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Random translation help |
Sep 26 2017, 08:30
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QUOTE(HonyakuSands @ Sep 25 2017, 23:06)  Thank you for the help, rqwrqw! Can't help you with all of it, but キュンとする means to to be overcome with emotion, to feel one's chest tightening up. Additionally, your text has したいにゃー which would make it "want to", but the original is したにゃー。
Both of the lines together could be "When I saw that my friend's conflicted feelings would probably be expressed sexually, it was so cute I thought I would die, nyaa." p3: fsssssh p5: silence... no good way to deal with this one p8: fsssssh also p10: gooop, drooop, ooze p10: plunk p12: whoosh p12: thud p14: it's the bra being opened. click. p15: yoink, tug, grab
Thank you, and good catch on p14.
Sep 26 2017, 14:19
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QUOTE(Crystalium @ Sep 26 2017, 04:14)  In the middle panel, should I be interpreting 「はい!このショタ設定に専用バッテリーも付けて!」 as him giving her batteries for the occasion of the "shota setup" (i.e. he's just throwing in some batteries as commemoration), or does he act like the shota is a machine that needs batteries and he is giving her the special batteries required for "setting up" the shota? In the same panel but the previous bubble, does 友達も使ってる mean "use your friends" or "employ your friends (in a job sense)" here? [as an optional bonus question, does anyone know if 「苦天ランキング」 is a reference to something, or if 苦天 has a meaning?] For the first part, it looks to me more like your second assumption, where he's saying he'll throw in the special batteries needed for comedic effect (essentially "batteries included for this toy!"). For the second part, I don't know what Kuten (?) refers to (not familiar with Dorohedoro, but it might be a pun to do with the series - something to do with 苦 - and Rakuten the shopping site e.g. [ ranking.rakuten.co.jp] https://ranking.rakuten.co.jp/?) but 友達も使ってる would mean something like "(your) friends are using it (too)" (as in, part of the salesman spiel, implying something like you can't be the only one who doesn't have this product!) QUOTE(Crystalium @ Sep 26 2017, 04:14)  On another page, in the second panel, the latter bubble particularly confuses me. As of the moment, I am interpreting the first bubble's 「俺の友達は拗らせてる感じが」 as "My friends’ complicated feelings", and the latter bubble's 「だいぶHに出てて見ててキュンとしたいにゃー。」 as "manifested in a very perverse fashion and they had sex, nya.", but for the latter bubble, I don't know how to incorporate the 見てて, and I am not 100% sure if キュンとした means "had sex". Any ideas? だいぶHに出てて surface a lot during sex 見ててキュンとしたいにゃー and seeing it, my heart skipped a beat ... Or something like that, the general gist is that the guy in the gas mask is commenting on how her normally reserved nature gets blown away when she's having sex and watching it made him feel something. This post has been edited by rqwrqw: Sep 26 2017, 14:42
Sep 26 2017, 20:08
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Hi there, I'm having some trouble with this and will take any help you can give. I need help primarily with the second sentence but have included the sentence right before just in case it helps.
1. 何故, 私がこんなミダラでヤバンでケガラワシイことを…ッ! 2. 本当にこれがアイツに「ギャフン」と言わせられるヒントになるんでしょうね!
Sep 26 2017, 23:29
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Sep 27 2017, 06:44
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QUOTE(HonyakuSands @ Sep 26 2017, 00:06)  Can't help you with all of it, but キュンとする means to to be overcome with emotion, to feel one's chest tightening up. Additionally, your text has したいにゃー which would make it "want to", but the original is したにゃー。
QUOTE(rqwrqw @ Sep 26 2017, 08:19)  For the first part, it looks to me more like your second assumption, where he's saying he'll throw in the special batteries needed for comedic effect (essentially "batteries included for this toy!"). For the second part, I don't know what Kuten (?) refers to (not familiar with Dorohedoro, but it might be a pun to do with the series - something to do with 苦 - and Rakuten the shopping site e.g. [ ranking.rakuten.co.jp] https://ranking.rakuten.co.jp/?) but 友達も使ってる would mean something like "(your) friends are using it (too)" (as in, part of the salesman spiel, implying something like you can't be the only one who doesn't have this product!) だいぶHに出てて surface a lot during sex 見ててキュンとしたいにゃー and seeing it, my heart skipped a beat ... Or something like that, the general gist is that the guy in the gas mask is commenting on how her normally reserved nature gets blown away when she's having sex and watching it made him feel something. Thank you very much. These were helpful
Sep 30 2017, 00:29
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How do you translate this? [ジャージー牛乳] Thank you shadow_moon!
This post has been edited by shakuganaexa: Sep 30 2017, 17:27
Sep 30 2017, 01:38
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QUOTE(shakuganaexa @ Sep 30 2017, 00:29)  How do you translate this? [ジャージー牛乳] Thank you!
