黒 船 来 航 2
QUOTE(ex-homehome @ Nov 7 2020, 12:21)
Your translation is accurate. Google Translate handles Japanese-English pretty well as long as you avoid slang and use simple sentences, so feel free to talk to moderators via Google Translate when you need help.
Google Translate:
あなたの翻訳は正確です。 Google翻訳は、俗語を避けて簡単な文章を使用する限り、日本語と英語をうまく処理します。サポートが必要な場
Japanese -> English sounds ok, but English -> Japanese like the part above sounds stiff in some places.
Edit: For some reason, the Japanese part above wraps early and does not use the full width of the post. Interesting...
This post has been edited by Mayriad: Nov 7 2020, 15:04