HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd) |
Jun 25 2017, 20:22
Juggernaut Santa
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QUOTE(Fap.Fap @ Jun 25 2017, 20:20) I always always wanted to ask... CODE This gallery has been removed, and is unavailable. You will be redirected to the front page momentarily. how do you open such a gallery? I don't know. It opens regularly on normal e-h to me (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif)
Jun 25 2017, 20:27
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QUOTE(Fap.Fap @ Jun 25 2017, 20:20) I always always wanted to ask... CODE This gallery has been removed, and is unavailable. You will be redirected to the front page momentarily. how do you open such a gallery? We're entering forbidden space materinos, this discussion has never happened To the bunker! This post has been edited by GePlasm: Jun 25 2017, 20:28
Jun 25 2017, 20:30
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QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Jun 25 2017, 03:28) Anyway, added dmyers59's code, RED bars when minXX is triggered, effect duration and left aligned hp bar. Also commented the options. I may borrow some other coders' work for fixing Chrome but that's it, I don't think I would work on it anymore. CODE // ==UserScript== // @name MouseMagelee 0.85 // @namespace hentaiverse.org // @version 0.1 // @description Something something hoverplay // @match *://*.hentaiverse.org/* // @run-at document-end // @grant none // ==/UserScript==
// ***THANKS*** // sickentide (HV No Popup) // sigo8 (Reloader Shim) // dmyers59 (@version and #description
// SETTINGS var hideLog = true; // hide battle log var defaultAction = [153,152,151]; //0 for melee, array of spell id for mage (check Crackling Cast for the list of spells id) var minHP = 0.35; // lower than fullHP X this value hover stops var minMP = 0.2; // lower than fullMP X this value hover stops var minSP = 0.3; // lower than fullSP X this value hover stops var rightClick = [311,313]; // spell to cast on right click var iconGem = true; // show gem above Focus button var showDuration = true; // show the duration of the applied effects var leftHp = true; //align HP bar left function canCast(id){ var el = document.getElementById(id); return !!el && el.hasAttribute('onclick'); } function setSpellAttack(id) { var caller = document.getElementById(id); window.battle.lock_action(caller, 1, 'magic', id); window.battle.set_hostile_skill(id); }
function castSupport(id) { var caller = document.getElementById(id); window.battle.lock_action(caller, 1, 'magic', id); window.battle.set_friendly_skill(id); window.battle.touch_and_go(); }
function runRightClickSpell() { for (var i = 0; i < rightClick.length; i++) { if (canCast(rightClick[i])) { castSupport(rightClick[i]); return; } } }
function applyDuration() { var targets = document.querySelectorAll('img[onmouseover^="battle.set_infopane_effect"]'), i = targets.length; while (i--) { var duration = targets[i].getAttribute('onmouseover').match(/, ([-\d]+)\)/); if (!duration || duration < 0) duration = '-'; else duration = duration[1]; var div = targets[i].parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('div'), targets[i].nextSibling); div.appendChild(document.createElement('div')).innerHTML = duration; div.className = 'duration'; }}
function showGem() { var gem = document.getElementById('ikey_p'); var gem_icon = document.getElementById('gem_icon'); if (gem && !gem_icon) { var icon; switch (document.querySelector('#ikey_p > div > div').innerHTML.match(/([^\s]+) Gem/)[1]) { case 'Mystic': icon = 'channeling.png'; break; case 'Health': icon = 'healthpot.png'; break; case 'Mana': icon = 'manapot.png'; break; case 'Spirit': icon = 'spiritpot.png'; break; }
gem_icon = document.getElementById('pane_effects').appendChild(document.createElement('img')); gem_icon.src = '/y/e/' + icon; gem_icon.style.cssText = 'float: right;margin-right: 565px;';
var useGem = function() { window.battle.lock_action(gem, 1, 'items', 'ikey_p'); window.battle.set_friendly_skill('999'); window.battle.touch_and_go(); gem.remove(); gem_icon.remove(); };
gem_icon.onclick = useGem; gem_icon.onmouseover = useGem; gem_icon.id = "gem_icon"; } else if (!gem && gem_icon) { gem_icon.remove(); } }
