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HV Script Thread, Discuss your creations. Includes guidelines and infos for script creation (2020-02-28 upd) |
May 17 2014, 13:19
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QUOTE(kuro009 @ May 16 2014, 23:27) Can anyone please make a script to hide the Locked equipments in the Forge and show only the unlocked ones? (For mass salvaging purpose) Paste the following into the developer console: CODE var x = document.querySelectorAll(".il, .ilp"); for (var i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) x[i].parentNode.style.display = "none"; Demo GIF:
May 17 2014, 13:21
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QUOTE(holy_demon @ May 17 2014, 15:38) Hint: - Start with my HV Item Filter script
- locked equips will have either "il" or "ilp" class, and unlocked equips have "iu" or "iup" class (the ilp and iup class are for first equip of each equip type, with an empty space right above). I can guess the i stands for item, u/l stands for unlocked/locked, and p for paragraph (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
- to learn javascript, start/search [developer.mozilla.org] here
Well gl (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) Nah, removeChild() can do the job, but I'm too lazy to code right now. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Your Item Filter will be just fine, (for now). (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) QUOTE(ctxl @ May 17 2014, 16:49) Paste the following into the developer console: CODE var x = document.querySelectorAll(".il, .ilp"); for (var i = x.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) x[i].parentNode.style.display = "none"; Many many thanks for the code. Here is the userscript version:
Salvage_Mode.user.zip ( 561bytes )
Number of downloads: 54This post has been edited by kuro009: May 17 2014, 13:36
May 17 2014, 18:15
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QUOTE(holy_demon @ May 17 2014, 18:08) Hint: - Start with my HV Item Filter script
- locked equips will have either "il" or "ilp" class, and unlocked equips have "iu" or "iup" class (the ilp and iup class are for first equip of each equip type, with an empty space right above). I can guess the i stands for item, u/l stands for unlocked/locked, and p for paragraph (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
- to learn javascript, start/search [developer.mozilla.org] here
Well gl (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif) Unfortunately, it'll takes much more to create a proficiency statistics script (the very script that I wanted!). I'm not gonna dream big and make it as elaborate as HVSTAT atm, but I want it to be able to record the individual instances of proficiency gains and store it in localstorage file as logs at bare minimum. I've got the list of HTML elements to be retrieved (incomplete), but that's it. <div id="togpane_log" class="bttp btlp"><table><td class="t3b turnEnd"> You gain 0.03 points of staff proficiency.You gain 0.03 points of cloth armor proficiency.You gain 0.03 points of elemental magic proficiency.You gain 0.03 points of divine magic proficiency.You gain 0.03 points of forbidden magic proficiency.You gain 0.03 points of supportive magic proficiency.You gain 0.03 points of deprecating magic proficiency.</td></tbody></div> The only other way I could think about is to reverse engineer HVSTAT... and man, ain't that a heavy code, and I could barely even recognize the prof retrieving codes at all, let alone reverse engineer them. QUOTE(kuro009 @ May 17 2014, 19:21) Many many thanks for the code. Here is the userscript version:
Salvage_Mode.user.zip ( 561bytes )
Number of downloads: 54Uh, it didn't work for me... This post has been edited by LostLogia4: May 17 2014, 18:37
May 19 2014, 06:26
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LostLogia4, try regular expressions. Sample code to parse line of such kind. CODE var regexp = /You\sgain\s(\d+(?:\.\d+))\spoints\sof\s(.+?)\sproficiency/; var result = regexp.exec(text);
var proficiencyKind = result[2]; var proficiencyGain = parseFloat(result[1]);
May 19 2014, 07:13
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QUOTE(Razor320 @ May 19 2014, 12:26) LostLogia4, try regular expressions. Sample code to parse line of such kind. CODE var regexp = /You\sgain\s(\d+(?:\.\d+))\spoints\sof\s(.+?)\sproficiency/; var result = regexp.exec(text);
