HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd) |
Jun 26 2017, 11:32
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QUOTE(simrock87 @ Jun 26 2017, 10:31) Agreed, showing gems for example is non-conditional in a sense. You sort of always show gems, but if there isn't one, you still show the gem you have (read as: you just show nothing (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)). i'd like to remember all of you that hoverplay had the gem square with a letter inside. apart for remembering you which letter to press to enable the gem, it also meant that in case your connection speed sucked, if you didn't see the letter anymore then a gem had dropped. it was quite nice of a side function imo, so i don't see a problem in a square which usually doesn't show nothing. as long as it's quite differentiated from the regular spellbar, that is. QUOTE(simrock87 @ Jun 26 2017, 10:31) That just leaves (re)buffs i guess? (and displaying the spell icon all the time is kinda redundant, that's what the spell bar is for) I believe stopping on HP/MP/SP was explicitly allowed (like 20 years back in time (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)) i hope so (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
Jun 26 2017, 11:34
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QUOTE(Aardwark @ Jun 26 2017, 08:36) Is the a script for mass salvaging equipment?
there was item manager. currently broken, let's see if the author (or someone else) can fix it.
Jun 26 2017, 11:48
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QUOTE(Ms.Bunny @ Jun 26 2017, 11:02) I've used "latest" Firefox and Greasemonkey. And I've used this script since yesterday. (Thank u Sapo !!) But!!! I can't see the 'gemstone' icon(-above Focus button) and if I don't use gemstone, my script always 'stop' (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) And I can't continue battle until using "invisible"gemstone.... I'm using Firefox 48.0.2. I'll try with latest version to see if I can replicate the bug and at least fix the gem code. (if disabling gems fix it I would recommend setting iconGem =false; in the meantime)
Jun 26 2017, 11:54
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QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Jun 26 2017, 18:48) I'm using Firefox 48.0.2. I'll try with latest version to see if I can replicate the bug and at least fix the gem code. (if disabling gems fix it I would recommend setting iconGem =false; in the meantime)
Thank U Buddy (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) I really appreciate it!!
Jun 26 2017, 11:55
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QUOTE(simrock87 @ Jun 26 2017, 06:14) Huh, someone actually used it ^_^ I'll check, but with the battle stuff being a bit SNAFU for me right now, this might take a while until i can extract the new data without too much of a hassle.
yeah, it's alright. At least now you know there were people using it :D Thank you
Jun 26 2017, 12:49
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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For buffs: it would be allowed to stop hover when any buff expires, and then use quickbar to recast that particular buff or scroll or infusion. That's all we need: stop upon expiration.
Jun 26 2017, 14:04
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QUOTE(boulay @ Jun 25 2017, 10:14) oh, missed it. It's actually something very small. In the script, line 174 it's "div#btcp" instead of "div.btcp", Tenboro made a lot of small changes like this... full line in case you don't find: CODE div#btcp{background:#000030 !important; border-width:0 1px 0 1px !important; border-style:solid !important; border-radius:10px !important;} something else too HV Visual utilities, v0.1
HV_Visual_Utilities.css ( 9.09k )
Number of downloads: 159
HV_Visual_Utilities_NoStylish.zip ( 552bytes )
Number of downloads: 94Includes: - grey hp bar when SoL is in effect - old style hp/mp/sp bars, made them smaller too - numbered overcharge chips Screenshot: Decided to make an all-in-one instead of small bits here and there, I'll update it everytime I find something else that could be useful. Thanks a ton boulay. I installed this and have already installed HV Clean UI. I seem to be having problems with the part that controls gems though. After installing yours here, I see the word gem above the monster list. When a monster actually drops a gem, the word disappears along with all the icons for the potion extender. In addition, the gem doesn't even show up in the battle item list until the following round after it drops. Although I have a rudimentary knowledge of scripting, I do not understand why this is happening and the author cannot replicate what I am getting nor tell me how I can resolve the issue. Can you help? By the way, this works fine for Arenas, but does not work for random encounters. Seems like the implemented https protocol for Arena combat but not for random encounters. This post has been edited by Gambit126: Jun 26 2017, 14:29
Jun 26 2017, 14:30
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Jun 26 2017, 09:37) Note that even if I had time to take a look at the chrome issues (which I don't in the weekdays) I couldn't post new versions since Tenboro's guidelines explained here bans the spell rotation as it was always implemented. tl;dr, if anyone has fix to improve chrome support or fix bugs just post them (or even post full script/derived work if you don't care about guidelines, since server-side no one can check how spell rotation is handled it's not like you risk ban using it). i think spell rotations should be fine since they can be implemented by successively clicking the spells in the rotation, so no need for live data, and it's still a single action if you define 'action' as 'something that advances to the next turn' QUOTE(lololo16 @ Jun 26 2017, 10:07) The same is happening to me. Is there a way to delete the gem thing while keeping the others? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) removing or commenting out this part should do it: CODE if ( ikeyp = document.getElementById('ikey_p') ) { gem[0] = ikeyp.getAttribute('onclick'); gem[1] = ikeyp.getAttribute('onmouseover'); switch ( ikeyp.innerHTML.match(/(\w+) Gem/)[1] ) { case 'Mystic': gem[2] = 'https://ehgt.org/v/e/channeling.png'; break; case 'Health': gem[2] = 'https://ehgt.org/v/a/hp.png'; break; case 'Mana' : gem[2] = 'https://ehgt.org/v/a/mp.png'; gem[3] = 0; break; case 'Spirit': gem[2] = 'https://ehgt.org/v/a/sp.png'; gem[3] = 1; break; }}
Jun 26 2017, 14:46
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QUOTE(Gambit126 @ Jun 26 2017, 14:04) Thanks a ton boulay. I installed this and have already installed HV Clean UI. I seem to be having problems with the part that controls gems though. After installing yours here, I see the word gem above the monster list. When a monster actually drops a gem, the word disappears along with all the icons for the potion extender. In addition, the gem doesn't even show up in the battle item list until the following round after it drops. Although I have a rudimentary knowledge of scripting, I do not understand why this is happening and the author cannot replicate what I am getting nor tell me how I can resolve the issue. Can you help? By the way, this works fine for Arenas, but does not work for random encounters. Seems like the implemented https protocol for Arena combat but not for random encounters.