function reloadedEvent() { if(iconGem) showGem(); if(showDuration) applyDuration(); if(document.querySelector('#vbh img').width < 496*minHP) { document.getElementById('vbh').style.backgroundColor = 'red'; return; } if(document.querySelector('#vbm img').width < 207*minMP) { document.getElementById('vbm').style.backgroundColor = 'red'; return; } if(document.querySelector('#vbs img').width < 207*minSP) { document.getElementById('vbs').style.bbackgroundColor = 'red'; return; }
if(defaultAction){ for (var i = 0; i < defaultAction.length; i++) { if (canCast(defaultAction[i])) { setSpellAttack(defaultAction[i]); break; } } }
mpane = document.getElementById('pane_monster'); var m = mpane.getElementsByClassName("btm1");
for (var j = 0; j < m.length; j++) { if (m[j].hasAttribute('onclick')) { m[j].setAttribute('onmouseover', m[j].getAttribute('onclick')); } } } function roundEndEvent() { var btcp = document.getElementById('btcp'); if (btcp){ if(document.querySelector('img[src$="finishbattle.png"]')){ var endSheet = document.createElement('style'); endSheet.innerHTML = '#btcp {display: block !important}'; document.head.appendChild(endSheet); } else{ btcp.click(); } } }
var log = document.querySelector('#textlog > tbody'); var paneCompletion = document.getElementById('pane_completion');
function init() { if(!log) { return; } var obs = new MutationObserver(reloadedEvent); obs.observe(log, {childList: true});
var obs2 = new MutationObserver(roundEndEvent); obs2.observe(paneCompletion, {childList: true});
var sheet = document.createElement('style'); sheet.innerHTML = '#btcp {display: none}.duration{width:30px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;position:relative;margin-left:-30px;top:-4px}.duration>div{background:white;border:1px solid black;padding:0 2px;display:inline-block;min-width:8px;font-weight:bold;height:13px}'; if(hideLog){ sheet.innerHTML += '#pane_log {display: none}'; } if(leftHp){ sheet.innerHTML += '#vbh>div{text-align:left !important}'; } document.head.appendChild(sheet);
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); runRightClickSpell(); }, false);
reloadedEvent(); } init();
updated the mousemagelee code i had to this one, now my screen looks like is it suppose to look like that?
Jun 25 2017, 20:33
Jack Tekila
Group: Members
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QUOTE(Fap.Fap @ Jun 25 2017, 13:44) for some reason the round counter doesnt move forward, its stuck at round 1
Same happening to me...
Jun 25 2017, 20:44
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(End Of All Hope @ Jun 25 2017, 20:22) I don't know. It opens regularly on normal e-h to me (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) to me too. but yep, that's not neither the thread nor the section to ask such things.
Jun 25 2017, 20:49
Jack Tekila
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QUOTE(abc12345678901 @ Jun 25 2017, 15:30) updated the mousemagelee code i had to this one, now my screen looks like is it suppose to look like that? This is a conflict bug with HV Clean UI... I just disabled it. QUOTE(Jack Tekila @ Jun 25 2017, 15:33) Same happening to me...
Found the error... the "localStorage.removeItem('hvmmaRound');" is inside the nopopup function. Just turned the nopopup to true and it's working and counting =D
Jun 25 2017, 21:48
Group: Gold Star Club
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If someone can find the simplest matching of the latest HV Clean UI and Mouse Magelee, let me know, cause for now the second newest Clean UI and second newest Magelee are the combination I'm going to use.
The HV Slim stat tool, truncated to only add a round counter, does not work with the above, and I've come to the conclusion that HV Clean UI, with the bar of six below and the color flashes, does a better job of giving the user status information than a clone of HV Stat Slim.
This combination still needs a round counter.
Jun 25 2017, 21:59
Jack Tekila
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QUOTE(dmyers59 @ Jun 25 2017, 16:48) If someone can find the simplest matching of the latest HV Clean UI and Mouse Magelee, let me know, cause for now the second newest Clean UI and second newest Magelee are the combination I'm going to use.
The HV Slim stat tool, truncated to only add a round counter, does not work with the above, and I've come to the conclusion that HV Clean UI, with the bar of six below and the color flashes, does a better job of giving the user status information than a clone of HV Stat Slim.
This combination still needs a round counter.