var proficiencyKind = result[2]; var proficiencyGain = parseFloat(result[1]);
Thanks, will find a way to write the script after I get my way around Javascript, if nobody else did already. Anyway, more importantly, I'll need a shopkeeper version of "HV - Item Menu for 0.78" script with "Equipment Popup" which displays equip popup (to bypass no-hotkey scripts) and a "Send" option which brings me to the Mooglemail screen with the equips attached while removing the Salvage and Send to freeSHOP option... Urgently. This post has been edited by LostLogia4: May 19 2014, 13:14
May 20 2014, 03:55
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Got this kind of problem: (IMG:[ i.imgur.com] https://i.imgur.com/fwuejgd.png) And the error log along with it (yeah, I just learned debugging just today). TypeError: y.onclick is not a function 077c.js:1 POST http://hentaiverse.org/ [HTTP/1.1 200 OK 297ms] TypeError: y.onclick is not a function 077c.js:1 error {target: IDBRequest, currentTarget: IDBRequest, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: true, cancelable: true, defaultPrevented: false, timeStamp: 1400550701187000, originalTarget: IDBRequest, explicitOriginalTarget: IDBRequest, isTrusted: true, NONE: 0} And a few more: [object DeadObject] hvstat.user.js:1748 AbortError hvstat.user.js:1746 error {target: IDBRequest, currentTarget: IDBRequest, eventPhase: 2, bubbles: true, cancelable: true, defaultPrevented: false, timeStamp: 1400550840640000, originalTarget: IDBRequest, explicitOriginalTarget: IDBRequest, isTrusted: true, NONE: 0}
May 20 2014, 06:12
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QUOTE(kuro009 @ May 17 2014, 13:21) Nah, removeChild() can do the job, but I'm too lazy to code right now. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif) Your Item Filter will be just fine, (for now). (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif) Many many thanks for the code. Here is the userscript version:
Salvage_Mode.user.zip ( 561bytes )
Number of downloads: 54I think you might want to change the @match in that userscript, at least I had to in order to make it work.
May 20 2014, 17:32
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This post has been edited by revsex: May 21 2014, 15:33
May 21 2014, 16:43
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HentaiVerse Shop Filter Plus version alphaThis is second iteration of script i used personally to sell and salvage multiple items at once. New version comes with new functions, new interface and cross-browser support. Works on Firefox [tested on v27] (with Scriptish, also should work with GreaseMonkey) and Google Chrome [tested on v34] (as native extension and with Tampermonkey). Custom font engine must be used in order to get it working. Features: - Select multiple items in Equpment shop using checkboxes or native HV selection (unavailable when using as native Chrome extension)
- Hide items by some criteria using fitering function, multiple filters could be used at once
- Easy way to include new text-based filters
- Programmable multiple selection buttons
- Salvage or sell selected items at once
May 21 2014, 16:47
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Fellow auctioneers, I present to thee this script from amy_cc. No salvaging and send to freeshop command as they're hellborn plague for auctioneers, added "Send" command (go to MM with the equip attached) and equip popup command to bypass hotkeys. And middle clicking the equips does it all, made upon my request within hours no less. Note: according to amy_cc, this script need to know MM_POST_KEY. this value is saved in browser's local storage. This post has been edited by LostLogia4: May 22 2014, 02:46
May 26 2014, 11:04
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View proficiency in Battle, from HVSTAT. Introduction, read proficiency in character page. This one supported Custom font only.
HV_proficiency_view.zip ( 1.4k )
Number of downloads: 68
This post has been edited by oohmrparis: May 27 2014, 10:03
May 26 2014, 14:44
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QUOTE(oohmrparis @ May 26 2014, 17:04) View proficiency in Battle, from HVSTAT.
