Isn't it exciting? The end of the world is upon us in 2012! The sky shall fall upon Chicken Little and his forces of the Status Quo, and all the President's men will be unable to put it back together again. We shall all follow the great god Twilight Sparkle, for Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony and we shall all live in a world of Madness and Friendship, for Friendship is Madness, just as Love is War. We shall cast back this past few centuries of so-called "progress" and live in a world of Magic and Wonder! We shall destroy the world of Machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! We shall replace factories with Corruption Gardens, and all who wish to remain in the world of Orbis Tertius will inevitably be enlightened and forced into the world of Tlön. We shall cast live in the Freedom, unbound my the rules of natural laws (or more accurately, inhumane laws), and living only by the laws we, individually, wish upon ourselves. Welcome to the end of this age of Rules and Restrictions and TSA gropers, and the beginning of the age of Freedom! Let us welcome the Digital Web 2.0!!!
Let us take this world and make it flipped turned upside. And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, and I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel Air.
--- Edit: +K for anyone who can correctly name all of the references in this stream of consciousness! There were a few more I wanted to included, like how you can't hug /every/ cat, but it just didn't work in there.
This post has been edited by Akin: Dec 30 2011, 03:11