I don't know about the HV Clean UI, but the round counter works with magelee if you turn the nopopup on at HV Stat Slim, as I stated above. (and there is no problem having nopopup at two scripts, as far as I can see)
Jun 25 2017, 22:05
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Jack Tekila @ Jun 25 2017, 20:49) This is a conflict bug with HV Clean UI... I just disabled it.
i believe you can fix this by find-replacing 'duration' with any unused string in either script and disabling showDuration in MouseMagelee This post has been edited by sickentide: Jun 25 2017, 22:09
Jun 25 2017, 23:53
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(sickentide @ Jun 25 2017, 16:05) i believe you can fix this by find-replacing 'duration' with any unused string in either script and disabling showDuration in MouseMagelee
yes, this worked. Just replace duration with the 'd' in lower case is adequate. Also helps to turn offf MouseMagelee's gem function, and in the absence of a working round indicator, stop hiding the log. I wonder if DFNoni has tested a similar configuration with the Altless code? I know early versions, he did.
Jun 26 2017, 00:17
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QUOTE(sickentide @ Jun 25 2017, 17:05) i believe you can fix this by find-replacing 'duration' with any unused string in either script and disabling showDuration in MouseMagelee
skipping popup and other functions don't work if I have a gem. Why?
Jun 26 2017, 00:24
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(lololo16 @ Jun 26 2017, 00:17) skipping popup and other functions don't work if I have a gem. Why?
do you use an older browser version? i'm working on fixing that
Jun 26 2017, 00:25
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may i have a list of HVStatSlim's features, please?
Jun 26 2017, 00:41
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jun 25 2017, 15:25) may i have a list of HVStatSlim's features, please?
Stu can probably answer better than I; I used the full version with statistal tracking of drops. The main features I can remember are: Duration counters on everything Pop-up/change of focus and overrun prevention on triggers (could be set to HP/MP/SP thresholds buff duration targets, SoL, etc) round counter turn dividers The big thing I'm after in a script is the popup on trigger event
Jun 26 2017, 00:48
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QUOTE(sickentide @ Jun 25 2017, 19:24) do you use an older browser version? i'm working on fixing that
latest version of Chrome. Thank you :)
Jun 26 2017, 00:52
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QUOTE(SidZBear @ Jun 26 2017, 00:41) Stu can probably answer better than I; I used the full version with statistal tracking of drops.
The main features I can remember are:
Duration counters on everything Pop-up/change of focus and overrun prevention on triggers (could be set to HP/MP/SP thresholds buff duration targets, SoL, etc) round counter turn dividers
if that's the case, i guess they are all listed in the cumulative script already. good, good. thank you.
Jun 26 2017, 00:54
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jun 25 2017, 15:52) if that's the case, i guess they are all listed in the cumulative script already. good, good. thank you.
Cool. BTW, sent my bounty for the new mega-scripting. I had mine setup to throw a popup whenever my regen or heartseeker hits 0. and then a popup when my health hit 40% makes it so whatever key I press is ignored until i make the popup go away. I have already died like 20 times because i was watching TV instead of HV This post has been edited by SidZBear: Jun 26 2017, 01:05
Jun 26 2017, 01:32
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(Gambit126 @ Jun 24 2017, 10:17) Currently using Firefox 43.0.1
QUOTE(lololo16 @ Jun 26 2017, 00:48) latest version of Chrome. Thank you (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) i'm sorry to say, i tested the script in both of those browsers and i could not reproduce the error, everything working as intended best i can suggest is that you try debugging the script yourself by inserting console.log('test'); at various spots and watching the browser console to find out which line causes the malfunction
Jun 26 2017, 03:26
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QUOTE(sickentide @ Jun 25 2017, 20:32) i'm sorry to say, i tested the script in both of those browsers and i could not reproduce the error, everything working as intended
best i can suggest is that you try debugging the script yourself by inserting console.log('test'); at various spots and watching the browser console to find out which line causes the malfunction
:c can you post a screenshot to see how it looks when you have a gem?
Jun 26 2017, 03:41
Group: Catgirl Camarilla
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QUOTE(lololo16 @ Jun 26 2017, 03:26) :c can you post a screenshot to see how it looks when you have a gem?
here is a mystic gem on the right end of the quickbar (IMG:[ i.imgur.com] http://i.imgur.com/Hc40pRQ.png)
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