Average Leather Breastplate of the Frost-born PAB.Strength 3.49 > 2.66 (wiki derived base max)
Fair Shortsword of the BansheeBurden 8.08 > 8.06 (wiki derived base max)
Superior Shade Gauntlets of NegationPAB.Dexterity 3.55 > 2.66 (wiki derived base max)
Fair Shield Cuirass of ProtectionPhysical Mitigation 6.83 < 7.2 (wiki derived base min)
Crude Leather Leggings of WardingMagical Mitigation 5.68 <5.69 (wiki derived base min)
Superior Tower Shield of ProtectionPAB.Dexterity 2.93 > 2.36 (wiki derived base max)
Superior Ethereal Redwood Staff of FocusPAB.Intelligence 4.73 > 3.26 (wiki derived base max)
Fine Cotton Cap of ProtectionPAB.Dexterity 3.22 > 2.06 (wiki derived base max)
Fine Leather Leggings of the Frost-bornPAB.Dexterity 3.50 > 3.26 (wiki derived base max)
Superior Tower Shield of ProtectionPhysical Mitigation 4.18 > 3.96 (wiki derived base max)
PAB.Endurance 3.24 > 2.36 (wiki derived base max)
Fine Leather Boots of the Spirit-wardPAB.Strength 2.59 > 2.06 (wiki derived base max)
Fine Cotton Gloves of WardingPAB.Dexterity 2.31 > 1.76 (wiki derived base max)
Superior Shortsword of the BattlecasterPAB.Strength 2.64 < 3.09 (wiki derived base min)
PAB.Dexterity 3.84 > 3.26 (wiki derived base max)
PAB.Agility 1.44 < 2.19 (wiki derived base min)
Crude Plate Greaves of the Spirit-wardPhysical Mitigation 7.18 < 8.67 (wiki derived base min)
Fine Leather Gauntlets of the Thrice-blessedPAB.Agility 1.70 < 1.89 (wiki derived base min)
PAB.Intelligence 1.70 < 1.89 (wiki derived base min)
Superior Gossamer Pants of the Demon-fiendPAB.Dexterity 3.82 > 3.56 (wiki derived base max)
PAB.Intelligence 2.63 < 3.39 (wiki derived base min)
PAB.Wisdom 4.73 > 4.16 (wiki derived base max)
Average Leather Breastplate of the Frost-bornPAB.Strength 3.49 > 2.66 (wiki derived base max)