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HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd) |
Sep 8 2012, 13:13
Group: Gold Star Club
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Double post because I'm a rebel like that QUOTE(roadgray @ Sep 7 2012, 16:32) Would someone write me script that counts EXP? I would like it to show Exp gained show how many % that is of the next Level-up include Dawn Exp have a Reset Button
20 Hath for your efforts. Making a script that calculates the difference in EXP between two points (eg level 300 with Current exp = 300k and level 305 with Current exp = 100k) is fairly effortless, making one that keeps track of all that stuff is not If you're fine with the former, it's no problem
Sep 8 2012, 16:53
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QUOTE(Tiap @ Sep 8 2012, 13:13) Double post because I'm a rebel like that Making a script that calculates the difference in EXP between two points (eg level 300 with Current exp = 300k and level 305 with Current exp = 100k) is fairly effortless, making one that keeps track of all that stuff is not If you're fine with the former, it's no problem
I like to keep track of the EXP I gain daily like CODE Sep 01 32,85% NA Sep 02 36,01% Sep 03 31.12% 7.17% Sep 04 42.48% NA Sep 05 29.62% NA Sep 06 20.70% 11.18% Sep 07 37.13% NA So if it counts all the Exp I gain between 2 points and can be reset it's fine already. I don't care if it's in HV or on the Dashboard on the Mainpage either. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Edit: Stupid code tag... This post has been edited by roadgray: Sep 8 2012, 17:02
Sep 8 2012, 18:49
Group: Gold Star Club
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hv.count.EXP.user.2.zip ( 1.04k )
Number of downloads: 74 Click on the stamina smiley to display the counter Click on the counter to reset it It doesn't work with the default font engine This post has been edited by Tiap: Sep 8 2012, 19:37
Sep 8 2012, 19:02
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Tiap @ Sep 8 2012, 18:49) [attachmentid=17585] Click on the stamina smiley to display the counter Click on the counter to reset it It doesn't work with the default font engine
Awesome, thank you.
Sep 8 2012, 19:38
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Found a bug while I was horsing around, uploaded a new version
Sep 8 2012, 20:39
Group: Members
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can anyone make a script like this displaying like this : CODE In [Arena Name] at [round no.] playing as [Difficulty][Monster Level][Monster Name] dropped [Equipment Name]
hehe , if possible. Edit : Coded Display This post has been edited by AbaDe: Sep 8 2012, 20:40
Sep 8 2012, 21:48
Group: Gold Star Club
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I reckon HVSTAT has a similar feature, you'd be better off asking its developers
Sep 10 2012, 23:50
Group: Gold Star Club
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In other not so interesting news, added default font engine support for the Monster Lab Script and a new, somewhat decent looking [ tiap.github.com] homepageAnd since the page now lists the latests commits, I'll probably stop making pointless posts in this thread
Sep 11 2012, 09:36
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Ilirith @ Sep 10 2012, 23:36) But... but... pointless posts is the essence of a forum (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) Yes it is.
Sep 11 2012, 10:03
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I'll make a post if I ever make a new script, but for minor updates/bugfixes, meh, what's the point
Sep 11 2012, 10:03
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Tiap @ Sep 11 2012, 01:03) I'll make a post if I ever make a new script, but for minor updates/bugfixes, meh, what's the point
Inflating your post count.
Sep 12 2012, 12:00
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Can anyone suggest a site with a decent how to guide for chrome scripts? I have the basic knowledge and have worked with php but looking at some codes here I got really confused... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Sep 12 2012, 15:35
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(tigra @ Sep 12 2012, 17:00) Can anyone suggest a site with a decent how to guide for chrome scripts? I have the basic knowledge and have worked with php but looking at some codes here I got really confused... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) It's just basic JavaScript.
