Nope, but I could use a Sitar player. Or a sitar in the first place. Because, you know, sitars are awesome! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Pinkie's Smile song has easily become my favorite. I was a little disappoint when it didn't show up. Monthiversary was neat, but not as good as her singing telegram and Oink is like her sharing song (don't know if want).
(IMG:[] This is kinda funny, because, recently, I have been kind of sad because I realized that I'm going to be finished with reading a nice book series, and I even felt a bit empty as if I over time forgot what to do with myself as soon as I'm done dealing with the book's universe....
Actually.... this isn't funny at all.
Also: Episode was OK, but I just hate babies.... I even hate cat babies ("I know, can you believe it?"), but it was, all in all, quite entertaining..... (The episode generally, it being centered around Pinkeeh would make for a completely different rating (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif))
This is kinda funny, because, recently, I have been kind of sad because I realized that I'm going to be finished with reading a nice book series, and I even felt a bit empty as if I over time forgot what to do with myself as soon as I'm done dealing with the book's universe....
Pinkie's Smile song has easily become my favorite. I was a little disappoint when it didn't show up. Monthiversary was neat, but not as good as her singing telegram and Oink is like her sharing song (don't know if want).
According to Daniel, Oink was actually going in last season's finale but they had to cut it. And much like You Gotta Share, it's obviously supposed to be "bad".
But hey, at least they provided an appropriate reaction face. Wasn't that nice of them?
The Smile song is pretty much confirmed for being in Hearts and Hooves at this point, and I really wish we could see the song as it was intended already. I listen to the song everyday, but it's just not the same as watching the sequence that will go along with it.
Soo, we'll see <blank> shipped with <blank>? I.. don't think that's been done before. I mean, <blank> is usually shipped with <blank> or <blank>, or very occasionally <blank>, but I can't recall seeing anything at all involving <blank>.