Probably Jersey milk, where Jersey refers to the Jersey cattle, a breed of dairy cattle. [ en.wikipedia.org] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_cattle
Oct 1 2017, 13:45
Dick Tater
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QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Sep 30 2017, 01:38)  Probably Jersey milk, where Jersey refers to the Jersey cattle, a breed of dairy cattle. [ en.wikipedia.org] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jersey_cattleDepending on the material in question, there's also a chance this is a joke, playing off the fact that the tops of school gym uniforms are also known as ジャージー (jersey) in Japan. So if you had, say, a school girl lactating through the top of her gym uniform, there you go--jersey milk!
Oct 2 2017, 03:23
Vile Mk 2
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Excuse me, what is the translation of this sound effect?:
Oct 2 2017, 03:24
Vile Mk 2
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Excuse me, what is the translation of this sound effect?: Pd: Sorry for publish it 2 times, I don't know why that happened. This post has been edited by Vile Mk 2: Oct 2 2017, 03:28
Oct 2 2017, 13:19
Dick Tater
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QUOTE(Vile Mk 2 @ Oct 2 2017, 03:24)  Excuse me, what is the translation of this sound effect?: Pd: Sorry for publish it 2 times, I don't know why that happened. That'd be a really long squirt, like SPLOOOOGE! or something.
Oct 3 2017, 11:22
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Anyone can help me with the meaning of this?
Oct 3 2017, 23:23
Vile Mk 2
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Thanks for your help Dick tater.
Oct 4 2017, 00:39
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Can someone translate these sentences? I really don't get it. First sentence: “はは…でも聞いてくれる? 結局あの電話さあ, 勝手に部屋を抜け出して トイレ からかけて たんだよね. それが顧問に見付かっちゃったみたいで…んっと.” Second Sentence: コテンパンに怒られたって後からメールき たんだよ? Thank you rqwrqw and shadow_moon! QUOTE(shadow_moon @ Oct 4 2017, 01:48)  What's the context for these? Because it looks like they're referring to a phone as a person? Or maybe it's someone who operates a telephone? The phone sneaked (snuck if you prefer) from the room and hung out in the bathroom, got caught by the advisor and received a (e-)mail after being beaten down?
Here is the context: This post has been edited by shakuganaexa: Oct 4 2017, 15:13
Oct 4 2017, 02:48
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QUOTE(shakuganaexa @ Oct 4 2017, 00:39)  Can someone translate these sentences? I really don't get it. First sentence: “はは…でも聞いてくれる? 結局あの電話さあ, 勝手に部屋を抜け出して トイレ からかけて たんだよね. それが顧問に見付かっちゃったみたいで…んっと.” Second Sentence: コテンパンに怒られたって後からメールき たんだよ? Thank you!
What's the context for these? Because it looks like they're referring to a phone as a person? Or maybe it's someone who operates a telephone? The phone sneaked (snuck if you prefer) from the room and hung out in the bathroom, got caught by the advisor and received a (e-)mail after being beaten down?
Oct 4 2017, 04:59
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anyone know how to read circle name 岸蜜火猫 ?
Oct 4 2017, 05:26
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QUOTE(N04h @ Oct 4 2017, 03:59)  anyone know how to read circle name 岸蜜火猫 ?
Kishimitsuhineko? Apparently, according to doujinshi.org, it's an alternate name for the circle KiMiTo Nyannyan (きみとにゃんにゃん).
Oct 4 2017, 10:39
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QUOTE(N04h @ Oct 4 2017, 13:59)  anyone know how to read circle name 岸蜜火猫 ?
According to [ www.doujinshi.org] https://www.doujinshi.org/browse/circle/461...iMiTo-Nyannyan/ the artists that make up that circle are: Kishibe Fuyuno Mikan Hironosuke Nekote So I'd suggest a high likelihood that it's just read Kishimihineko. OR it's just meant to be read like the alternate circle name (kimito nyannyan) and stylised with a character from each of them for effect rather than because it's meant to be read that way. This post has been edited by rqwrqw: Oct 4 2017, 10:44
Oct 4 2017, 11:05
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QUOTE(shakuganaexa @ Oct 4 2017, 09:39)  First sentence: “はは…でも聞いてくれる? 結局あの電話さあ, 勝手に部屋を抜け出して トイレ からかけて たんだよね. それが顧問に見付かっちゃったみたいで…んっと.” "Haha... But listen to this. When I took that phone call... I snuck out of the room without permission and ended up taking it in the toilet. But it seems the (club?) adviser found out... And, yeah." QUOTE(shakuganaexa @ Oct 4 2017, 09:39)  Second Sentence: コテンパンに怒られたって後からメールき たんだよ? "You got a message afterwards telling you how I got heavily scolded for it, right?"
Oct 4 2017, 11:35
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thanks guys
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