The Fourth Annual E-Hentai Galleries Award Show for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Excellence, Also featuring the drawing of The Fourth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery
Gratz to the lucky and/or deserving ones, and thanks for that new green snowflake (which is way prettier than the ruby one anyway (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)).
Oh, and thank you also for the new mod power bonus that last year's awards now bring in (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
This post has been edited by Hairs Fan: Jan 2 2012, 03:42
I wonder how the pony thing will work. Evil, err Mischievous Pooka Nightmare/Luna sounds like the winning would be something silly but neat. Legendary... leather belt of shielding aura! Oh, and Level 1 with lowest possible rolls for a Legendary. Oh, and you can't equip it since it's a belt, just fight it's item world. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
I wonder how the pony thing will work. Evil, err Mischievous Pooka Nightmare/Luna sounds like the winning would be something silly but neat. Legendary... leather belt of shielding aura! Oh, and Level 1 with lowest possible rolls for a Legendary. Oh, and you can't equip it since it's a belt, just fight it's item world. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)