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> Random translation help

post Oct 23 2016, 01:29
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QUOTE(CapableScoutMan @ Oct 22 2016, 19:00) *

She says 後 as in later or afterwards, but it can also mean "behind" so he takes her from behind. Puns like that are pretty hard to localize in English. Maybe a pun between "but" and "butt"?

This is better than what I was thinking of but yeah this is a tough one.

My attempt:
"But, I've gotta get him off first"
"I didn't mean IN the butt!"
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post Oct 23 2016, 01:38
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Ok, thanks.
I think I'll go with "hang in there" when she says "later"
and the kid understands "bang (me) in there"......

Edit: Thanks, both of you.

Still haven't decided.

This post has been edited by bfrost: Oct 23 2016, 01:41
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post Oct 23 2016, 08:43
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QUOTE(bfrost @ Oct 22 2016, 19:06) *

Is there a joke between atode and ushiro on this page?
If so, is there a way to convey it?

Adding to what CapableScoutMan said, I think it could be something like this:


おっ俺も 混ぜてよぉ!
Hey! Include me too!

あっ ♥
ごめん 後で…
Ah ♥
I'm sorry for leaving you behind…

From behind!?


I didn't say…
to put it from behind!!
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post Oct 23 2016, 09:37
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One more option cause why not
"sorry, done here, and..."
"done here, not down there"!
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post Oct 23 2016, 10:52
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I'm need the eng translation of this image.

What did the girl say after "lie down there..."?


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post Oct 23 2016, 10:58
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QUOTE(Genitscans @ Oct 23 2016, 10:52) *


I'm need the eng translation of this image.

What did the girl say after "lie down there..."?


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"I'll make it so your body won't be satisfied by anything other than me."
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post Oct 23 2016, 11:07
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QUOTE(pundeiu @ Oct 23 2016, 10:58) *

"I'll make it so your body won't be satisfied by anything other than me."

Well that was fast!

You rock! Thanks a bunch.
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post Oct 23 2016, 11:59
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Hey there. I have this sentence

The context is that the (virgin) guy who says this almost got fucked by a futa. When he says it he's feeling kinda inferior for not being as assertive as his futa gf.

Now, I've gathered that 操を捧げる means something like "being devoted to someone", at a much deeper level, in body and soul, but also I've seen that 操 could also mean 処女.

So I was wondering if 操を捧げる could also be interpreted as 処女を捧げる.

Is it plausible that the author is playing around with those meanings?

Is 操を捧げる even used to mean 処女を捧げる?
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post Oct 23 2016, 13:31
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Thanks to all of you. I'll take DrunkenWeeb's proposition, but keeping the others in mind.
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post Oct 23 2016, 19:00
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QUOTE(dullian @ Oct 23 2016, 11:59) *

Hey there. I have this sentence

The context is that the (virgin) guy who says this almost got fucked by a futa. When he says it he's feeling kinda inferior for not being as assertive as his futa gf.

Now, I've gathered that 操を捧げる means something like "being devoted to someone", at a much deeper level, in body and soul, but also I've seen that 操 could also mean 処女.

So I was wondering if 操を捧げる could also be interpreted as 処女を捧げる.

Is it plausible that the author is playing around with those meanings?

Is 操を捧げる even used to mean 処女を捧げる?

I'd read the sentence as something like
"If I happened to be a girl, I'd have already lost my virginity to her"
As I see it, here 操 means chastity and by extension virginity. and 捧げる giving, so I'd say that the sentence already makes sense taken by literal meanings according to the context you presented...
(I'm not sure about the being devoted nuance, but it doesn't seem like it would apply here)
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post Oct 23 2016, 19:26
Post #3991

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Three questions regarding some phrasing and usage of katakana:

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Wondering about the bottom two panels. In bottom-right, trying to figure out how to match the pauses to useful english text. I'm reading "これは流石に...いや.‥でも…" as something like "I'd expect that to be...upleasant...but..." but that doesn't really flow well. Any suggestions?

For the second bubble, "ここって体験コーナーあったよね!?" The コーナー is throwing me off, since I'm not seeing any obvious corner for them to be referring to. Any suggestions on how to translate this sentence?

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This one pops up a few times during the comic, but in the middle panel she uses "だってキモいしねえ~" in response to "I wonder if everyone here dislikes tentacles"? Are they using キモい as a replacement for きもちわるい? That shows up in the slang thread but this particular combination doesn't, so want to double-check.


