As far as Twilight getting wings, I'll respectfully disagree. Your other points are correct though in regards to the game and documentary.
There was a good point made about why Twilight could become a princess - it's the message that sends to little girls. It was on the Bronyville podcast, and someone there made the comparison that by having Twilight achieve this change, it sends a message to girls watching the show that if they study/work hard at something, they achieve something that puts them in a higher, better place in life. All little girls want to be princess' so it works pretty well from a money standpoint too. Thinking about it more, Twilight is earning her wings through three seasons of learning and practicing friendship, and now she stands to 'graduate' in a sense from student to teacher.
Also too, everything related to alicorns has been fan generated. There is nothing canon about them, only assumptions. I'm willing to wait until that episode airs before I say yay or neigh to this change. I predict with Twilight becoming a princess, she'll get her own student, meaning a new character will replace her slot in the mane 6 most likely. That's fine with me, as long as Twilight is still around and not being a lazy fatass like Celestia.
There's just far too much that they can do to fuck it up, and they will. I know they will. This change won't be for the better. Also, no not all little girls want to be princesses, that's what the show set out TO CHANGE that you don't have to live up to those kinds of insane standards, that you can be WHO YOU WANT TO BE. Having Twilight become a princess just shits in the face of that.
Clarification, Insane standards being that girls should be girly princess types.
This post has been edited by blakfayt: Feb 11 2013, 04:32
Meh~ We'll see this Saturday. Hopefully you're wrong and worrying over nothing. Assumptions can only go so far before they get boring. It's not worth the worry.
Funny enough, if they ever bring a human into the show, or if Lyra and Bon-Bon get coltfriends, I'll lose my shit. Priorities man, I tell you....
EDIT: Princess Mac would be amazing~
This post has been edited by Bloodmare: Feb 11 2013, 04:39
Okay... so, why all the hate? Fighting is Magic has been stopped, but no one was going to be able to play it anyways. Honestly, had it not been for Evo, I bet that game might have been finished. But oh well? It's not the biggest loss in the world. I rather have Derpy back in the show. That loss still hurts.
The hate, at least from my prospective, is because it serves no purpose. Derpy being taken out of the show, yes, it sucks, but while Hasbro is directly to blame for that, the root cause is the morons who thought she was insulting to the mentally handicapped. So, while I won't defend them fo getting rid of Derpy, and they were dicks to do it, there was at least a logical progression for that. Well, not logical, but...followable.
Fighting is Magic, conversely, hurts bloody no one, despite what some people might claim. If Hasbro was working on its own fighting game, well then yes, that would be uderstandable. Hell, it would even be forgiveable - It would still suck, but we could ratioally understand that, well, they don't want a fan work competing with their actual product.
But Fighting is Magic, along with what happened to Friendship is Witchcraft, The Mentally Advanced Series, et. al. is just...for lack of a more reasoned response, its evil for the sake of evil. I'm just picturing the tobacco executives from Family Guy, just before they used a puppy as a skeet target. No one gets hurt, no one profits off their property, and they get free advertising out of the deal. If I were in there posistion, I would have looked at the whole Evo thing as manna from bloody heaven.
And really, no one bring up "image" to me, I already dealt with how that's a load of bull. We're fine with them getting ready to ethnically cleanse a native population, but a fanmade fighting game will REALLY make the characters look bad.
Oh, and let's not forget...the game wasn't exactly flying under the bloody radar. Hasbro could have issued the C&D at any time. If they'd done it as the project was starting up, I doubt people would be half as upset. But they waited. They waited while people worked on it, and made it look fantastic, and, just a bit before it was ready to go, THEN they stopped it. That's the other reason I'm personally pissed; because they let everyone get excited about it, let it get to the point that it looked impressive...and then screwed everyone over.
Bloody bastards need to burn for that.
Oh, and they've already indicated that Twilight apparently won't be changing that dramatically, outside of the obvious wings and title, so probably not going to see a new replacement character.
Oh, and they've already indicated that Twilight apparently won't be changing that dramatically, outside of the obvious wings and title, so probably not going to see a new replacement character.
Which brings up the question "What's the bloody point then?" Someone came up with a great story idea, but they need three pegasi? The only logical reason is "make money off toys" which is what they do as a company, understandable. But I already gave a pretty good way for them to do that, and NOT COMPLETELY FUCK WITH THE SHOW. Make it a thing, but a foreshadowing thing. Like "she WILL be a princess one day, but not right now." Problem solved, it's not like the children you're marketing to (since we all believe that children are the only ones buying any merch at all apparently) are going to give two shits that you palette swapped a Celestia (who was already PINK FOR CRYING OUT LOUD) with purple.
And of course there's the fact that it's basically lazy writing. There have been fanfics since the dawn of the series that are "Twilight becomes an alicorn" it's cliched within the fandom, the only real thing that people want to know is the legend of alicorns, which I don't care about. conflicted right now. Really don't want to be done, but I'm feeling done. Son of a bitch.
The only logical reason is "make money off toys" which is what they do as a company, understandable.
... yeah, that's the whole point. Money. The writers will do what they can on the princess end, but yeah, Hasbro wants more money, so they make Twilight a princess. That's pretty much the whole point. It's not all that different from what other toy companies do with their cartoon spin offs (see Gundam, Saint Saiya, Precure, etc.)
... yeah, that's the whole point. Money. The writers will do what they can on the princess end, but yeah, Hasbro wants more money, so they make Twilight a princess. That's pretty much the whole point. It's not all that different from what other toy companies do with their cartoon spin offs (see Gundam, Saint Saiya, Precure, etc.)
Wait till Saturday, then we'll see if it is our worst fears come true. In the mean time, don't worry so much.
I'm just saying, it's not like temporarily making her one would stop Hasbro from producing the toys of it, so why not do that? Kill the fan out cry and still make profit.
I dunno about the rest of you, but blakfayt soiled it for me.
Just because he admits that he have mlp obsession & he's also a clopper, he and the whole brony fandom have to be criticized, right?
QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Feb 11 2013, 03:58)
*tries to read all those posts*
Okay... so, why all the hate?
Because we're all idiots, that's why. Look these douchebags for example, with their pseudo-act of "surprising 'n' all shocked" crap just to gain popularity from haters. They're disgusted by pony porn BUT they're watching the flashes for... criticism. Ze logic!
QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Feb 11 2013, 03:58)
Fighting is Magic has been stopped, but no one was going to be able to play it anyways. Honestly, had it not been for Evo, I bet that game might have been finished. But oh well? It's not the biggest loss in the world. I rather have Derpy back in the show. That loss still hurts.
I disagree for the game 'cause I was eager to play the complete edition. Not the biggest loss in the world indeed, but still it makes us sad. As for Derpy I'm not really sad, 'cause she always "lived" in the brony community more than TV show anyways & I'm sure it'll keep that way.
QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Feb 11 2013, 03:58)
Hasbro, in my opinion, only cares about the money the bronies have, not the bronies themselves. The show is made for little girls to sell them ugly looking toys - it just so happens the show has excellent writers. As long as Hasbro can make money off the IP, they don't need to care about adult fans because children will still buy their crap. But whatever - the only merch I buy is the comics, as that is the only thing that appeals to me.
I'm still wondering about why all the fear of Twilight getting wings. She'll be a princess - so what? CrealVelocity made a good argument about this not being a big thing over at EQD.
I just want to keep watching ponies. Season 4 will be a full season, there is a movie in the works, and I'm sure season 4 will have more nods to the adult fandom this time around. Personally, nothing really feels wrong. That, or the love and tolerance motto is sticking to me.