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> MLP: FiM General Thread, Let's keep everypony in here

post Oct 17 2011, 13:27
Post #2861

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Oh my fucking god!

Look at those eyes! Fucking gorgeous!

(and this although the drwaing isn't of a THAT good quality...)

(IMG:[a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net] http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/307848_216638368389196_162258317160535_533974_1053857671_n.jpg)

I checked a bit around and apparently They're debating over Scratch's eye colour, though most would like to have them red.
(IMG:[a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net] http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/301214_261713750526296_100000630198086_841088_445671475_n.jpg)
I can only agree to that, besides that i didn't see any other pony with REAL red yes(Dash's AREN'T) it would look damn good.... (This is a good horrible occasion to asmit that i have a knack for albinos....

I think i finally found a solid 3rd most favourite pony! (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) (I've been into DJing already anyway)
(IMG:[a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net] http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/285153_10150390968234638_759624637_10472682_2605122_n.jpg)

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post Oct 17 2011, 16:30
Post #2862


QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Oct 17 2011, 04:09) *
EQD is reporting what episode 6 is rumored to, and I for one am about as excited for it as I am for the Luna episode.

... Applebloom gets some form of Equine Pox? Yes.. that does sound like an episode for hilarious hijinks.

Here's my predictions for the coming episodes.

Episode 7: Rarity is kidnapped, again, and her horn is harvested to be used as an aphrodisiac.

Episode 8: After a serious diplomatic mishap between Cloudsdale and Ponyville, war has arrived in the peaceful land of Equestria.

Episode 9: Everyone dies.

QUOTE(Benjiro @ Oct 17 2011, 13:27) *
Look at those eyes! Fucking gorgeous![/b]

Scratch is awesome.


You know, probably. Considering she had like four seconds of screen time. And never said anything. And isn't characterized at all. Oh well.


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post Oct 17 2011, 16:46
Post #2863
Msgr. Radixius

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That last picture is cool and I hate you for it, Don Perro.
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post Oct 17 2011, 17:38
Post #2864


QUOTE(radixius sparkle @ Oct 17 2011, 16:46) *
That last picture is cool and I hate you for it, Don Perro.


[swaetshrit.deviantart.com] Or I could link his Deviant Art gallery, but where's the fun in that.
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post Oct 17 2011, 18:17
Post #2865

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QUOTE(radixius sparkle @ Oct 17 2011, 16:46) *

That last picture is cool

Dammit, i wanted to post that in case scratch got any attention up here.
...doesn't matter, there are plenty of awesome pics.

(IMG:[2.bp.blogspot.com] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-EfeBj7sgF2k/TmveiF61jnI/AAAAAAAAL5g/h0aJWcG_ROI/s1600/1314956240.sweatshirt_vinyl-go.jpg)
(that one even has a similar artstyle ^^)(Eddy: It is the same artist)

Eddy: I just checked the link....
I'll leave that picture anyway, looks awesome.

This post has been edited by Benjiro: Oct 17 2011, 18:19
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post Oct 17 2011, 18:22
Post #2866

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Oh Oh Oh
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post Oct 17 2011, 19:05
Post #2867

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QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Oct 17 2011, 03:15) *

(IMG:[operatorchan.org] http://operatorchan.org/k/src/k306445_my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-brony-im-ok-wit.jpg)

QUOTE(derpymal @ Oct 17 2011, 03:37) *

I just want to bang her and tell her everything is going to be alright.
(IMG:[fc06.deviantart.net] http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/288/e/e/insanity_is_magic_by_meroni-d4cwxm4.jpg)


QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 17 2011, 18:38) *


She just saw Octavia :]

(IMG:[29.media.tumblr.com] http://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ll9gg4UPa31qjmjvko1_400.jpg)
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post Oct 17 2011, 19:38
Post #2868
Msgr. Radixius

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QUOTE(Benjiro @ Oct 17 2011, 11:17) *


Benji just made the coolest thing ever.
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post Oct 17 2011, 19:53
Post #2869

Smile on, you pigs in human clothing.
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post Oct 17 2011, 19:53
Post #2870
Msgr. Radixius

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post Oct 17 2011, 20:39
Post #2871

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(IMG:[s3.amazonaws.com] http://s3.amazonaws.com/kym-assets/photos/images/original/000/151/173/Octavia%20Nuke%20by%20kapieren.jpg)

QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 16 2011, 21:57) *

(IMG:[i.neoseeker.com] http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/20339-MarioMaster02/339/112/xx63h_display.jpg)
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post Oct 17 2011, 21:19
Post #2872