This post has been edited by Szayedt: Oct 23 2016, 19:36
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post Oct 23 2016, 19:27
Post #3992

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QUOTE(pundeiu @ Oct 23 2016, 19:00) *

I'd read the sentence as something like
"If I happened to be a girl, I'd have already lost my virginity to her"
As I see it, here 操 means chastity and by extension virginity. and 捧げる giving, so I'd say that the sentence already makes sense taken by literal meanings according to the context you presented...
(I'm not sure about the being devoted nuance, but it doesn't seem like it would apply here)

Thanks! By the way I found about the being devoted nuance [detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp] here

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post Oct 23 2016, 20:42
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QUOTE(Szayedt @ Oct 23 2016, 19:26) *

Three questions regarding some phrasing and usage of katakana:


"Yeah, this is... gross. Still..."
Corner is meant as in, a time or space dedicated to something. In this case, the context seems to be a guided tour to a company, so 'the experience corner' would suggest some kind of interactive activity for the visitors. "Try it youself"/ "hands on" probably give the idea....
"This is the "hands on" corner!?"
キモイ is indeed just gross.
"Well duh, they're gross!"

QUOTE(dullian @ Oct 23 2016, 19:27) *

Thanks! By the way I found about the being devoted nuance [detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp] here

Reading the page and rereading the sentence, I'm not so sure of my previous interpretation...
It could be something like,
I'd happily give myself to her, if only I were a woman...
(Implied reasoning being, he's attracted by her but doesn't want to lose man pride or something)
Sorry for flip flopping, hope this still somewhat helps.
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post Oct 23 2016, 20:53
Post #3994

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Wondering about the bottom two panels. In bottom-right, trying to figure out how to match the pauses to useful english text. I'm reading "これは流石に...いや.‥でも…" as something like "I'd expect that to be...upleasant...but..." but that doesn't really flow well. Any suggestions?

"You probably hate this...but..."

For the second bubble, "ここって体験コーナーあったよね!?" The コーナー is throwing me off, since I'm not seeing any obvious corner for them to be referring to. Any suggestions on how to translate this sentence?

Well コーナー in this context (and honestly in most cases in Japanese) doesn't refer to a corner in the since of English at all and instead refers to an area within a given larger room. Try something like "But this is a tentacle touching zone right?"

EDIT: I think pundeiu's translation was better here.


This one pops up a few times during the comic, but in the middle panel she uses "だってキモいしねえ~" in response to "I wonder if everyone here dislikes tentacles"? Are they using キモい as a replacement for きもちわるい? That shows up in the slang thread but this particular combination doesn't, so want to double-check.

キモイ is it's own word here nothing to do with 気持ち悪い. キモイ means gross. She's saying..."No duh, those tentacles are so nasty, who would like it?"

This post has been edited by JuliusWinnfield: Oct 23 2016, 20:57
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post Oct 23 2016, 21:09
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That makes sense - that meaning of コーナー tripped me up.

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post Oct 26 2016, 00:10
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Can someone translate these two pages?


Thank you so much!
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post Oct 26 2016, 20:45
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One last help, so I can upload his image set. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

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post Oct 26 2016, 20:50
Post #3998

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QUOTE(Genitscans @ Oct 26 2016, 14:45) *

One last help, so I can upload his image set. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

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Did it all come out?
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post Oct 27 2016, 02:40
Post #3999

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QUOTE(pundeiu @ Oct 19 2016, 04:33) *

You're definitely not weird and I'd like to know too. I hope someone better qualified will give an answer, but in the meantime I'll at least share some options and thoughts.

- Anytime you see some ん, consider writing all or some of them as ms, rather than n. (or some similar guttural sounding letters)
Example: んんん -> mmmh. / Mmnh / Ghmnm/ Hmnn
- As shown above, adding some hs is ok.
Example: あううう -> Auuuh
- Dashes are probably not that used, but they are at least worth considering.
Example: ひぐうう -> Hi-guuuh
- Japanese can sometimes rely on vocals to convey pitch: い is high sounding, う low sounding for instance. In English capiTAL LETters are an option to consider.
Example: ひぐうう -> hGUuh

Thank you so much for your input. I definitely think that mmmm instead of nnnn is much better in english, and also H's in general seem to make the sounds look a lot more complete. Always felt like they were just missing something before and this helped me fix them a bit.

As another question, can anyone tell me what the 一体みしないと。。。 line here is getting at? I was checking through a translation and I submitted and noticed I missed it. I don't know what the み is supposed to be.

(IMG:[puu.sh] http://puu.sh/rWM78/eb517f8711.jpg)

Edit: Shit I'm an idiot. I spent 30 minutes staring at my transcript not realizing I typed it wrong and it's actually 一休 not 一体.

This post has been edited by Diddy_: Oct 27 2016, 02:43
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post Oct 27 2016, 11:00
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QUOTE(JuliusWinnfield @ Oct 26 2016, 20:50) *

Did it all come out?

Thanks, Mate. May H-God bless you abundantly.
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