I wonder if the creators were giggling when Pinkie Pie was shouting kumquat.
I don't know if I like the fact that as soon as Pinkie said cherrychanga I imagined it exactly as she described it seconds later. Must be the Mexican in me.
It was only on screen for two seconds but I really liked Fluttershy's dejected face when she was asking around for AJ.
I can't stand Derpy's voice. Maybe they should have made up an excuse for her being mute. She was much more adorable as just a klutz than an outright retard. Oh Derpy : (
I went D'AAAAAAWWW when Shy said 'but if you don't come back, we'll never be able to fix the hole in our hearts' and sniffled a little bit while suppressing a tear.
Final verdict: Don't know if I approve of what her friends did by hounding AJ like that. Sometimes people just need to be left the fuck alone for a while to think things through for themselves. Forcing your views onto others when they're feeling down and at their lowest almost always just creates more problems (with the exception of suicidal ideology, you should NEVER feel bad for interfering in that one if a friend has gone that far). But, seeing as this is a kid's cartoon, everything went fine in the end. The overall message at the end though, was fabulous. If you're having serious problems or some sort of issue, it's better to go back to your base of support and regroup. Count on the friends that have been there for you and trust that they'll be understanding and caring.
This post has been edited by Pseudoshy: Jan 22 2012, 14:33