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post Oct 30 2011, 06:46
Post #3181

Smile on, you pigs in human clothing.
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QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 30 2011, 00:07) *

(IMG:[th04.deviantart.net] http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2011/226/6/7/my_mecha_ponies_by_rubendevela-d46info.jpg)
All your friendship are belong to us!

Shy and Pink look lame in comparison to the others. :C
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post Oct 30 2011, 06:54
Post #3182
Setsuna F Seiei

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QUOTE(Robbie Pie @ Oct 29 2011, 21:46) *

Shy and Pink look lame in comparison to the others. :C

Hmmm sorta. I was thinking those pieces of wings from Fluttershy were more like funnels (which are always cool), a la Nu Gundam. Maybe Pinkamena mode looks more BA?
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post Oct 30 2011, 11:09
Post #3183



I thought I found a nice, heartwarming Scootaloo story. Damn you, internet.

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post Oct 30 2011, 13:02
Post #3184

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Did that last page imply.... ... .... ok, don't take it personal Tenboro, seeing as you're the supreme overlord here and everything, but ...I kinda hate you right now. That sucked, I'm fuckin devastated on an emotion level right now, I can barely see my screen.

editation: Oh, and what do I find while searching for conformation of my assumptions in the comments section? A link to more sad ponies. This is NOT how I feel like feeling before I take a nap god dammit, my insides are all sorts of squirmy, and I feel positively sick.

This post has been edited by blakfayt: Oct 30 2011, 13:09
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post Oct 30 2011, 13:11
Post #3185
Setsuna F Seiei

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So... either the dad died or he left them? I'm confused. Either way it doesn't bother me. My dad left us when I was little, and honestly I wouldn't care if he was dead. Actually, he MIGHT be, considering I haven't heard from him in over 15 years.
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post Oct 30 2011, 13:14
Post #3186

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QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 30 2011, 06:11) *

So... either the dad died or he left them? I'm confused. Either way it doesn't bother me. My dad left us when I was little, and honestly I wouldn't care if he was dead. Actually, he MIGHT be, considering I haven't heard from him in over 15 years.

General idea is that something happened to the baby, not the dad.
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post Oct 30 2011, 13:16
Post #3187

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When one gets one's expectation a tad too far into the future, reality check may rock the boat. But it's expectations that cause disappointment, the reality didn't jump up to be so great, then down to suck. One needs to let go and carry on eventually, focusing one's sight on other fun things.
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post Oct 30 2011, 13:19
Post #3188



You know, when I write

QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 30 2011, 10:09) *
I thought I found a nice, heartwarming Scootaloo story. Damn you, internet.

that kinda implies an overnight camping trip to Sadness Mountain.

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post Oct 30 2011, 13:37
Post #3189
Setsuna F Seiei

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Then I was just projecting my own emotions onto that. Anyways why does losing a baby make you feel so bad?
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post Oct 30 2011, 15:02
Post #3190

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QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 30 2011, 06:37) *

Then I was just projecting my own emotions onto that. Anyways why does losing a baby make you feel so bad?

Between me and my sister my mother miscarried, didn't even know she was pregnant, and I was too young to remember, but it kinda fucked her up in the think pan. My dad found her crying over the toilet, I don't know what happened to the body, but my mom still freaks out over it and my dad gets all distance and claims it's a lie. So it's kinda a big thing with me.
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post Oct 30 2011, 15:10
Post #3191
Setsuna F Seiei

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Ahh... That explains your reaction (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/sad.gif)
Well, I had a similar thing happen to my mom, and to myself. My youngest sister was supposed to be a twin, but one of the two died and it had to be pulled out of my mom. Then there was an ex who informed me she was pregnant a few days after broke up. It took me a while to convince her but she ended up aborting too. Obviously, you can tell me stance on the subject (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/duck.gif)

Wot that's the most amount of smileys I have ever used in one post.

Alright, back to happy ponies! Or, surreal art, anyways.
(IMG:[ponibooru.413chan.net] http://ponibooru.413chan.net/_images/81daaf8c937cfff08ae4c05124a9982f/32955%20-%20Artist:Moe%20cello%20mountain%20mountains%20Octavia%20sky.png)
(IMG:[img.ponibooru.org] http://img.ponibooru.org/_images/68f74a85ff0f1736918f558810e11b10/35090%20-%20Artist:Moe%20pinkamena_diane_pie%20pinkie_pie%20sonic_rainboom.png)
(IMG:[1.bp.blogspot.com] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nmbwnDthCh0/Tge0K2MWw2I/AAAAAAAAGiI/_3deoEhuscA/s1600/28242%20-%20Artist%20Moe%20Canterlot%20derpy_hooves%20river.png)
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post Oct 30 2011, 15:22
Post #3192


... on the other hand, that's still better than some of the cartoons where they do have kids.

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post Oct 30 2011, 15:41
Post #3193
Evil Scorpio

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Apple Spectrum? (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/blink.gif) I think it'll be more appropriate to call her "Apple Dash". (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif)
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post Oct 30 2011, 15:54
Post #3194
Setsuna F Seiei

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Oh my god. Quick, shove it back in and get an abortion!

Or kill it! KILL IT WiTH FIRE!
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post Oct 30 2011, 16:23
Post #3195

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That thing looks creepy.......
First time evre that Tenboro posted insulin?

This post has been edited by Benjiro: Oct 30 2011, 16:23
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post Oct 30 2011, 17:07
Post #3196
Evil Scorpio

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It makes me wonder how the Discord and Celestia's daughter will look like... (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/wacko.gif)

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post Oct 30 2011, 17:34
Post #3197


QUOTE(Benjiro @ Oct 30 2011, 15:23) *
First time evre that Tenboro posted insulin?


Fine. Now for something completely different.



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post Oct 30 2011, 18:56
Post #3198
Msgr. Radixius

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I don't...

I... I-I don't...
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post Oct 30 2011, 19:08
Post #3199


QUOTE(radixius sparkle @ Oct 30 2011, 17:56) *
I don't...

I... I-I don't...

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post Oct 30 2011, 20:11
Post #3200
Msgr. Radixius

If Your Crotch Don't Tingle, It Ain't Based
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My Little Performer: Fender is Magic

(IMG:[i7.photobucket.com] http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y280/houseofgas/FxCam_1319998133324.jpg)
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