(In case someone's been living in a cave. On the moon. Circling a different planet. In another solar system. And galaxy. And galactic cluster. And multiverse.)
(In case someone's been living in a cave. On the moon. Circling a different planet. In another solar system. And galaxy. And galactic cluster. And multiverse.)
Having put the song on my iPod, I find playing it with the Treble Booster makes the song sound best. I play it several times every day, and it always puts a grin on my face.
Ohai, new episode today. I don't usually pass judgement until after watching the HD, but it was good stuff. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
She was never in trouble. Read through the blog if you feel like knowing why. Funadd:I would have almost written "He" (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
I actually liked it very much... It had something abstractically beautiful - But that might just as well be my mind. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)
I'm just bothered by the cupcakes anomaly, although the blogger gave a good explanation to why her hair isn't poofy......
Although it's nothing that couldn't have been concluded from the episode summary, I'd better put this up, before I have to take it up the ass (In an unpleasant way (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif)) [MINOR SPOILER ALERT]
Hmmmm, that episode was funny, but rarity screwed up. Again. Stupid bitch was the only one not shown giving a present to "Spikey-Wikey".... and then that stupid demeanor. UGH!
Hmmmm, that episode was funny, but rarity screwed up. Again. Stupid bitch was the only one not shown giving a present to "Spikey-Wikey".... and then that stupid demeanor. UGH!
Huh? Sure she did..
Then again, she did show her manipulative bitch side to make Spike give her the fire ruby, so all in all it ended up about neutral for her.
I can do it without any aid. Just try to look at your nose and you'll do it. Maybe it's not a common trait, after all I am able to see 3d pictures without the aid and most people strain to see them.