SpellSpam 3.5.1b[attachmentid=49471]
Beta release, cos I coded while sleepy
Change log from 3.5.0:
- buff condition (including Channeling)
- With click and numkey, if condition fails, don't resume default behaviors (normal attack)
- various bug fix, shift works properly now
Bind different Attack/Skill/Spell to numkey, clicks, and hover. Support Rotation/Multicast. Eg: Cast Cure, Full-Cure, Heroic Health Potion, Spark of Life with right click, or Merciful Blow, Vital Strike, Shield Bash, Attack with hover (mousemelee-like). Press X to open customization tooltip. Hold Ctr/Alt/or Shift to temporarily disable the script without having to open the tooltip
- left/right/middle click, hotkey, or hover over a monster to cast a spell (targetting, non-targetting, special skill, or normal attack)
- left/right/middle click on the battle log to cast non-targetting spell.
Press X Press any alphabet key to view a status box, and activate click, numkey, hover to your liking
- Type your spell/skill name next to an interaction to choose which spell/skill to spam (case sensitive, you only need to type the beginning part of the spell name eg. "Weak" would still cast Weaken, but "weak" or "eaken" wouldn't work
- You can type "Attack" (or "Att" if you're lazy) to use normal attack - yes you can play MouseMelee with this xD
Rotation: use comma, or semicolon to separate spells in the same roation. Spell should be ordered by their priority.
Notice: dot is no longer supported as separator so it can be used in decimal number for conditionalsExample:
Cure; Full-Cure; Heroic Health Potion; Spark of Life
Cast cure first. If cure on cooldown, cast Full-Cure. If Full-Cure on cooldown, use Heroic Health. If no moe Heroic health, cast Spark.
Merciful Blow; Vital Strike; Shield Bash; Attack
Cast Merciful Blow (T3) first. If it's not yet available, cast Vital Strike(T2). If not available, cast Shield Bash(T1). If no skill is available, attack normally.
Conditionals you can specify a condition for the rotation to work. Currently only supported character info:
$HP: health (0 - 100)
$MP: mana (0 - 100)
$SP: spirit (0 - 100)
$OC: overcharge (0 - 250)
$SS: Spirit Stance (true/false)
$buffName: return the current duration of the spell. buffName is case-sensitive and must exclude all space character, eg: "Channeling"->Channeling, "Spark of Life"->$SparkofLife, "Spirit Shield" -> "$SpiritShield. Caution: some spells will have different buff name, eg: Haste -> $Hastened. The duration will be +1 of the value given by HV, for ease of Boolean operation. eg. if your spell is blinking and about to expire, its duration will be 1. IA spells duration is 1 as well
$HP>20;$SP>10;$OC>=210;$SS;Orbital Friendship Cannon
Cast OFC if Health > 20%, Spirit > 10%, Overcharge >= 210 and Spirit Stance is activated
Cast Silence;Imperil rotation if Health > 50%, Mana > 10%, and Spirit Stance not activated
Cast Cure;Full-Cure;Defend rotation if Health < 40% and Mana > 20%
$Hastened;$Protection;$ShadowVeil;$SpiritShield;$SparkofLife;Shield Bash;Spirit Shield
Cast Shield Bash;Spirit Shield if you still have Hastened, Protection Shadow Veil, Spirit Shield, Spark of Life buff
!$Channeling; Attack
Attack if you have no Channeling
$Channeling<=1; Heartseeker;
Cast Heartseeker if your Channeling buff will expire in 1 turn (it's blinking)
Spell Profile you can now change spell profile with hotkey. Press shift + alpha key (A, B, C... Z) to assign your current spell profile to an alpha key, Press the alpha key to load its assigned spell profile. To delete, assign the key to an unchecked profile (all boxes are unticked). The status box now shows the list of all assigned profile.
Note: this assignment won't overwrite any of HV hotkey, eg: if you press S, you will load the profile associated with S, AND use Spirit Stance
- Ctr, Alt disables the script temporarily. Shift now only disables hover mode.
Special Thanks to: cruelsion (Hath commission with 3.5.0), Veince and Colman (bug report)
This post has been edited by holy_demon: Aug 27 2014, 04:51