HVEquipCompare_0.6.5.0 [attachmentid=82999]
- Update to Wiki Ranges data (13 March 2016)
- Fixed 'R' key for Leather and Shade Helmet, Plate Cuirass.
- Fixed switchslot bug.
Post-processing: Staff EDB Pmax values, Arcanist Interference (25% the of Leather)
Some EDB and Proficiency are have same values, but wiki data is different.
If have same value, data use topmost value.
ex) Katalox Holy and Dark EDB are have same values, data use Holy EDB.
Katalox Elec, Wind, Fire, Cold EDB are have same values, data use Elec EDB.
Redwood Supportive and Deprecating Proficiency are have same values, data use Supportive.
- Log
update old data (v., 26 August 2014) to new data (13 March 2016)
total data: 4673 obsolete: 511 updated: 3876 duplicated: 0 burden: 86 interference: 64 equal: 69 miss: 67 wiki table rows: 1165
(skip: 301; Burden (Ethereal), Interference (Ethereal, Battlecaster), EDB, Proficiency, Specific Mitigation)
511 + 3876 + 0 + 86 + 64 + 69 + 67 = 4673
miss: 67
Damage Mitigations: 55 dummy values
Buckler: 20 values (Elem, Crushing, Slashing, Piercing)
Kite Shield: 20 values (Elem, Crushing, Slashing, Piercing)
Force: 15 values (Crushing, Slashing, Piercing)
Burden: 2 dummy values
Force: 2 dummy values (Mithril)
Interference Arcanist: 10 wiki miss values
Shade: 2 values x5 = 10
20 + 20 + 15 + 2 + 10 = 67
QUOTE(tatarime @ Mar 31 2016, 17:02)
Good work!
But I think there is a bug with DW/Niten.
Line 792:
if (/Weapon|Staff/i.test(slot)) return 'Main';
if (/Shield/i.test(slot)) return 'Off';
This code return "Main" on the offhand weapon, so I can't compare my Katana to any weapons.
Script Always reference Wakizashi.
Would you fix it?
I think there is no problem on comparing DW/Niten to 1H weapons.
The problem is comparing DW/Niten to 2H weapons.
hi, tatarime.
thank you for bug report.
i fix slot assign code for switch slot code. (line 832)
//var slot = Controller._extractSlot(item.Info.Name,item.Info.Type);
var slot = x.parentNode.firstElementChild.textContent.replace(' Hand', '');
if key q, e, o twice pressed, slot switched Main/Off. (switch only work when compare to One-handed Weapon)
may be it will work. i hope. (IMG:[
This post has been edited by hansvar92: Mar 31 2016, 22:33