I gotta tell ya, when I make it out to SoCal, I'm finding you and we're going to go shoot darts in a bar and be bronies.
Shit yeah we are. The high traffic bars I go to don't have darts but I'm sure I can find a good Irish pub that will have darts in this beautiful city of mine. Then we will proceed to end the night with more drinks after the bar and watch the awesomest episodes from the series like Dragonshy. And then we're gonna be like this the next morning: (IMG:[fc06.deviantart.net] http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/153/b/8/pinkie__s_hangover_by_pedro992-d3hv6s7.jpg)
This post has been edited by Pseudolus: Aug 25 2011, 06:54