

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Well, I was making a script that required the base stats, so ATM I am modifying it to also show them. There's a high chance of me not doing anything useful though -w-
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post Jan 21 2013, 01:43
Post #513

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There, I did it. Don't get freaked out by the name and report weirdness. It will add another table with stats scaled to level 0. You'll need to visit char page first. I wanted to put it next to the first table but couldn't BECAUSE MY CSS KNOWLEDGE SUCKS. It will not scale proc duration because it gets weird numbers that make no sense. Ideas and suggestions on improvement welcome.

Edit: oh, damn, mitigations are not scaled too -w-;
Attached File  hvneuralnet.user.zip ( 2.79k ) Number of downloads: 65

This post has been edited by Kelenius: Jan 21 2013, 02:11
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post Jan 22 2013, 03:21
Post #514

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Hentaiverse Equipment Comparison

Note: not working as of HV 0.7.3, and I'm not really interested in updating in anymore. So... too bad? Feel free to fork and fix it if you so feel inclined.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.

(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
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post Jan 22 2013, 03:27
Post #515
The Evil Phoenix

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QUOTE(TheGreyPanther @ Jan 20 2013, 12:49) *

[userscripts.org] Hentaiverse Equipment Comparison
Is also broken!
I have pm:ed its creator who are hopefully still around.

QUOTE(puinyu @ Jan 21 2013, 20:21) *

*yells while causing fires to erupt all around him* STOP CRYING, OR FACE MY WRATH! Because...

ChosenUno sent me a copy of a tweaked HV equipment comparison script. See if it works.

I'm running it off my server at [luna.lordoftime.info] http://luna.lordoftime.info/hv_equip_compare.user.js. And yes, the server's name is luna (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)

Report breakage to ChosenUno. AFAICT its working.

This post has been edited by The Evil Phoenix: Jan 22 2013, 03:50
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post Jan 22 2013, 05:31
Post #516

ARIA Star Club
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thanks, I'll try it (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
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post Jan 22 2013, 05:41
Post #517

Clover Sprite
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New version of Health alert.
Fixed the Overrun problem by stealing some code from HVStat (quadrupling the number of lines of code).
Attached File  HV_HealthAlert.2.0.user.js.zip ( 659bytes ) Number of downloads: 140
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post Jan 22 2013, 10:06
Post #518

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Thanks to the "The Evil Phoenix" post the "hv_equip_compare.user.js"

After I compare this with the old version , I find the key to fix the other script "magicscores2".

Now I have these two script working as usual.

Here is the new one.

Attached File  magicscores2_Edited.user.zip ( 4.24k ) Number of downloads: 626

complain: I use the script "magicscores2" ,
but I just find that when you set the variable "var useCritChance = true;",
it exaggerate the scores when you watch the staff which is not yours.

Because it calculate the new score as it crit.
but it compare the new score with the original score(which is calculated as not crit.)

This post has been edited by midori_: Jan 22 2013, 10:34
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post Jan 22 2013, 14:23
Post #519

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Wow, HVSTAT is truly amazing! Are there any other must have scripts for newcommers?

I'm still getting used to the whole gamut of options and configurations in HVstat, though.
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post Jan 22 2013, 14:25
Post #520

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QUOTE(ShizukaSM @ Jan 22 2013, 19:23) *

Wow, HVSTAT is truly amazing! Are there any other must have scripts for newcommers?

I'm still getting used to the whole gamut of options and configurations in HVstat, though.

Don't use HVSTAT, it's a resource hog. HV Additions is better, unless you need the statistic collection.

You should get HV equipment comparison as well.
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