Excellent episode! The music was really impressive, from arrangement to singing to production. Add to that a nice story, throw in some CMC, and you've got a perfect episode in my book.
Solid episode, but I wish it was resolved differently. I think it would have been great to have grabbed Starlight from one of the alternate presents to talk to the real Starlight.
1.) That seals it. Celestia cannot beat Sombra, or any other super villains for that matter, on her own. No Elements of Harmony spells doom for Equestria. (or am I wrong about this?)
2.) And so, Starlight Glimmer's motivation to do what she did in ep.1 is revealed.
3.) Seven friends, just like in EG (8 if count together the human Twilight).
Question, and I do hope 10b is reading this, what's your take on Starlight Glimmer's motivation?
This post has been edited by hujan86: Nov 29 2015, 13:25
Negative points: - The importance of the Mane 6 to Equestria seems unrealistic. When it happens ep by ep, it's just awesome, when you sum it all up in minutes, it's just over the top. - Starlight Glimmer's motivation: Originally it may have been losing her friend to a cutie mark. I can see that turned around by Twilight, with the right explanation. But in this episode, i didn't see much motivation except plain old revenge on Twilight. That she believes Twilight in that taking revenge will have bigger consequences is acceptable. That this makes her accept the cutie marks as something good is far-fetched. That this makes her forget about revenge completely is ridiculous.
Some of the positive points: - Lots of new insights into earlier events, and cutie mark magic. - All the alternate versions of the mane 6 and other characters were pretty cool. - The original sonic rainboom is one of the coolest things ever, and it was part of the plot. - Time travel fun
Also, i'll take this as an excuse to repost this old thing: