Might as well release the version I'm using now as it fixes and adds quite a few things.
monsterlab2.1.user.zip ( 2.68k )
Number of downloads: 659Changes I can remember making:
- "Next" button in each monster's page to navigate directly between monsters
- Time elapsed since the last check (each monster has its own).
If the timer is green, opening that monster's page will cause the system to roll for a gift.
If it's red, you can open the page how many times you want and it won't cause a gift roll (tested it).
The timer turns green 1 hour after the last valid check.
- Progress bars. They're the blue things with a number behind each monster.
They will eventually start appearing after you've used the script for a while (need to record some data first).
They represent the
minimum (minimum != actual) chance you have to receive a gift were you to open that monster's page at that particular moment (assuming the timer is green).
Full blue bar = 100% chance, no bar = 0% or not enough data to make a prediction
Obviously, doing things like checking the monster on a different browser/computer or disabling the script during a check, might lead to inconsistent results
Actual chance, for the record, is (time elapsed since last valid check) * (wins since last gift) * 2.
Also, to install a script in Chrome you now need to open the Extensions page and drag&drop the *.user.js file there.
This post has been edited by Tiap: Aug 4 2012, 03:30