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> MLP: FiM General Thread, Let's keep everypony in here

post Dec 29 2011, 17:44
Post #3821
Setsuna F Seiei

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My thoughts while watching episode 7:

WOW that is an impossibly fast owl.
(seconds later) oh, it’s a dream.

*laughing way more than I should have at Shy’s freakout over Dash wanting a pet*

…the fuck Fluttershy. How do you even feed a seal? You feed it other ponies or something?

In one of the lines of singing, Fluttershy slipped into Pinkie Pie’s voice. Silly voice actress.

quit picking on the tortoise, Dash. You’re being mean!

I don’t know… I’m pretty sure the falcon and eagle could totally fuck up Opal.

Well, that was predictable, but it still made me feel good...

It was a good episode. I might watch 8 right now as well. But a tortoise? Really? I would take a cat or dog, or a fox or something on four legs that has enough speed to keep up with me on a run. Not a freaking tortoise.

(IMG:[img.ponibooru.org] http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/c1af64f31d43427f755d51c57b51d861/86967%20-%20donatello%20leonardo%20michelangelo%20raphael%20tank%20teenage_mutant_ninja_turtles%20tortoise%20tv_meme.PNG)
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post Dec 29 2011, 20:26
Post #3822

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Shall we celebrate the new year?
Kinda early but hey, it's a mood thing (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)

(IMG:[img.ponibooru.org] http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/5621dbac0c48b3471d9346f14219f1a4/12782%20-%20plot%20spitfire.jpg)

Farewell 11...

(IMG:[2.bp.blogspot.com] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DyB6tdDJn0U/TuphX8Yz5JI/AAAAAAAAYF8/7TTHNczbqiI/s1600/the_first_day_of_christmas_by_karzahnii-d4j3y53.png)

Hello 12 (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/cool.gif)

(IMG:[3.bp.blogspot.com] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5msfQKruaUg/TrEtGdfZVrI/AAAAAAAABVI/yMd8dGXeT-4/s1600/127_01_apple_bloom_applejack_big_macintosh_granny_smith_by_txlegionnaire.png)

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post Dec 29 2011, 23:57
Post #3823


New year's? Naw, it's the Giftmas that never ended.


As for Tank, yeah, of course it's predictable. OTOH, if she hadn't picked him after all that, I might have had to reconsider Best Pony.


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post Dec 30 2011, 00:25
Post #3824

I hate everything >:C
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QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Dec 29 2011, 09:18) *

Hmm that reminds me. I don't think Hasbro will make Dinky Derpy's daughter. I saw Dinky running the sister competition with some other pony. I don't remember who but their colors weren't even similar at all.

Oh yeah, time to watch episode 6.

Episode 6 was meh. Then again, I've never really liked the CMC.

QUOTE(derpymal @ Nov 9 2011, 18:03) *

QUOTE(Tenboro @ Dec 29 2011, 16:57) *

New year's? Naw, it's the Giftmas that never ended.

(IMG:[fc02.deviantart.net] http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/355/8/3/derpy__s_special_gift_by_tomdantherock-d4jt1a1.gif)
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post Dec 30 2011, 18:03
Post #3825

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(IMG:[25.media.tumblr.com] http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwpqjgFN8S1r2taeyo1_500.png)

QUOTE(Tenboro @ Dec 29 2011, 23:57) *

New year's? Naw, it's the Giftmas that never ended.

(IMG:[images4.wikia.nocookie.net] http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110807210346/mlp/images/thumb/0/09/Pinkie_Pie_as_a_present.png/671px-Pinkie_Pie_as_a_present.png)
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post Dec 30 2011, 20:21
Post #3826


This one has been making the rounds, but in case someone hasn't seen it yet..

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post Dec 30 2011, 20:26
Post #3827
Setsuna F Seiei

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Hadn't seen it yet. I recognize the artist's style and its my favorite. Those ponies look too damn cute. Especially the fillies.
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post Dec 30 2011, 23:27
Post #3829


So apparently episode 2x15 is called The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. Say that ten times fast...

Inb4 new Gala episode.

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post Dec 30 2011, 23:35
Post #3830
Evil Scorpio

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Everybody forgot about Zecora again... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif) So I've made a wallpaper for her)) One Zecora pic + some logos + some program-generated zebra texture + some work = Zecora Ubuntu)) (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)


This post has been edited by Evil Scorpio: Dec 30 2011, 23:41
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post Dec 31 2011, 00:08
Post #3831


That's pretty cool. But Zecora isn't even a pony..

.. fine..



