The Fourth Annual E-Hentai Galleries Award Show for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Excellence, Also featuring the drawing of The Fourth Annual E-Hentai Yuletide Lottery
I won? FFFfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuuuck yeah!
I'm gonna try extra hard to increase my toplist ranks this year. The extra mod power, hath and credits are so tempting. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Oh, and congratulations everybody who got something. For the rest of you, there's always next year.
Edit: Oh look, a cookie... chocolate chip? I prefer Oreo myself, but alright.
This post has been edited by kingwolf: Jan 2 2012, 00:13
Grats to all who won, hope it heralds good tidings for the year =] And for the rest of us, Happy New Year! There's always another chance to win something XD