the word "gem" was put on purpose for when I was tweaking the positioning, it helped me know where it was ^^ but the thing with consumables icons never happenend to me either, I'll see for myself after Tenboro finishes the maintenance...
Jun 26 2017, 15:07
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CODE // ==UserScript== // @name MouseMagelee 0.85 // @namespace hentaiverse.org // @version 0.1 // @description Something something hoverplay // @match *://*.hentaiverse.org/* // @run-at document-end // @grant none // ==/UserScript==
// ***THANKS*** // sickentide (HV No Popup) // sigo8 (Reloader Shim) // dmyers59 (@version and #description
// SETTINGS var hideLog = true; // hide battle log var defaultAction = [1]; //0 for melee, array of spell id for mage (check Crackling Cast for the list of spells id) var minHP = 0.35; // lower than fullHP X this value hover stops var minMP = 0.2; // lower than fullMP X this value hover stops var minSP = 0.3; // lower than fullSP X this value hover stops var rightClick = [1]; // spell to cast on right click var iconGem = true; // show gem above Focus button var showDuration = true; // show the duration of the applied effects var leftHp = true; //align HP bar left function canCast(id){ var el = document.getElementById(id); return !!el && el.hasAttribute('onclick'); } function setSpellAttack(id) { var caller = document.getElementById(id); window.battle.lock_action(caller, 1, 'magic', id); window.battle.set_hostile_skill(id); }
function castSupport(id) { var caller = document.getElementById(id); window.battle.lock_action(caller, 1, 'magic', id); window.battle.set_friendly_skill(id); window.battle.touch_and_go(); }
function runRightClickSpell() { for (var i = 0; i < rightClick.length; i++) { if (canCast(rightClick[i])) { castSupport(rightClick[i]); return; } } }
function applyDuration() { var targets = document.querySelectorAll('img[onmouseover^="battle.set_infopane_effect"]'), i = targets.length; while (i--) { var duration = targets[i].getAttribute('onmouseover').match(/, ([-\d]+)\)/); if (!duration || duration < 0) duration = '-'; else duration = duration[1]; var div = targets[i].parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('div'), targets[i].nextSibling); div.appendChild(document.createElement('div')).innerHTML = duration; div.className = 'duration'; }}
function showGem() { var gem = document.getElementById('ikey_p'); var gem_icon = document.getElementById('gem_icon'); if (gem && !gem_icon) { var icon; switch (document.querySelector('#ikey_p > div > div').innerHTML.match(/([^\s]+) Gem/)[1]) { case 'Mystic': icon = 'channeling.png'; break; case 'Health': icon = 'healthpot.png'; break; case 'Mana': icon = 'manapot.png'; break; case 'Spirit': icon = 'spiritpot.png'; break; }
gem_icon = document.getElementById('pane_effects').appendChild(document.createElement('img')); gem_icon.src = '/y/e/' + icon; gem_icon.style.cssText = 'float: right;margin-right: 565px;';
var useGem = function() { window.battle.lock_action(gem, 1, 'items', 'ikey_p'); window.battle.set_friendly_skill('999'); window.battle.touch_and_go(); gem.remove(); gem_icon.remove(); };
gem_icon.onclick = useGem; gem_icon.onmouseover = useGem; gem_icon.id = "gem_icon"; } else if (!gem && gem_icon) { gem_icon.remove(); } }
function reloadedEvent() { if(iconGem) showGem(); if(showDuration) applyDuration(); if(document.querySelector('#vbh img').width < 496*minHP) { document.getElementById('vbh').style.backgroundColor = 'red'; return; } if(document.querySelector('#vbm img').width < 207*minMP) { document.getElementById('vbm').style.backgroundColor = 'red'; return; } if(document.querySelector('#vbs img').width < 207*minSP) { document.getElementById('vbs').style.bbackgroundColor = 'red'; return; }
if(defaultAction){ for (var i = 0; i < defaultAction.length; i++) { if (canCast(defaultAction[i])) { setSpellAttack(defaultAction[i]); break; } } }
mpane = document.getElementById('pane_monster'); var m = mpane.getElementsByClassName("btm1");
for (var j = 0; j < m.length; j++) { if (m[j].hasAttribute('onclick')) { m[j].setAttribute('onmouseover', m[j].getAttribute('onclick')); } } } function roundEndEvent() { var btcp = document.getElementById('btcp'); if (btcp){ if(document.querySelector('img[src$="finishbattle.png"]')){ var endSheet = document.createElement('style'); endSheet.innerHTML = '#btcp {display: block !important}'; document.head.appendChild(endSheet); } else{ btcp.click(); } } }
var log = document.querySelector('#textlog > tbody'); var paneCompletion = document.getElementById('pane_completion');
function init() { if(!log) { return; } var obs = new MutationObserver(reloadedEvent); obs.observe(log, {childList: true});
