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> Random translation help

post Dec 15 2017, 04:33
Post #5101

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(IMG:[s17.postimg.org] https://s17.postimg.org/7jfkott5r/sfx.jpg)

How would you translate Hyoko? Is it the sound effect for her ahoge popping or springing up, or is she the one "peeking out?"
(Yes I know it doesn't matter but I think its cute and I see it all the time and I want to know.)

@Gftiz, Thanks! I don't know why I didn't see the little circle.

This post has been edited by sensualaoi: Dec 15 2017, 20:32
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post Dec 15 2017, 10:44
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QUOTE(sensualaoi @ Dec 14 2017, 21:33) *

(IMG:[s17.postimg.org] https://s17.postimg.org/7jfkott5r/sfx.jpg)

How would you translate Hyoko? Is it the sound effect for her ahoge popping or springing up, or is she the one "peeking out?"
(Yes I know it doesn't matter but I think its cute and I see it all the time and I want to know.)

It looks like it's pyokoぴょこ- like from ぴょこん for like bouncing. So I'd say yeah I'd say it looks like it's from her ahoge. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
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post Dec 18 2017, 00:59
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Having trouble with this phrase here:


I knew the 見て is a command to looking, but what does トコ mean? I've looked up a lot, but couldn't find anything. Also while we're at it.

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post Dec 18 2017, 03:13
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QUOTE(megasean3000 @ Dec 18 2017, 11:59) *

Having trouble with this phrase here:


I knew the 見て is a command to looking, but what does トコ mean? I've looked up a lot, but couldn't find anything. Also while we're at it.


トコ is short for 所

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post Dec 18 2017, 10:21
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Having trouble with this


any help will be appreciated
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post Dec 18 2017, 12:23
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QUOTE(megasean3000 @ Dec 18 2017, 00:59) *

Also while we're at it.

[dictionary.goo.ne.jp] https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/jn/238496/meaning/m0u/

QUOTE(flano @ Dec 18 2017, 10:21) *

Having trouble with this


any help will be appreciated

Squirting so fast, are you going to cum until you're dry?


Squirting in an instant,, are you going to let it out until your vitality withers?
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post Dec 18 2017, 12:31
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Thank you
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post Dec 20 2017, 22:31
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anyone know what these mean?
[ptpimg.me] https://ptpimg.me/eyz9xi.jpg
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post Dec 20 2017, 23:55
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It's related to what Shadow Moon just replied to. It's "squirting"
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post Dec 21 2017, 07:52
Post #5110
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Male 'squirting' i.e. ejaculation, to be more specific.
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post Dec 21 2017, 12:25
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Thanks guys
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post Dec 22 2017, 10:37
Post #5112

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Hello all, I got a little quicky here I cant wrap my heads around properly.

I'm trying to translate this bit:
シューニャ様に 食べて頂くなら 本望です…。♥
(spaces are line breaks, but I presume everything's connected)
If you're wondering about the scenario, it's about a nekogirl willingly sticking her body into a dragon's mouth (non-guro).
Is she asking if it's Shuunya-sama's desire (ambition) is to eat her, or is it her own desire?

As a bonus, can someone give me a better alternative than my own to this one too?
うんまあ… すごい絵面だよな。
"Yeah well... what an amazing scene this is"

This post has been edited by q91: Dec 22 2017, 10:39
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post Dec 22 2017, 11:50
Post #5113
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QUOTE(q91 @ Dec 22 2017, 09:37) *

Hello all, I got a little quicky here I cant wrap my heads around properly.

I'm trying to translate this bit:
シューニャ様に 食べて頂くなら 本望です…。♥
(spaces are line breaks, but I presume everything's connected)
If you're wondering about the scenario, it's about a nekogirl willingly sticking her body into a dragon's mouth (non-guro).
Is she asking if it's Shuunya-sama's desire (ambition) is to eat her, or is it her own desire?

It's her own desire.

QUOTE(q91 @ Dec 22 2017, 09:37) *

As a bonus, can someone give me a better alternative than my own to this one too?
うんまあ… すごい絵面だよな。
"Yeah well... what an amazing scene this is"

Maybe "this is one hell of a sight" or "this is a sight for sore eyes" depending on if the context is good or bad.

