QUOTE(Scremaz @ Jun 18 2017, 19:49)
And not an 3rd party app to play hv, right?
Correct. A third party app starts treading on grey areas, so not this. I'm asking for a browser for android 7:
A web browser, with mouse-over, that can use the reloader script, without dns leak (and no ads (IMG:[
Or... or just a modded reloader scrip to take finger press instead of mouse over, might work, but i'd still need help getting the tampermonkey thing working. It's doing my head in. Lol.
I can paste the exact code and the errors if that'll help?
In fact... I will:
// ==UserScript==
// @name EH Reloader1
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.1
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author You
// @match http://*/*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Your script here....
hideWelcome: true, // Hide the Hentaiverse logo
noBlinking: true, // Disable buff/debuff blinking
effectDurations: true, // Show buff/debuff durations
gemIcon: true, // Show gem/powerup, click on icon to use
roundCounter: true, // Show current round and rounds remaining
hvStateHP: true, // Show enemy HP value
fluidHPBar: true, // Shorten HP Bar width to easily see which monster has the most HP
defaultAction: 0, // Change the default action to a T1 spell
mouseMelee: true, // MouseMelee ( hover on enemies to attack )
minHP: 0.35, // Stop if hp is below this threshold
minMP: 0.2, // Stop if mp ...
minSP: 0.3, // Stop if sp ...
stopWhenChanneling: true, // Stop if you have channeling buff
chromeFix: true, // Fix MM things on chrome by manually tracking cursor movement
battleLog: true, // Show battle log
skipToNextRound: true, // Auto-advance to next round
popupTime: 0, // after `popupTime`ms
counterPlus: true, // log and show turn/speed/time/exp/credits
counterPlusSave: false // Store additional datas for Income Summary by Superlatanium
The errors come on lines 16, 17, and 18:
hideWelcome: true, // Hide the Hentaiverse logo
noBlinking: true, // Disable buff/debuff blinking
effectDurations: true, // Show buff/debuff durations
16 error: Label 'hideWelcome' on true statement.
17 error 1: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
17 error 2: Missing semicolon.
17 error 3: Expected '}' to match '{' from line 11 and instead saw ':'.
17 error 4: Expected ')' to match '(' from line 11 and instead saw 'true''
18 error 1: Expected an assignment or function call and instead saw an expression.
18 error 2: Missing semicolon.
18 error 3: Unrecoverable syntax error. (48% scanned)'