HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd) |
Jun 30 2017, 09:03
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(sickentide @ Jun 30 2017, 01:10) snip
Small request: is it possible to disable the Key_I = Cast('Imperi') at the same conditions that the hover stops? This prevents sudden death during the imperil-stage of the round. Happens a lot in 2nd half of PFUDOR-Fest.
Jun 30 2017, 09:10
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(DJNoni @ Jun 30 2017, 09:03) Small request:
is it possible to disable the Key_I = Cast('Imperi') at the same conditions that the hover stops? This prevents sudden death during the imperil-stage of the round. Happens a lot in 2nd half of PFUDOR-Fest.
it's possible in theory, but i think when you are manually casting a spell you should know what you are doing. stopping hover is already on the limit of what's legal This post has been edited by sickentide: Jun 30 2017, 09:11
Jun 30 2017, 09:13
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(sickentide @ Jun 30 2017, 07:10) it's possible in theory, but i think when you are manually casting a spell you should know what you are doing
When you are playing for 30 minutes a repetitive action, at the end, you just go imperil, imperil, imperil, kill. imperil, imperil, imperil, kill. The moment of the imperils is not really looked after too much at the start of the round. This is actually the most commonly registered moment when mages die in this game. --- Edit: missed the second part. I don't think it's a problem, since it was aplied since forever in the past in the craclingcast (or what it's name was) without problems. This post has been edited by Epion: Jun 30 2017, 10:12
Jun 30 2017, 09:29
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(sickentide @ Jun 30 2017, 09:10) it's possible in theory, but i think when you are manually casting a spell you should know what you are doing. stopping hover is already on the limit of what's legal
It's can't be more illegal than hoverplay. And hoverplay is allowed. Because all you do is stop a keybind for an offensive action, just like hoverplay. It's exaclty the same! It could be bad if you then change the I into 'cure' instead of 'imperil' automatically. But that's not what we need, and should NOT be done. Just stopping the keybinds for all offensive actions.
Jun 30 2017, 10:59
Usagi =
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CODE java script: ((function() { if (document.getElementById("persona_form") === null) { console.log("Go to HV Character Page!"); return; }
var base = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + "/"; var URL = base + "?s=Character&ss=in&filter="; var queryValue = ["1handed", "2handed", "staff", "shield", "acloth", "alight", "aheavy"];
var skipped = 0; var queued = 0; var bazaared = 0; var salvaged = 0;
var working = 7;
var storetoken;
var gx = new XMLHttpRequest();
gx.open("GET", base + "?s=Bazaar&ss=es", true); gx.onreadystatechange = (function() { if (gx.readyState == 4) { if (gx.status == 200) { var doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(gx.responseText, "text/html"); storetoken = doc.getElementsByName("storetoken")[0].value; console.log("Store Token retrieved!"); pager(0); } else { alert("Error Retrieving Bazaar Page!"); } } }); gx.send();
function pager(i) { var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
x.open("GET", URL + queryValue[i], true); x.onreadystatechange = (function() { if (x.readyState == 4) { if (x.status == 200) { process(x.responseText); working--; done(0);
if (i + 1 < queryValue.length) { pager(i + 1); } } else { alert("Error Retrieving Equipment Page!"); } } }); x.send(); }
function process(html) { var doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(html, "text/html");
var locks = doc.querySelectorAll(".eqp .il, .eqp .iu"); var names = doc.querySelectorAll(".eqp div:not(.il):not(.iu)");
var trash = /Crude|Fair|Average|Superior|Exquisite/;
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { var name = names[i].textContent; var id = parseInt(names[i].id.substring(1));
if (name.match(trash) !== null && locks[i].className == "iu" && names[i].outerHTML.includes("onclick=")) { if (name.match(/Phase|Cotton/)) { console.log("Salvage - " + name); baavage(id, "acloth"); continue; }
if (name.match(/Staff/)) { console.log("Salvage - " + name); baavage(id, "staff"); continue; }
console.log("Bazaar - " + name); baavage(id); continue; }
skipped++; } }
function baavage(id, category) { queued++;
var x = new XMLHttpRequest(); x.onload = function() { done(1); };
