Also-Balso: I actually wanted to wait until there's a high res version of the episode out there... but i don't feel like waiting anymore, so fuck it big time, i'm gonna watch it now. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
Heh.. so Luna is nothing like the fandom expected. Except for the sad and lonely part. And the trolling. And the social maladjusted and awkward bit.
Well, she was portrayed in the episode when interacting with her subjects, and by fans usually when alone or with Celestia... I'm sure they'll adjust a bit. Celestia is also quite formal on formal occasions, and no one expects anything else.
Also-Balso-Schmalso: Why does everpony seem to dislike Rainbow dash all of a sudden? Louder pony is 2nd best pony!(After pink demigod powers pony)
That's really the only valid explanation.
QUOTE(Dlaglacz @ Oct 22 2011, 20:24)
Well, she was portrayed in the episode when interacting with her subjects, and by fans usually when alone or with Celestia... I'm sure they'll adjust a bit. Celestia is also quite formal on formal occasions, and no one expects anything else.
Heh.. so Luna is nothing like the fandom expected. Except for the sad and lonely part. And the trolling. And the social maladjusted and awkward bit.
So basically, the only thing missing is the adorable part?
QUOTE(Robbie Pie @ Oct 22 2011, 13:49)
Also, anypony else notice that Derpy magically went from standing next to the apple bobbing tub to being inside of it a split second later?
Bitch is trying to upstage Pinkie Pie with the complete and utter disregard for the impossible.
Bitch, please. Derpy has magic background pony powers, she's already been doing the impossible. Except before she's only been doing it in the background. I'm still trying to figure out what her costume's supposed to be. Paper bags?
We havest been genuinely pleaseth with the current ....aaah fuck that faketh olde englysh! You know what I mean, that episode was damn cool!
... The end leaves me a bit stunned though--- besides that i didn't fully grasp what they were saying, it seems illogical to me that all of a sudden everybody was relieved from their fear of luna.
IOW: I don't get if they accepted her now, or are still scared of her but all of a sudden like being scared.
Shmonky-ponky.... Let's better direct our attention towards Mortal Kombat Pony....
(doesn't work... fuck that. :/)Unbenannt.bmp ( 349.08k )
Number of downloads: 30
This post has been edited by Benjiro: Oct 22 2011, 22:39
Because i am stupid and don't want to go to bed before 2 AM, i decided on finally reading "Cupcakes" and, because i felt like it, "Rocket to insanity"(Including alt. end.)
And I have to say: I haven't been that amused since watching the last episode of MLP! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)
I don't really see why people bonker around because of "Cupcakes"... It was, while definetly not a masterpiece, something different. I liked how the reactions/demeanor of Pinkie and Dashie is written. Their behaviour was, in fact, quite gullible, especially Pinkie's attitude. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) But as i said, it's just "Something different"
And yes, I partially wrirte this, because i kinda felt provoked by your negative reactions regarding anything Cupcakes-related. (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/heh.gif) I'm a bit sorry 'bout that...