Go to inventory.
Open javascript console.
If console log says "fail and resend 0 0 1 400 2" at every second.
xmlhttp.open(type, (forms[iter].path || path) + (type === "GET" ? "?" + param : ""), true);
xmlhttp.open(type || "GET", (forms[iter].path || path) + (type === "GET" ? "?" + param : ""), true);
And then go to inventory.
If it will not fix your problem.
Add the following code to top.
Between //-support new tag $# (count starting from 1) $cond (for condition) and $locked (return true if item is locked), $pxp now returns a number or MAX
and if (window.location.href.indexOf('hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=mm') > -1
//-support new tag $# (count starting from 1) $cond (for condition) and $locked (return true if item is locked), $pxp now returns a number or MAX
if (window.location.href.indexOf('hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new') > -1) {
var store = JSON.parse(localStorage.HVItemHelper || "null");
var postKey = document.getElementById("postkey");
if (postkey && store && postkey.value !== store.postKey) {
store.postKey = postKey.value;
localStorage.HVItemHelper = JSON.stringify(store);
console.log('postKey', postKey.value);
alert('Reset postKey ' + postKey.value);
function HVItemHelper() {
And then go to inventory. This will make HVItemHelper cache, if not exist.
Go to Write New MM (http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=mm&filter=new)
If you can see WRITE ANOTHER MAIL button, click.
Wait just few seconds.
You can see alert "Reset postKey newpostkey".
If it will not fix your problem.
Open javascript console and then clear HVItemHelper postKey.
If you want to keep your HVItemManager setting.
t = JSON.parse(localStorage.HVItemHelper); delete t.postKey; localStorage.HVItemHelper = JSON.stringify(t); JSON.parse(localStorage.HVItemHelper);
If still not work, clear HVItemHelper cache.
You will lost your HVItemManager setting.
This post has been edited by NerfThis: Mar 16 2017, 08:14