the tracking and displaying-tracked-drops functions are now decoupled.
- writes a json.stringify-ed array of objects to the _hvtd-data localstorage key
- []
sample array of data
- parses the _hvtd-data localstorage key; not all of it is currently used
- mimics most of the old HVTD display functionality; example below
if you're upgrading:
- note that this was only tested in an old version of chrome
- note that the out-of-battle drop logic was based on the old version(s), but has not been fully tested
- note that this version uses a different storage key, so old data wont carry forward/vice-versa
- install []
hvtrackdrops.user.js- install []
hvdisplaydrops.user.jsfor script authors that want to access the currently-unutilized tracking data with an alternative 'display drops' script:
- there is cache-reload detection for all tracking methods
- in-battle drops will have "d" set to difficulty
- arena clear bonuses will have "a" set to "true"
- out-of-battle drops will have "o" set to Monster Lab/Artifact/Trophy/Figurine/Salvage
- whenever i feel like getting around to it
- use a mv* framework for interactive filtering/summarization/etc.
- import track drops localstorage data into indexeddb when running low on space
- use all of the newly-tracked data, etc.
- custom reporting options (last x hours, x rounds, etc.)
edit: to enable 'nopopup' functionality
console -> localStorage.setItem('_hvtd-nopopup', 'true');
This post has been edited by ctxl: Jul 7 2015, 02:30