if (category === undefined) { bazaared++; x.open("POST", base + "?s=Bazaar&ss=es", true); x.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); x.send("storetoken=" + storetoken + "&select_group=item_pane&select_eids=" + id); } else { salvaged++; x.open("POST", base + "?s=Forge&ss=sa&filter=" + category, true); x.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); x.send("select_item=" + id); } }
function done(i) { queued -= i;
if (working == 0) { if (queued == 0) { alert("Done!\nSkipped: " + skipped + "\nSalvaged: " + salvaged + "\nBazaared: " + bazaared); } else { console.log(queued + " pending response from server."); } } } })())
This is a bookmarklet that automatically salvage or bazaar all equipment of Exquisite quality and below that are not locked or used by other persona. It will salvage cloth and staff while bazaaring the rest. Obviously this is meant as a 1-click solution for mages. Remember that the forum separates the word Javascript, so you need to remove the whitespace between them on the first line before installation. To use, go to your character page and then click on the bookmark. After its done, an alert box will popup showing you how many equip it skipped, bazaared and salvaged. Note that the number of skipped items should correspond to the slots used value on your equipment inventory page after execution. You can find additional information on what it is doing/did in the console. Also note that if you name your Peerless as "Average something" and do not lock it, it will treat it as trash. Potential Bloat: There is a new key needed when bazaaring equipment called the storetoken. I don't know if it's same for everyone, different for each user or if it ever changes. If its the first then it can be hardcoded but for now, I retrieve it from the bazaar page on each execution. I've only tested it on Chromium 55, so be careful when using it.
Jun 30 2017, 12:47
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(friggo @ Jun 30 2017, 12:39) I don't know if it's pushing it, but any chance for a more detailed read-out of loot, like it used to be? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/blush.gif) i don't know, maybe later. i don't see it as a priority since i just want the drop log to give an estimate of my income at a glance, so keeping it simple might be better
Jun 30 2017, 13:20
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(friggo @ Jun 30 2017, 12:39) Can confirm new features working on Chrome + Tampermonkey (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif) I don't know if it's pushing it, but any chance for a more detailed read-out of loot, like it used to be? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/blush.gif) Something like: i always found that report even *too* detailed. only my personal opinion though.
Jun 30 2017, 13:29
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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jun 30 2017, 14:20) i always found that report even *too* detailed. only my personal opinion though.
I totally understand. Ideally, there'd be a toggle between the "simplified" and "detailed" output, but I get that it's not exactly high in the priority list (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
Jun 30 2017, 13:38
Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 18-January 07
just tried the drop tracker on the first two arenas. this is the result: QUOTE 9 crystals 107 credits 1x lesser equipment
7 rounds 55 turns 0:00:25 (2,2 t/s) doesn't seem bad. if the author wants to add a more detailed report (maybe switchable with the more "essential" one) his call, but seems enough to me in order to release the script. remember that this is a base version to give people a comprehensive tool. such a high level of tracking isn't absolutely required. just curious, what exactly do you mean for "Lesser equipment"? i guess it's bazaar fodder yep, but what's exactly the threshold?
Jun 30 2017, 13:50
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jun 30 2017, 14:38) just tried the drop tracker on the first two arenas. this is the result: doesn't seem bad. if the author wants to add a more detailed report (maybe switchable with the more "essential" one) his call, but seems enough to me in order to release the script. remember that this is a base version to give people a comprehensive tool. such a high level of tracking isn't absolutely required. just curious, what exactly do you mean for "Lesser equipment"? i guess it's bazaar fodder yep, but what's exactly the threshold?