var obs2 = new MutationObserver(roundEndEvent); obs2.observe(paneCompletion, {childList: true});
var sheet = document.createElement('style'); sheet.innerHTML = '#btcp {display: none}.duration{width:30px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;position:relative;margin-left:-30px;top:-4px}.duration>div{background:white;border:1px solid black;padding:0 2px;display:inline-block;min-width:8px;font-weight:bold;height:13px}'; if(hideLog){ sheet.innerHTML += '#pane_log {display: none}'; } if(leftHp){ sheet.innerHTML += '#vbh>div{text-align:left !important}'; } document.head.appendChild(sheet);
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); runRightClickSpell(); }, false);
reloadedEvent(); } init(); For some reason the script will hide the battle log, if i tu8rn it off and refresh che screen the battle log will be back on. (Note: Values of atacks and stops adjusted for me). This post has been edited by Maharid: Jun 26 2017, 15:09
Jun 26 2017, 15:10
Group: Gold Star Club
Posts: 24,304
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QUOTE(Maharid @ Jun 26 2017, 15:07) For some reason the script will hide the battle log, if i tu8rn it off and refresh che screen the battle log will be back on.
QUOTE var hideLog = true; // hide battle log
replace "true" with "false", save the script.
Jun 26 2017, 16:16
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Fap.Fap @ Jun 25 2017, 18:44) for some reason the round counter doesnt move forward, its stuck at round 1
QUOTE(Jack Tekila @ Jun 25 2017, 20:33) Same happening to me...
It seems better to make a new script (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/faint.gif)
HV_round_counter.user.zip ( 758bytes )
Number of downloads: 42
This post has been edited by oohmrparis: Jun 26 2017, 18:27
Jun 26 2017, 16:18
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I modified the old RoundCounter I had, and it seems to work now. CODE // ==UserScript== // @name HV - Round Counter // @version // @description HV - Round Counter // @namespace hentaiverse.org/HVRoundCounter // @match *://*.hentaiverse.org/* // @run-at document-end // ==/UserScript==
// round counter source code get/steal FabulousCupcake's Reloader v1.3.3b and tatarime's HV STAT Slim Mod #Reload v0.2.13
if (document.getElementById('pane_log')) { var logs = document.querySelector('#textlog > tbody').textContent; if (/Round/.test(logs)) { var round = logs.match(/Round ([\d\s\/]+)/)[1]; localStorage.setItem('rounds', round); }else if (/random encounter/.test(logs)) { var round = '1 / 1'; localStorage.setItem('rounds', round); }else { var round = localStorage.getItem('rounds') || undefined; }
if (round !== undefined) { var x = document.getElementById('mainpane').appendChild(document.createElement('div')); x.id = 'round'; x.innerHTML = round; var final = round.split('/'); switch (final[1] - final[0]) { case 0: x.style.color = '#ff0000'; break; case 1: x.style.color = '#ffcc99'; break; } var sheet = document.createElement('style'); sheet.innerHTML = '#round{position:absolute;left:1080px;top:20px;width:120px;font-size:16px;font-weight:bold;z-index:10;text-align:right}'; document.head.appendChild(sheet); } }else { localStorage.removeItem('rounds'); }
Jun 26 2017, 16:31
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The Markup changed for both i think, on the good side, no longer needing to guess on hp saves like 10 loc (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) // @Scremaz: did you just delete your post? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) This post has been edited by simrock87: Jun 26 2017, 16:31
Jun 26 2017, 16:43
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(simrock87 @ Jun 26 2017, 16:31) // @Scremaz: did you just delete your post? (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) yep. i noted it was reported in another place and didn't want to hinder discussions here too much (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)
Jun 26 2017, 16:45
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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update for new bars, more options and better compatibility with other scripts
HVCleanUI.1.2.2.user.js.zip ( 3.15k )
Number of downloads: 144
Jun 26 2017, 17:27
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(sickentide @ Jun 26 2017, 16:45) update for new bars, more options and better compatibility with other scripts
HVCleanUI.1.2.2.user.js.zip ( 3.15k )
Number of downloads: 144Great work. I have one question: how do I extend the bar to include all items in the Scroll inventory? I managed to extend it to 12 positions of item inventory. Is adding Scroll inventory possible?
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