HV - Round Counter [attachmentid=84539]
round counter source code get/steal FabulousCupcake's Reloader v1.3.3b and tatarime's HV STAT Slim Mod #Reload v0.2.13
HV - counter plus 3.6 for Vanilla Reloader (by tatarime) [attachmentid=85634]
https://forums.e-hentai.org/index.php?s=&am...t&p=4444300HV - Skip Popup (for Reloader vanilla) [attachmentid=97771]
Reloader vanilla [attachmentid=84805]
fix - Prevent ajax multiple request at a turn. (for CracklingCast)
CracklingCast img src fix for hv v0.84 and add hover area. [attachmentid=103073]
CracklingCastHelper change url when in battle[attachmentid=87999]
v. - Fixed bug, can't cast spell to number 10 monster via right click.
v. - Improve queue code (before, my code is bad).
v. - Added cast "Queue" and some fix by simrock87.
The following list can input to cast queue.
number key, spacebar, mouse wheel and right click.
Found a race condition with CC + Reloader, where if you use a consumable at round end, reloader loads the new mobs and CC starts hovering again without "technically" advancing to the next round.
Also added a little "Queue", though it isn't really one with only 1 allowed entry max, to stay within the 1 action limit, and moved the num-cast into there. Reason for that is that i was annoyed with having to move my mouse to re-imperil on DwD and FSM (IMG:[
Essentially, instead of directly trying to cast, the num get's written into the queue and then cast on the next hover. Normal non-hover behaviour is the same.
TBH i did not test this further, so this is very much beta so far (IMG:[
fix20 - fixed bug, can't detect Cloak of the Fallen when Cloak of the Fallen expire turn is 2.
added checkOnlyExpire settings option for low level player.
changed, (even if preferAvatarGod option set to true) always prefer Scroll of Life to Scroll of the Gods.
fix19 - fixed bug, null return from elementFromPoint.
fix18 - fixed hover stop code (not important).
fix17 - changed from middle button click event to wheel up/down event
fix16 - changed from keydown event to keyup event for spacebar and shift key
stop when overcharge >= Settings.limits.oc
fix15 - prevent num key and right click when paused (like hover attack).
fix14 - removed feature determine spell on new round.
fix13 - add innate arcana option (you should be keep over 25% total mp)
useScrollOfLife: false, // if set to true, prefer Scroll of Life to cast Spark of Life or IA when Cloak of the Fallen without Spark of Life
innateArcana: ['Haste', 'Protection', 'Spirit Shield', 'Shadow Veil', 'Spark of Life'],
fix12 - fixed number key issue
Note: Display action name (mouse cursor on action) to override selected action when display action name and number key will not any actions when all cooldown.
num : [], // List to cast when number key is pressed (if set to [], disable number key spells)
stopWhenChanneling : -1, // Stop when less than or equal to channeling buff expire turn (if < 0, disable)
sparkOfLife: 0, // 0:IA, 1:cast, 2: scroll, when get Cloak of the Fallen without Spark of Life
Note: if number key spells can't any actions when length of Settings.spells.num greater than 0, number key will not work.
fix11 - gem order
fix10 - add select spell cast on hover. how to reset? click "ATTACK" (toggle to "Battle Time").
add expire turn option. set to true detect expire at 0 turn. but sometimes 0 turn is too short.
fixed bug not use normal scroll when have not avatar/gods scrolls with preferAvatarGod set to true
fix9 - change detect buff expire turn 1 to 0
fix8 - support scrolls, infusions, Flower Vase and Bubble-Gum.
fix7 - fixed bug only once parse to item slots at begin of round.
fix6 - fixed bug attack wrong target ('Stop beating dead horses')
fix5 - fixed bug ccrack sort
fix4 - Add ccrack clickable paramater
You should be edit placeDisplay in buffCheck (line 446).
If you want click rather than mouseover, 4th paramater set to true.