HV_proficiency_view.zip ( 1.4k )
Number of downloads: 68About time. thanks a zillion. The three latest scripts posted here had been very helpful to me. Also, I'm the 1st downloader. Side note: Can you make it display the top three most gained proficiencies right below the status bar as well? And finally... it's not displayed outside of battle (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/anime_cry.gif) EDIT: Turns out, that's the least of your troubles, it records the proficiency gain to be twice the actual rate... This post has been edited by LostLogia4: May 27 2014, 07:48
May 27 2014, 06:30
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This script needs fixing to include the skill description triggered by onmouseover. And the Tier 3 holy spell.
quickbar.user.zip ( 1.69k )
Number of downloads: 46
May 27 2014, 08:53
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A tiny addition to RiddleLimiter RiddleLimiter Plus 1.1
RiddleLimiterPlus_1.1.user.zip ( 822bytes )
Number of downloads: 1036Add big, red, clickable buttons to PonyRiddle so you don't have to type in the answer Pressing 1,2,3 can answer the riddle (for A,B,C respectively) This post has been edited by holy_demon: May 27 2014, 08:54
May 27 2014, 10:22
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can someone fix the Sell All script? pretty sure it's been broken for awhile now or write a new one; whichever is easier
May 27 2014, 10:22
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE Side note: Can you make it display the top three most gained proficiencies right below the status bar as well? And finally... it's not displayed outside of battle anime_cry.gif EDIT: Turns out, that's the least of your troubles, it records the proficiency gain to be twice the actual rate... I think that it doesn't need any outside of battle. Maybe, the cause of records the proficiency gain to be twice, Because you restart the browser in turn proficiency has gain. This bug fixed. Now drop update ver.
HV_proficiency_view_2.0.zip ( 1.94k )
Number of downloads: 66CODE var display = true; Top 3 gains item color is red. Display turn off/on in Character page. Default is true. Click reset, storage data initialization. This post has been edited by oohmrparis: May 27 2014, 10:30
May 27 2014, 14:29
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QUOTE(oohmrparis @ May 27 2014, 16:22) Top 3 gains item color is red. Display turn off/on in Character page. Default is true. Click reset, storage data initialization. Can you make these three appear at the left pane right below the stamina bars as well for it to be tracked in real-time battle? That'll help a lot for proficiency grinding. Turns out the double prof gain bug is because I have it activated on both Scriptish (too lazy to remove it...) and Greasemonkey... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) Also, is there a script that displays the currently trained subject (like Adept Learner) on the left pane? This post has been edited by LostLogia4: May 27 2014, 15:35
May 27 2014, 15:26
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QUOTE(something @ May 27 2014, 16:22) can someone fix the Sell All script? pretty sure it's been broken for awhile now or write a new one; whichever is easier The "Sell All" script? I sure as hell don't wanna accidentally sell off to-be-auctioned equips, so I don't sell any whenever I hold one... (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) Somebody please write me a hide sell & sell all button script... Here's the new version, it batch sells and salvages stuff in equip shops and hides important equips at the same time. I personally used it in conjunction with Item Filter due to the buggy search. QUOTE(Razor320 @ May 21 2014, 22:43) HentaiVerse Shop Filter Plus version alpha *snip* [attachmentid=43471] ...unless if you used it as Chrome's native extension, in that case, better get its equivalent of Greasemonkey or tough luck (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) This post has been edited by LostLogia4: May 27 2014, 15:31
May 28 2014, 06:36
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QUOTE(LostLogia4 @ May 27 2014, 17:26) Here's the new version, it batch sells and salvages stuff in equip shops and hides important equips at the same time. I personally used it in conjunction with Item Filter due to the buggy search. ...unless if you used it as Chrome's native extension, in that case, better get its equivalent of Greasemonkey or tough luck (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) Describe, please, what problem is in search? I didn't experience any troubles with it... It provides an interface to code filtering function of any complexity, for example, i setup option that selects all Exqusite and crappier equipment (for standard equip, for shade/power and such upper limit is Average) which have less than 321 PXP. And are your comment means that you couldn't run this script in Chrome? This post has been edited by Razor320: May 28 2014, 06:43
May 28 2014, 07:52
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HV Equipment Comparison
HVEquipCompare_0.6.3.3.user.zip ( 19.25k )
Number of downloads: 102Since userscripts.org is down i put it here. - minor bug fix I will no longer working on this script in the future.Please do not write to me because I will not answer.
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