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QUOTE(BrainSucks @ Oct 17 2011, 20:39) *

I immediately connect that picture with this actually not that bad (song) idea.
I don't get why octavia is supposed to be a soldier, though.
I don't even get how there can be any wars in Equestria.
But i guess it looks awesome enough to be aloof from (fictious)reality

Also, there's "hyperspeed" by the prodigy running in my playlist and the skqueaky voice samples confuse me as if I just fell out of the clouds.... :derpeyes:

This post has been edited by Benjiro: Oct 17 2011, 21:23
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post Oct 17 2011, 21:34
Post #2873


QUOTE(Benjiro @ Oct 17 2011, 21:19) *
I don't get why octavia is supposed to be a soldier, though.
I don't even get how there can be any wars in Equestria.

Insert speech from The Matrix about how people can't accept a world where everyone is happy and stuff.

Better Tavi.

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post Oct 17 2011, 21:38
Post #2874

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And I don't get why Fluttershy is supposed to be weak and helpless (IMG:[invalid] style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif)

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post Oct 17 2011, 22:11
Post #2875

Old Heart
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I just noticed that our dear Loony will get exactly what we wanted for her next saturday!

(IMG:[3.bp.blogspot.com] http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ucoEy_fUQH4/TkhOsyovWsI/AAAAAAAAKcQ/T2u1fzBarSw/s400/45345%20-%20absurd_res%20artist%20miketheuser%20dolphin%20luna%20lunar%20moon.png)
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post Oct 17 2011, 22:23
Post #2876
Msgr. Radixius

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QUOTE(Benjiro @ Oct 17 2011, 15:11) *

[. . .] our dear Loony [. . .]

I don't understand.

I don't understand at all.

I don't understand!
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post Oct 17 2011, 22:51
Post #2877

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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 17 2011, 14:34) *

Insert speech from The Matrix about how people can't accept a world where everyone is happy and stuff.

I can! But I'm a superior being by having an inferior intelligence.
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post Oct 17 2011, 22:59
Post #2878


I'll explain it to you, then. Luna, like most of the "background ponies", are blank slates onto which people can project whatever they want. And when you let them do that, they typically project something they like and can bond with. Whether or not it'll match the Luna we'll see next Saturday is anyone's guess.

But until then... <3 Luna.

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post Oct 17 2011, 23:26
Post #2879
Msgr. Radixius

If Your Crotch Don't Tingle, It Ain't Based
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So you're saying that, as you identify with Luna, that you're a sad lonely little girl?

Makes sense.
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post Oct 17 2011, 23:38
Post #2880

I hate everything >:C
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QUOTE(BrainSucks @ Oct 17 2011, 13:05) *


(IMG:[fc07.deviantart.net] http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/267/f/c/vinyl_and_octavia_by_narbevoguel-d4aqnz8.png)
Octavia and Scratch are not amused.

Octavia and Scratch dump incoming...
(IMG:[fc09.deviantart.net] http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/241/0/1/love_me__by_dreatos-d488q4b.png)

Lookin' kinda cat-like.
(IMG:[fc09.deviantart.net] http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/259/b/7/octavia_by_narbevoguel-d4a0su5.png)

(IMG:[th03.deviantart.net] http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/230/f/d/octavia_by_yikomega-d471n4v.jpg)

(IMG:[th07.deviantart.net] http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/233/1/8/dj_pon_3_by_yikomega-d46lpfd.jpg)

(IMG:[fc09.deviantart.net] http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/174/d/0/dj_dro1d_pon3_by_dreatos-d3jqc04.png)

(IMG:[th03.deviantart.net] http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/242/e/d/dj_dr01d_p0n3_2_0_by_dreatos-d48e48l.png)

And some random Luna for lulz.
(IMG:[fc02.deviantart.net] http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/211/2/0/luna_and_celestia_wallpaper_by_olegsavoskin-d3i6zpd.jpg)

LOL Discord.
(IMG:[fc04.deviantart.net] http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/287/9/b/little_brother_by_flausch_katzerl-d4cuz21.png)

I still like the socks meme.
(IMG:[th05.deviantart.net] http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/215/9/5/socks_for_nightmare_moon_by_palestorm-d42zcco.png)

QUOTE(radixius sparkle @ Oct 17 2011, 17:26) *

So you're saying that, as you identify with Luna, that you're a sad lonely little girl?

Aren't we all?
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