This post has been edited by McHarddrive: Dec 22 2017, 11:50
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post Dec 22 2017, 11:59
Post #5114

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QUOTE(McHarddrive @ Dec 22 2017, 10:50) *

It's her own desire.

Maybe "this is one hell of a sight" or "this is a sight for sore eyes" depending on if the context is good or bad.

Thanks (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

There are 2 catgirls, both are shrine maidens who are supposed to "take care" of a dragon corpse that gets possessed by a human who had died in another world. Attached the page in question.

Unless I've missed something in correcting the text (I know the name has some wrong katakana, but's not important), the whole script for this page is:
シユーニャ様… 気持ちいいです。♥
涎がトロトロで 舌が温かくて…♥

うんまあ… すごい絵面だよな。

あんまり強くは するなよ?
うっかり噛んだら 洒落にならない からな…

シユーニャ様に 食べて頂くなら 本望です…。♥

Attached Image

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post Dec 22 2017, 14:41
Post #5115

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QUOTE(q91 @ Dec 22 2017, 10:37) *

Hello all, I got a little quicky here I cant wrap my heads around properly.

I'm trying to translate this bit:
シューニャ様に 食べて頂くなら 本望です…。♥
(spaces are line breaks, but I presume everything's connected)
If you're wondering about the scenario, it's about a nekogirl willingly sticking her body into a dragon's mouth (non-guro).
Is she asking if it's Shuunya-sama's desire (ambition) is to eat her, or is it her own desire?

As McHarddrive already pointed out, it's her point of view.
Though 本望 isn't normally translated to "desire".
It's normally (I guess normally at least) translated as "not minding (doing smth)" or "gladly (do smth)".
So that phrase would be
"If I can be eaten by Shuunya-sama, I'll glad accept it".
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post Dec 22 2017, 16:30
Post #5116

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Having some trouble with this




Thank you in advanced
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post Dec 23 2017, 19:29
Post #5117

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Yosh,could you help me with this:
It sounds like the beginning of a sentence so here's the next part
context: a girl speaking to the boy who forces her having sex with him


One more:
context: a girl wanking a boy
直弥is the name of the boy

Thanks (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

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post Dec 25 2017, 12:42
Post #5118

最高経営責任者, CEO of Sensualaoi enterprises
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I can think of 3 ways to translate it:

"You're too cute, even though you're a boy I hugged you without thinking."
"You're too cute, even though I'm boy I hugged you without thinking."
"You're too cute, even though we're both boys I hugged you without thinking."

Did I get it right? (The context is that they're both boys who turned into girls, and one of them has suddenly hugged the other one.)

(IMG:[s10.postimg.org] https://s10.postimg.org/zb6qh6cex/TRANS.jpg)
(IMG:[s10.postimg.org] https://s10.postimg.org/5pnd53e61/nyotaika_homo_ch_6_4_red.jpg)

This post has been edited by sensualaoi: Dec 25 2017, 12:47
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post Dec 26 2017, 13:01
Post #5119

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Another quickly. I believe it's a misspelling but I can't seem to google parts of it.


Context: The Janitor is consulting a molester victim from a previous page. From what I get from the text is that she should've made her voice heard (ちゃんと声出して), and イカン here might mean 移管 (transfer of control)

Src: [www.pixiv.net] https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mod...ust_id=60287463

This post has been edited by q91: Dec 26 2017, 13:01
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post Dec 26 2017, 14:07
Post #5120

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I think ikan is just the plain colloquial form of dekinai ...

EDIT : @q91 : I read it more or less like this :

"Speak out clearly, don't make me go crazy wondering ! those things you said, do they happen often ?"

Sorry for the sub-optimal english, but english is not my mother's tongue after all (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

The implication is that she reported what happened to this officer, but in such an esitant and unclear way (either truly so, or alleged by the officer to press her into spilling out details, I don't know - that is context-dependent), that he asks her for a better and/or more detailed report.

Hope this helps (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

This post has been edited by mundomuñeca: Dec 26 2017, 14:26
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