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> MLP: FiM General Thread, Let's keep everypony in here

post Dec 11 2011, 13:40
Post #3721

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QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Dec 11 2011, 11:36) *

I can do it without any aid. Just try to look at your nose and you'll do it.

Holy shit, that actually works. You left out a step but it works.
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post Dec 11 2011, 13:53
Post #3722
Setsuna F Seiei

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QUOTE(Anomtai @ Dec 11 2011, 03:40) *

Holy shit, that actually works. You left out a step but it works.

(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
What step did you need? I just stare at my nose. You know that it is actually an eye exercise to do this? If your eyes feel sore after just a few seconds of crossing them, then your eye muscles can be strengthened by doing it occasionally. Just like any other muscle though, don't overdo it and damage your eye muscles. What is the purpose of strengthening the muscles? No clue, I just know that it behaves like any other muscle... I learned that in an intro neuroscience class.

You know what? Disregard what I said, I don't want to be the cause of anyone's eye problems over a fruitless exercise...

Fuck, well since this is the MLP thread, I better post something... aha, here we go.
(IMG:[i421.photobucket.com] http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp291/link7244/StereoscopeDerpy.jpg)
See it?
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post Dec 11 2011, 14:58
Post #3723

Old Heart
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QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Dec 11 2011, 12:53) *

See it?


(IMG:[iambrony.jsmart.web.id] http://iambrony.jsmart.web.id/gif/files/rainbowscared.gif?1318143942)

QUOTE(Tenboron @ 404 Not Found)

Huh? Sure she did..

Huh? I didn't see that at all... LOL selective sight.... My bad! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif)

This post has been edited by Benjiro: Dec 11 2011, 14:58
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post Dec 11 2011, 15:28
Post #3724


QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Dec 11 2011, 12:36) *
I can do it without any aid. Just try to look at your nose and you'll do it. Maybe it's not a common trait, after all I am able to see 3d pictures without the aid and most people strain to see them.

Those only take me a second or two to focus on.

QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Dec 11 2011, 12:53) *
Fuck, well since this is the MLP thread, I better post something... aha, here we go.

But those are a bit harder for me. I can focus on the 3D effect easily enough, but actually identifying the outline is kinda.. eh.

Saddest part of new episode.


She can stay at my place. Only I'd probably never let her leave.

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post Dec 11 2011, 15:45
Post #3725
Setsuna F Seiei

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I tried to find more stereoscopic MLP pics... all I found was this (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
(IMG:[3.bp.blogspot.com] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-X0v-PnfxnIM/TnR292cR0_I/AAAAAAAAMWs/1Qxk_jvqjWo/s1600/my_little_pony_playboy_20110914_1304181220.jpg)

EDIT: I just finished my last term paper, so technically I COULD catch up on ponies tomorrow with no homework... But I still do have finals to study for.

This post has been edited by Pseudoshy: Dec 11 2011, 15:47
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post Dec 11 2011, 16:44
Post #3726


QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Dec 11 2011, 14:45) *
I tried to find more stereoscopic MLP pics... all I found was this (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)



Seriously though, there's this, but I don't think it works very well. Most pics like that I can easily maintain focus, but that one's problematic.


These are somewhat better, but it's more "layers" and less "3d".


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post Dec 11 2011, 16:53
Post #3727
Evil Scorpio

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Dec 11 2011, 18:44) *

Seriously though, there's this, but I don't think it works very well. Most pics like that I can easily maintain focus, but that one's problematic.

These are somewhat better, but it's more "layers" and less "3d".

Now I know why Derpy is wall-eyed. She tried to look at these images... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)

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post Dec 11 2011, 16:57
Post #3728
Setsuna F Seiei

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The first one actually is quite vibrant for me. The middle one I had trouble with. Probably because I was focusing on Derpy's fuck me bedroom eyes. The last one was quite interesting, I saw Fluttershy flapping her wings and hovering left and right, up and down, in a soft lull of action.