It's in the tracking settings, just like with the one in 0.84: CODE equipmentTrackCutoff = 3, // 0 to track all equipment combined, // 1 to track Peerless separateley, // 2 to track Peerless and Legendary separateley, etc. In other words: 0 = all equipment listed as "lesser equipment" 1 = all Peerless items listed individually, others as "lesser equipment" 2 = all Peerless + Legendary items listed individually, others as "lesser equipment" 3 = all Peerless + Legendary + Magnificent items listed individually, others as "lesser equipment" ...etc
Jun 30 2017, 13:55
Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 18-January 07
QUOTE(friggo @ Jun 30 2017, 13:50) It's in the tracking settings, just like with the one in 0.84: CODE equipmentTrackCutoff = 3, // 0 to track all equipment combined, // 1 to track Peerless separateley, // 2 to track Peerless and Legendary separateley, etc. In other words: 0 = all equipment listed as "lesser equipment" 1 = all Peerless items listed individually, others as "lesser equipment" 2 = all Peerless + Legendary items listed individually, others as "lesser equipment" 3 = all Peerless + Legendary + Magnificent items listed individually, others as "lesser equipment" ...etc ah, sure. line 66 or so, yep. i had right in front of my glasses, yet i couldn't see it. my bad (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) good, very good.
Jun 30 2017, 14:03
Usagi =
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CODE // ==UserScript== // @name Credits and Character Link // @namespace Credits and Character Link // @version 1 // @match *://*.hentaiverse.org/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript==
var character = document.getElementById("parent_Character"); if(!character){ return; }
var base = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname;
character.onclick = function(){ window.location.href = base + "/?s=Character&ss=ch"; }; character.style.cursor = "pointer";
if(document.getElementById("networth")){ return; }
var div = document.createElement("div"); div.id = "networth"; div.style.width = "165px"; document.getElementById("mainpane").appendChild(div);
var gx = new XMLHttpRequest(); gx.open("GET", base + "/?s=Bazaar&ss=ib", true); gx.onreadystatechange = (function() { if (gx.readyState == 4) { if (gx.status == 200) { var doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(gx.responseText, "text/html"); document.getElementById("networth").innerHTML = doc.getElementById("networth").innerHTML; } else { document.getElementById("networth").style.backgroundColor = "pink"; } } }); gx.send(); Quickie I did to make the big character button clickable again and have credits display everywhere outside battle.
Jun 30 2017, 15:44
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
Posts: 2,373
Joined: 27-April 10
@LOL50015: Fantastic, really useful. It is possible to extend the function to all big buttons and maybe add a selector at the beginning of the script to select wich page is opened if the button is clicked? Like, if i click "Character" i'll go to "Setting", if i click "Battle" i'll go to "Arena" and so on, so any player can decide a "Home" for every big button to directly go to the page he use more in that particular submenu. That will be absolutely awesome. QUOTE(hc br @ Jun 29 2017, 20:55) [attachembed=104981] [attachembed=104982] CODE function createToolbox() { addCSSRule(".item_toolbox{position: fixed; display: block; border: 2px solid; padding:2px; background: #EDEBDF; width:70px; left: 5px; top: 5px; z-index: 10; color:#5C0D12; font: bold normal 16px 'Arial';}"); addCSSRule(".item_toolbox button {width:65px; cursor:pointer; z-index:inherit; font: bolder normal 14px 'Consolas';}"); addCSSRule(".item_toolbox input,.item_toolbox textarea{font: normal normal 15px 'Consolas';}"); addCSSRule(".item_modal {position: absolute; display:block; border:inherit; padding:2px; background:inherit; left: 75px; top: 0px; width:300px; z-index:inherit; font: bolder normal 16px 'Arial';}"); addCSSRule(".item_modal button {float:left}");
This set it on 3 line on the bottom center of the screen, just below the sell button in the shop. I quite like the compact aspect and is easy to pass from the sell option of the Bazaar to the options of Item Menu.