* Creates and places display for buffs
* @param {String} icon img src
* @param {String} style css style
* @param {function} action action to perform
* @param {boolean} clickable onclick
* @param {number} insertBefore Optional. insert the new node before
function placeDisplay(icon, style, action, onclick, insertBefore) {
fix3 - Fixed bug: Invalid target
This is temporary fix. I wait for simrock87's next update.
Replace Spirit Stance image and Full-Cure.
Add hover area option.
Add stop when channeling buff and channeling buff image.
Change ccrack icon order. This change will make consume item order.
Settings.heal_rotation, channeling, gem, hp-mp-sp draught-potion-elixir, expire buff.
Line 17:
hover_area : 1, // 0:none, 1:mob box, 2:mob icon, 3:mob name, 4:mob status; inspired by sssss2
Right click feature move to Middle click.
- Bug
Line 841:
// fix me: Middle click on monster pane, trigger normal attack on Iron v31 (not FF 46.0).
// <div id="mkey_1" ... onclick="battle.hover_target(this); battle.commit_target(1)" // cause
My wind mage setting.
Settings = {
use_reloader : true, // set to true if you're using a Reloader
hover_area : 4, // 0:none, 1:mob box, 2:mob icon, 3:mob name, 4:mob status; inspired by sssss2
stopWhenChanneling : -1, // Stop when less than or equal to channeling buff expire turn (if < 0, disable)
checkOnlyExpire : true, // set to true, if you want to check only expiring buff.
expireTurn: false, // if set to true, expire turn prefer 0 to 1
preferAvatarGod : false, // prefer avatar and god to others
useScrollOfLife: false, // if set to true, prefer Scroll of Life to cast Spark of Life or IA when Cloak of the Fallen without Spark of Life
innateArcana: ['Haste', 'Protection', 'Spirit Shield', 'Shadow Veil', 'Spark of Life'],
spells : { // Pay Attention to typos. Is case-sensitive
hover : ['Storms of Njord', 'Downburst', 'Gale'], // List of Hover spells
num : ['Weaken'], // List to cast when number key is pressed
right : ['Imperil'] // List to cast when right click on monster pane (hover_area set to neither 0 nor 1)
limits : { // Limits are percentage based. i.e. 0.8 = 80%
heal : 0.55, // Heal rotation threshold
hdraught: 0.75, // Use Health Draught at or below
mdraught: 0.75, // Use Mana Draught at or below
mpotion : 0.5, // Use Mana Potion at or below
melixir : 0.0, // Use Mana Elixir at or below
sdraught: 0.75, // Use Spirit Draught at or below
spotion : 0.625, // Use Spirit Potion at or below
selixir : 0.0, // Use Spirit Elixir at or below
oc : 225 / 250 // Use Spirit Stance at or below (If > 1, never use spirit stance)
* Heal Rotation, switch order or remove options to affect heal rotation
heal_rotation: [
RiddleLimiterPlus twice click fix [attachmentid=84543]
author: holy_demon
I just this fix No keyboard, No one click.
HV - Left Focus UI [attachmentid=103074] (all in one pack for Left Focus UI)
This packs include below 9 scripts.
HV - counter plus 3.6 for Vanilla Reloader (by tatarime)
HV - Skip Popup
Reloader vanilla
Reset tps: Alt + C
I shortly test on Iron v31.
Thank you all.
QUOTE(Sapo84 @ Apr 26 2016, 04:05)
I see no reason why this shouldn't be working with Reloader 1.3.3b or last vanilla (unless you're using https).
Also scripts not working with Reloader is usually not a reloader problem, scripts just need to be modded (like hansvar92 did with the above).
IMHO, Although mostly scripts are not support for reloader.
As you know, external scripts can support for reloader through addEventListener.
For example, MouseMelee is very important feature.
But vanilla reloader not include MouseMelee.
And he made CracklingCast for vanilla reloader.
This post has been edited by NerfThis: May 20 2017, 18:52