Hmm... This certainly explains the extra hath the othe day. Anyway, despite feeling like crap i'm gonna force out one more upload before the years up. Isn't it exciting? (ha!) And Applejack is Best Pony
I only watched the first two episodes but I already know that Rainbow Dash is Best Pony. I mean, she is so pretty with that rainbow coloured tail, and so cool because she can FLY! Isn't it exciting? Flying, that is. I wish I was a pony now.
Hey Tenboro, there is a problem with the Hentaiverse. After an arena battle there is supposed to be a free heal effective immediately, however it is currently not functioning. Can we get a fix for that, no rush.
Ah, what it is to be alive at christmas, not dead due to SAD or perhaps a particularly festive serial killer. Isn't it exciting? Isn't it wonderful? Hurrah for christmas time and hurrah for defeating the evil coffee monster. Or something.