Jun 30 2017, 16:29
hc br
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(hc br @ Jun 30 2017, 02:55) [attachembed=104981] [attachembed=104982] CODE function createToolbox() { addCSSRule(".item_toolbox{position: fixed; display: block; border: 2px solid; padding:2px; background: #EDEBDF; width:70px; left: 5px; top: 5px; z-index: 10; color:#5C0D12; font: bold normal 16px 'Arial';}"); addCSSRule(".item_toolbox button {width:65px; cursor:pointer; z-index:inherit; font: bolder normal 14px 'Consolas';}"); addCSSRule(".item_toolbox input,.item_toolbox textarea{font: normal normal 15px 'Consolas';}"); addCSSRule(".item_modal {position: absolute; display:block; border:inherit; padding:2px; background:inherit; left: 75px; top: 0px; width:300px; z-index:inherit; font: bolder normal 16px 'Arial';}"); addCSSRule(".item_modal button {float:left}");
BEFORE [attachembed=105026] AFTER [attachembed=105027] [attachembed=105028] CODE addCSSRule(".itemlist>tbody>tr>td:last-child>input:nth-child(1) {margin-left:2px}"); This post has been edited by hc br: Jun 30 2017, 16:30
Jun 30 2017, 20:33
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 925
Joined: 1-June 12
Question for the monsterbation script, for MP boost, im guessing that's the value of tank mp ability we have, should I include cloth mp boost ability and capacitor potencies?
Jun 30 2017, 21:24
Group: Gold Star Club
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Joined: 9-November 11
One of my favorite features from CracklingCast was Hover Area that let you choose a smaller area to trigger the hover action, but nether I or anyone else mention it, so it wasn't included in Monsterbation. Thankfully I can code, and the change is really small. around line 52 after the other hover settings add this line. CODE hoverArea = 4, // 1:mob box, 2:mob icon, 3:mob name, 4:mob status; inspired by sssss2 around line 333 replace these lines CODE monster.addEventListener('mouseout', ClearTarget, true); monster.addEventListener('mouseover', SetTarget(i), true); with these CODE var area = monster.querySelector('.btm' + hoverArea) || monster; area.addEventListener('mouseout', ClearTarget, true); area.addEventListener('mouseover', SetTarget(i), true); ------------------- QUOTE(abc12345678901 @ Jun 30 2017, 12:33) Question for the monsterbation script, for MP boost, im guessing that's the value of tank mp ability we have, should I include cloth mp boost ability and capacitor potencies?
Yes, just add it all up.
Jun 30 2017, 22:46
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(LOL50015 @ Jun 30 2017, 04:03) CODE // ==UserScript== // @name Credits and Character Link // @namespace Credits and Character Link // @version 1 // @match *://*.hentaiverse.org/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript==
var character = document.getElementById("parent_Character"); if(!character){ return; }
var base = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname;
character.onclick = function(){ window.location.href = base + "/?s=Character&ss=ch"; }; character.style.cursor = "pointer";
if(document.getElementById("networth")){ return; }
var div = document.createElement("div"); div.id = "networth"; div.style.width = "165px"; document.getElementById("mainpane").appendChild(div);
var gx = new XMLHttpRequest(); gx.open("GET", base + "/?s=Bazaar&ss=ib", true); gx.onreadystatechange = (function() { if (gx.readyState == 4) { if (gx.status == 200) { var doc = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(gx.responseText, "text/html"); document.getElementById("networth").innerHTML = doc.getElementById("networth").innerHTML; } else { document.getElementById("networth").style.backgroundColor = "pink"; } } }); gx.send(); Quickie I did to make the big character button clickable again and have credits display everywhere outside battle. Wow thanks, this is a big improvement I was wondering if there is any way to move the credits up? The only I don't like with the new credits UI is that I have to always scroll down to see how many credits I have.
Jul 1 2017, 00:13
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(aided @ Jun 27 2017, 23:21)
HV_RE_counter.user.js.txt ( 10.06k )
Number of downloads: 2664 This is what I was using. I assume it was from this thread...maybe? I modified it to adjust to 0.85.
HV_RE_counter_old.user.js.txt ( 9.68k )
Number of downloads: 44'_old' is the original one. function - RE timer/counter, enter RE by clicking - battle turn/round counter ( broken) Since I don't know JS, only former function is restored. If broken panel in battle is unpleasant, delete these from the bottom of script: It works perfectly. Thx. I use another re timer but it sometime disappears at all in 0.85. And...anyone use the new reloader suffers a flash of all the buff icons? This post has been edited by frozen0416: Jul 1 2017, 00:14
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