Don't waste such emotion on them and love Shimmer =)
I won't argue or troll if the movie is terrible due to reasons such as having plot holes, weak characters, plot discrepancies, poor execution of whatever etc. But surely all these anti-Sunset Shimmer sentiments should stop by now.
The faces are terrible. Especially Celestia and Spike, i can't even look at them, but all of them are bad all the time.
The music, for the most part. I was really just sitting it out to get back to the story parts.
I didn't like human Twilight. While pony version is one the main reasons i watch the show.
Cinch's motivation had to be explained several times, and it still wasn't believable.
General unrealistic behavior by the main cast to be "funny".
Of course there are some good points:
The story was actually pretty good, except for the part where Twi flipped. I especially liked the five pony-up parts where the elements are triggered, for forced plot points they felt very natural.
Sunset Shimmer got a nice part to play, and she is best human.
Magic fight at the end was decent, the show has had better.
The music was actually interesting for [] about 30 seconds, unfortunately people need to talk through it.
Rarity beatboxing (see below) ("Oh ph kh fh th, don't be silly darling!").
All in all, not the worst possible thing, but i had to force myself through the first 30 minutes. Then the story had me hooked, and i was meagerly rewarded for looking at those ugly faces.
Come on people, we all know that most of the fandom is going to like this movie (eventually) and look for pics of shadowbolts (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)
How often Big Mac had speaking roles between S1 & S5? Episodes in which he just says "eeyup" & "nnnope" doesn't count.
He did say a line or two a few times, but never this much i think.
I didn't really like the episode very much. If you had given me a written synopsis for this episode, i would have said, "sounds great". But somehow i didn't really work out. I think it was mostly Apple Bloom being to mopey. Still an OK ep, but not the best.
The scenes with Sweetie Belle were of course, objectively, in my unbiased view, the best parts (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Found an awesome site to enjoy the episodes in decent quality and free from pop-ups, advertisements and copyright claims. Also it works flawlessly on handhelds.
PM'ing it to the members I personally like 'cause every time I'm showing any good site here the next few days it gets a couple of "problems".
Cutiemark get! Times 3! Good to see it finally happen, i'm happy to witness this part of them growing up, SB especially of course.
Rarity congratulating SB. One of the very few times in my life i actually, audibly squeed.
Pretty good music, and lots of it!
Fine story with DT, although not very subtle.
They get a cutie mark for cutie mark crusading, so they can keep their club name? Feels cheap. It's not a bad talent really, but i feel cheated out of promised change & development.
They all get basically the same cutie mark, ehhh.
Would have been fun if one of them got their cutie mark first, creating some tension to be resolved, before the others get them.
(Yes, the above three points are really just different aspects of a single point.)
The cutie marks are butt-ugly. Seriously.
Where are SB's parents.
Conclusion: I was hoping to see some kind of growing up for the CMC, but now i don't think much will change. I should have known i guess, Status Quo is God. Still glad it happened, and looking forward to see the new talents in action. Combined with other good stuff, a good episode.