Well, Its 7 am and I'm going to sleep. I accomplished what I needed to do this weekend, so tomorrow I'm just going to read all day. Maybe. Hopefully. Ok, probably not, but its the thought that counts!
Nighty night.
(IMG:[img.ponibooru.org] http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/8253cdd6bb53568028213d16de3bc6eb/53384%20-%20fluttershy%20real_life%20sleeping.jpg)

This post has been edited by Pseudoshy: Dec 11 2011, 17:04
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post Dec 11 2011, 19:42
Post #3729


QUOTE(Evil Scorpio @ Dec 11 2011, 15:53) *
Now I know why Derpy is wall-eyed. She tried to look at these images... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)


And since we're on the subject...


QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Dec 11 2011, 15:57) *
The last one was quite interesting, I saw Fluttershy flapping her wings and hovering left and right, up and down, in a soft lull of action.

Uhm.. I don't think that's supposed to happen.

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post Dec 11 2011, 22:21
Post #3730

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QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Dec 11 2011, 15:45) *

I tried to find more stereoscopic MLP pics... all I found was this (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
(IMG:[3.bp.blogspot.com] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-X0v-PnfxnIM/TnR292cR0_I/AAAAAAAAMWs/1Qxk_jvqjWo/s1600/my_little_pony_playboy_20110914_1304181220.jpg)

You make Spike happy (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
(IMG:[bbsimg.ngfiles.com] http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/10/23538000/ngbbs4ede8c496d447.jpg)

QUOTE(Evil Scorpio @ Dec 11 2011, 16:53) *

Now I know why Derpy is wall-eyed. She tried to look at these images... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)

(IMG:[pinkiepie.bronibooru.mlponies.com] http://pinkiepie.bronibooru.mlponies.com/data/sample/f2e6dbf883e6bb6a50461eac723ba441.jpg)

QUOTE(Tenboro @ Dec 11 2011, 11:52) *

Eh. Whatever floats your boat.



Here's something for your AJ (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
(IMG:[fc06.deviantart.net] http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/260/a/2/mlp_fim_balloons__rainbow_dash_by_xweetara-d4a4ywp.png)
(Yeah, it's horrible. [fc02.deviantart.net] I'll try to make it up...)
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post Dec 12 2011, 00:27
Post #3731
Shadow Weaver

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Somebody get her eppy pen before she chokes to death.
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post Dec 12 2011, 00:29
Post #3732

I hate everything >:C
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QUOTE(Shadow Weaver @ Dec 11 2011, 17:27) *

Somebody get her eppy pen before she chokes to death.

(IMG:[fc02.deviantart.net] http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/312/5/a/how_can_this_bee_by_egophiliac-d4fhq0e.png)
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post Dec 12 2011, 01:54
Post #3733

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I feel like posting cute today

(IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)

Prepare for a shitload of pics: (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Not much to say about thes... just.... Aaaaaw! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
Attached Image Attached Image

If you know the game, you know how cool that weapon is! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Attached Image Attached Image

War footage (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Attached Image

Attached Image

Attached Image

And because these here are also damn funny, I'll add 'em! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)

Attached Image Attached Image
(Dem faces oO)

I feel happy-trippy like a stoner-hippy now (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
Tonight, I'll have a good sleep! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)

This post has been edited by Benjiro: Dec 12 2011, 01:56
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post Dec 12 2011, 02:59
Post #3734

I hate everything >:C
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Attached Image
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post Dec 12 2011, 12:20
Post #3735
Evil Scorpio

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(IMG:[smayli.ru] http://smayli.ru/data/smiles/emocii-2090.gif)
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post Dec 12 2011, 17:34
Post #3736



Those rendered ponies are sufficiently creepy already without intentionally making them more so.

To be fair, at times, so is the show itself.


Cute ponies > creepy ponies. And Spike.

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post Dec 12 2011, 18:42
Post #3737

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Christmas month, many things to do ^^

(IMG:[img2i.www.spoki.lv] http://img2i.www.spoki.lv/upload/articles/47/477867/images/My-Little-Brony-3.png)

This post has been edited by BrainSucks: Dec 12 2011, 19:12
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post Dec 12 2011, 21:18
Post #3738
Evil Scorpio

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(IMG:[smayli.ru] http://smayli.ru/data/smiles/emocii-2240.gif)
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post Dec 12 2011, 23:41
Post #3739



I got nothing.


And then she was rescued by the sea ponies. The end.
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