He's doing that because he's a little fucking shithead with no life and nothing better to do than repost the same thing over and over again until varst or another forum moderator beats him repeatedly over the head with a pipe for spamming the same thing over and over again.
Well... they could do that or they could borrow this here rifle I found lying around and shoot the guy... strangely enough this rifle bears the markings of the Great and Powerful Tenbrony... but when I found it, it was lying on a dusty shelf in the corner of Snowflake's shrine, which I raided, and the rifle had an inch of dust on it... don't know why the rifle was just lying around but still...
As I've said before there's no reason to get enraged with such minor annoyances, if our stubborn little friend persists with the trolling attitude, he'll get punished for good sooner or later.
First double episode released, be aware that it's in low quality. (no comments yet 'cause I'm watching it right nao) Even that I love this pairing the pic made me lol'd... "Hey Mac take it easy with that big snout, I can't breathe"
You know, I didn't mind the tentacle porn episode, but sometimes I wonder if DHX are taking the piss. (And of all the possible colors they could have made that magical potion Twilight kept taking chugs of, why would they ever pick white?)