In fact.. disregard Zecora, post CMC. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)



Heh.. opening this page of the thread loads like 45 MB of pics. Hope people have fast connections. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
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post Dec 31 2011, 05:07
Post #3832

Old Heart
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Meh, after reading the TV Tropes page to it, I finally wanted to watch Hearth's warming eve, since it was much different and better than expected, but Youtube has been raped by Hassbro(intentional misspelling) and now I'm sitting on my incapable hands.
I could easily find a link, yes, but what I really want are english subtitles.
I just got used to watch movies with english subtitles so much that I can hardly understand anything without them, even when everybody is speaking clearly and without accent, (which is usually not given)
for stupid and illogical reasons I have no such problems when listening to audiobooks and such....
Anyway, If anyone of you has a link to the episode with WORKING english subtitles, I'd be happy.

On other news:
Awesome grin:
(IMG:[th04.deviantart.net] http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/354/0/0/smile_pony_by_invaderpoe-d4ctw0j.png)

AAAAND: My "Question" has been picked..... and the artist even got the reference! *YAY!~*
(IMG:[24.media.tumblr.com] http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lwse88UvMu1r4mi49o1_500.png)

This post has been edited by Benjiro: Dec 31 2011, 05:10
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post Dec 31 2011, 05:13
Post #3833

I hate everything >:C
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You are huge. You must have huge friendship.
Attached Image
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post Dec 31 2011, 05:20
Post #3834

Old Heart
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QUOTE(derpymal @ Dec 31 2011, 04:13) *

You are huge. You must have huge friendship.
Attached Image

Where In the world do these camouflages come from?
I'd almost have mistaken one for the czech, but it's too pixely for that... The people on the picture look asian (don't laugh!)..... Pseudoloco should see that....

Also: I kinda remebered that I should thank you for directing me to the heartwarming raindrop-blog.... but if I thanked everypony who got me into a new tumblr ask blog I would something something I am uncreative arrows to the knee....

This post has been edited by Benjiro: Dec 31 2011, 05:22
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post Dec 31 2011, 07:10
Post #3835

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"But the pony, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only,
That one word, as if her soul in that one word she did outpour.
Nothing further then she uttered - not a mane then she fluttered -
Till I scarcely more than muttered `Other friends have flown before -
On the morrow she will leave me, as my hopes have galloped in antic.'
Then the pony said, `Magic.'

Simple, botched attempt at a topical rewrite but meh. Now where's that closet...?
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post Dec 31 2011, 07:21
Post #3836
Setsuna F Seiei

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QUOTE(derpymal @ Dec 30 2011, 19:13) *

You are huge. You must have huge friendship.
Attached Image

Oh my god. I want it. I want it! WHO DO I HAVE TO KILL FOR IT?!

Um. I mean... ~yay

QUOTE(Benjiro @ Dec 30 2011, 19:20) *

Where In the world do these camouflages come from?
I'd almost have mistaken one for the czech, but it's too pixely for that... The people on the picture look asian (don't laugh!)..... Pseudoloco should see that....

I have no clue where those cammies are from. I could only tell you American forces uniforms but that's it.

This post has been edited by Pseudoshy: Dec 31 2011, 07:24
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post Dec 31 2011, 10:10
Post #3837

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(IMG:[th01.deviantart.net] http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/326/c/3/mlp__absence_by_scobionicle99-d4h0olj.jpg)
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post Dec 31 2011, 11:59
Post #3838



Denied. AJ gets all the episodes from now on.



I lol'd.

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post Dec 31 2011, 12:21
Post #3839

The Wraith of Cannes
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@ benjiro & sussudio

Those uniforms are multicams. I was supposed to get issued some on a NATO operation but I didn't get any - bastards!

EDIT: Forgot the obligatory image

(IMG:[30.media.tumblr.com] http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lkfx2l6ue41qjsdrgo1_500.png)

This post has been edited by gummygaeru: Dec 31 2011, 12:23
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post Dec 31 2011, 12:54
Post #3840

Not Bayonetta
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Dec 31 2011, 11:59) *

Denied. AJ gets all the episodes from now on.

No complaints, as long there's Mac ^^

(IMG:[lh5.googleusercontent.com] https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-05cQ_mLYJVQ/TWzJIJgMchI/AAAAAAAAB4s/TMZDmD9IEw0/1298968636149.png)

(IMG:[images4.fanpop.com] http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/24300000/Big-Mac-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-24307998-500-351.jpg)

QUOTE(gummygaeru @ Dec 31 2011, 12:21) *

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