QUOTE(JustAnotherAnon91 @ Sep 5 2015, 16:42)
So, what exactly is the attraction to MLP?
QUOTE(N04h @ Sep 8 2015, 14:37)
My little penis?
Adding my 2 cents before Binglo butts in to close this thread, the attraction to MLP is the same shit as any other attractions to other tv shows, videogames and comic series. What's the attraction to DBZ? Hey, I like talking about power levels and transformations but I wouldn't mind watching some pr0n with Bulma or N18. What's the attraction to Game of Thrones? Yeah, I like the deep and twisted plot but wouldn't mind watching some explicit incest or pr0n with that hot dragon chick. What's the attraction to Pokemon? What's the attraction to Super Smash Bros? Ok, I think you know the drill.