^ Thanks for Sweetie Bots (IMG:[
I guess i should add a bit about how i see Sweetie Bot. It's mostly the character concept from FiW, but i added a few things of course.
She is basically the same as canon Sweetie Belle, but she also ponders philosophical question about existence and life and death, like in FiW. Maybe she unconsciously knows she is a robot, and wants to find out what that means.
In time, she will find (or make) answers to these questions. She will gradually learn that she is a robot, but by then she will know that it does not matter. That she is alive and a real pony with a real sister, even if she is electronics. (See: [
Strong AI hypothesis) And because of this, she will be a wise pony that knows and understands life and love.
In other words, a character that questions her position in the world, and what her life means. And when she finds her answers, she not only gains her self-esteem, but also a deeper appreciation for the world and life in general. I guess i can relate...
But the best thing is, she's not there yet. She is still the cute kid she is in canon. And as with any kid, those who care about her wonder what she will be like when she will grow up. This can be a source of worry - Will she be happy? Will she be cared for? - but not for me. I know something about how she will grow up. I know she will be wonderful.
So, that all sounds nice, but did i really come up with all of that during the viewing of
Neigh, Soul Sister?. Well, it was actually my second viewing that did all this. I remember that the first time i watched it, it didn't really do much for me. But yes, in essence, this story has been with me for two years, and it explains well why i love her so much. Mission success.