Sep 12 2012, 16:47
Evil Scorpio
Group: Gold Star Club
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Extended version of Death Grunty's "Bazaar Equipment Highlights". Color preferences are easily changeable. You can find a full list of color codes [ vvz.nw.ru] here, for example. Default color settings:Standart Items:- Phase
- Kevlar
- Shade
- Battlecaster (only armor)
- Shield of the Barrier
- Power of Slaughter
- Dragon Hide
- Silk
- -trimmed Phase
- Ethereal
- Arctic, Astral, Demonic, Fiery, Hallowed, Shocking, Tempestuous
- Exquisite (any, overrides all of the above [except elemental & ethereal weapon])
- Magnificent (any, overrides all of the above)
- Legendary (any, overrides all of the above)
- Flimsy (any, overrides all of the above)
Old items: - Gold, Silver, Bronze, Diamond, Ruby, Emerald, Mithril, Prism, Platinum, Steel, Titanium, Iron
- -trimmed, -adorned
- Mitons, Hauberk, Coif
bazaarhighlights.zip ( 1.17k )
Number of downloads: 113CODE // ==UserScript== // @name Bazaar Highlights // @namespace // @version 1.5 // @description Highlight MW Equipment types. // @include http://hentaiverse.org/?s=Bazaar&ss=es*
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
// key: word to match, value a dictionary of style elements to apply // to blocks containing that word. const COLOR_MAP = { "helmet of the battlecaster": {"color": "orange"}, "breastplate of the battlecaster": {"color": "orange"}, "gauntlets of the battlecaster": {"color": "orange"}, "leggings of the battlecaster": {"color": "orange"}, "boots of the battlecaster": {"color": "orange"}, "phase": {"color": "royalblue"}, "power helmet of slaughter": {"color": "red"}, "power armor of slaughter": {"color": "red"}, "power gauntlets of slaughter": {"color": "red"}, "power leggings of slaughter": {"color": "red"}, "power boots of slaughter": {"color": "red"}, "shade": {"color": "darkviolet"}, "kevlar": {"color": "green"}, "shield helmet of the barrier": {"color": "darkblue"}, "shield cuirass of the barrier": {"color": "darkblue"}, "shield gauntlets of the barrier": {"color": "darkblue"}, "shield greaves of the barrier": {"color": "darkblue"}, "shield sabatons of the barrier": {"color": "darkblue"}, "dragon hide": {"color": "chocolate"}, "silk": {"color": "orchid"}, "gold": {"color": "gray"}, "silver": {"color": "gray"}, "bronze": {"color": "gray"}, "diamond": {"color": "gray"}, "ruby": {"color": "gray"}, "emerald": {"color": "gray"}, "mithril": {"color": "gray"}, "prism": {"color": "gray"}, "platinum": {"color": "gray"}, "steel": {"color": "gray"}, "titanium": {"color": "gray"}, "iron": {"color": "gray"}, "-trimmed": {"color": "gray"}, "-adorned": {"color": "gray"}, "-tipped": {"color": "gray"}, "chainmail": {"color": "gray"}, "mitons": {"color": "gray"}, "coif": {"color": "gray"}, "hauberk": {"color": "gray"}, "exquisite": {"color": "cadetblue"}, "arctic": {"color": "steelblue"}, "astral": {"color": "steelblue"}, "demonic": {"color": "steelblue"}, "fiery": {"color": "steelblue"}, "hallowed": {"color": "steelblue"}, "shocking": {"color": "steelblue"}, "tempestuous": {"color": "steelblue"}, "ethereal": {"color": "orangered"}, "magnificent": {"color": "blue"}, "legendary": {"color": "blue"}, "flimsy": {"color": "blue"}, "trimmed phase": {"color": "blue"}, };
function highlightText() {
var allTextNodes = document.evaluate('//text()', document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
for (var i = 0; i < allTextNodes.snapshotLength; i++) { var ele = allTextNodes.snapshotItem(i); for (var key in COLOR_MAP) { if (ele.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(key) != -1) { // TODO(ark) perhaps make it only highlight the word? var span = document.createElement("span"); ele.parentNode.replaceChild(span, ele); span.appendChild(ele); for (var css in COLOR_MAP[key]) { span.style[css] = COLOR_MAP[key][css]; } } } } }
highlightText(); })(); This post has been edited by Evil Scorpio: Sep 12 2012, 17:17
Sep 15 2012, 00:16
Group: Members
Posts: 163
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QUOTE(ChosenUno @ Sep 12 2012, 16:35) It's just basic JavaScript.
It didn't look that way... I'll try again! thanx
Sep 16 2012, 01:46
Handsome Phil
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QUOTE(Tiap @ Aug 4 2012, 00:57) - "Next" button in each monster's page to navigate directly between monsters
I... I love you for this feature. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/wub.gif)
Sep 16 2012, 07:18
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i am sorry may i post a request here i need some help i really need a tiny script i can't use full version HV STAT script PC too bad slow load pages request 2 simple function 1: when gain the "effect Channeling" from spell (not use a gem) it give me a warning window i always mistake cast the Channeling into a offence spell like Ragnarok make me lost a free chance to cast "Arcane Focus" or "Regen2" (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif) 2: rounds counter thanks in advance if some one can help me i am really appreciate
Sep 16 2012, 08:47
Group: Gold Star Club
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Sep 16 2012, 09:02
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QUOTE(varst @ Sep 16 2012, 14:47) could it can be eject a warning window when gain a spell Channeling like big version HV STAT script ? i really need it when i fight IWBTH i focus on the monster list not tool bar that make me lose many free spell Channeling chance (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/cry.gif)
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