MouseMelee Lightning++ / HoverPlay 1.6 ( 2.51k )
Number of downloads: 161- Hover over monsters to (spell)-attack them (uses first available spell from the
Spell_List if list is not empty - no rotation\spellcycle) (number-keys spellspam too)(when you have a spell or debuff charged\hovered - it would normal attack then)
- before attacking checks for hp, mp, sp and if it's too low - shows icons for fixing that (heals, pots etc) instead of attacking
- for spirit stance - shows icon (of protection scroll) if it's 250%
- for gems - includes gem script (works as previously + hoverable) - so you should remove\turn off separate show gem script if you have it
- for buffs - moves expiring buffs to "gem-bar" & makes those click-hoverable to rebuff + stops attacking if enabled in options. (You must have those buffs in your
Quickbar for rebuff to work)
- shift hotkey - disables hover-attacking (alert bars and rebuff icons would still be shown)
- Space \ RightClick hotkey - consumes first item from left at the "gem-bar" (e.g. heal, spirit stance, potion, rebuff)
- MiddleClick hotkey - a spell \ skill hotkey (can be either any Spell or any Skill in the list, not just offensive\deprecating)
options - by default options are set for holy-
mage-play, you
must edit options at the top of the script before installing it to better suit your needs (if you aren't a holy mage)! :
= choose spells to spam (or make
var Spell_list = []; to not spam any spells and just normal-attack)
= you can only use offensive & deprecating spells for
Spell_List (ones affecting enemy)
Recommended settings for
melee players (not mages):
//// settings:
var Spell_list = [];
var Spell_middle_click = ['Imperil'];
// thresholds for stop
var HP_T = 0.40;
var MP_T = 0.11;
var SP_T = 0.1;
var stop_on_rebuffs = true;
new in this release:- Made middle-click spell into a list (to get first available spell or skill from the list)
- Fixed middle click spell button pressing for Chrome
in next versions:- probably a debuffer to cycle-debuff monsters before (spell)-attacking. (soon...)
Previous ver changelog: see in old post -;#entry3302616P.S. - don't forget to disable\uninstall previous version (1.3 and lower) of mousemelee Lightning script so they won't work all together