Cartoonlion has a tumblr now for all the Futashy stuff.
QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 16 2011, 16:32)
Yeah Rarity seriously has no point being in the cast anymore. They should just replace with Derpy, but keep Derpy saying just one line or two the entire time, basically being a mute. Oh can you imagine Derpy being part of the mane 6? That would be so awesome.
No way. Derpy as a Mane would just be Pinkie Light, now with 100% More Derp. Besides, it messes up the dynamic of two of each type of pony. Not that Rarity has been contributing much for the unicorns, anyway. I like the idea of Derpy only ever having one or two lines at a time, yet being profound in her silence/randomness though. Works for Ferb.
They should make Luna part of the mane cast. Because.. Luna.
Yes. Celestia sends Luna to Ponyville to live with her faithful student Twilight Sparkle as part of Luna's reintegration therapy/rehab from 1000 years of lunar imprisonment. Hijinks ensue. Gratuitous use of laugh tracks and canned "Awwww"s.
I grew up watching those shows too, and if any more of that crap bleeds into MLP, it will ruin the show. (can you imagine a happy happy joy joy version of MLP?)
The best/worst thing is, i don't even see what rarity is supposed to have in common with generosity. It's kinda like they just needed something for that girly stereotype... But she HAS her charme, besides i couldn't imagine the writers doing something that fatal. Children don't comprehend "the fans hated the actor"
It was awfully nice of Rarity to make Gala dresses for all her friends. At the same time, you can't deny the benefit of showing off her designs and getting free publicity via her friends modeling those dresses at such an big event. And it did pay off with Hoity Toity's coincidentally coming to Ponyville to see said dresses before the Gala and liking them.
It was awfully nice of Rarity to make Gala dresses for all her friends. At the same time, you can't deny the benefit of showing off her designs and getting free publicity via her friends modeling those dresses at such an big event. And it did pay off with Hoity Toity's coincidentally coming to Ponyville to see said dresses before the Gala and liking them.
Yeah, but she went through the extra trouble to customize them to everypony's liking despite the fact they were all cunts to her about it. She even busted her ass to remake them again the way she originally intended them to be.
The best/worst thing is, i don't even see what rarity is supposed to have in common with generosity. It's kinda like they just needed something for that girly stereotype...
I sometimes wonder exactly when in the production process the "Elements of Harmony" were conceived. The pilot episodes were obviously made after some of the others, so it's quite possible some of those character traits weren't even in the script originally.
I mean, in the earlier episodes, it's not like RD is particularly loyal or AJ is particularly honest. (And sometimes I wonder if they didn't switch those two around.)
I mean, in the earlier episodes, it's not like RD is particularly loyal or AJ is particularly honest. (And sometimes I wonder if they didn't switch those two around.)
Ya know, I've wondered that too. RD isn't exactly the loyal stereotype, I would give that more to AJ. RD is definitely the most honest, always letting her emotions control her.
Ya know, I've wondered that too. RD isn't exactly the loyal stereotype, I would give that more to AJ. RD is definitely the most honest, always letting her emotions control her.
Exactly. RD is brutally honest at times. See particularly Dragonshy and Suited for Success - where the "loyalty" bit also fails to make an appearance. (Granted, in Fall Weather Friends, she wouldn't really qualify for Honesty either.)
AJ, on the other hand, is the one who drags Fluttershy up the mountain. And the honesty bit doesn't really seem to affect her character until The Show Stoppers and Party of One.
Another thing hinting towards the Elements being introduced at a later time is that Twilight used to have a [] different butt symbol - compared to her current one which represents herself surrounded by the other five elements.
(Yes. I do overthink this stuff.)
QUOTE(Robbie Pie @ Oct 16 2011, 23:32)
Pinkie is totally, without question. the element of laughter.
Well, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Twilight's elements make sense. To the extent where "magic" is a character trait.
This reminds me of filly AJ leaving home to...I don't remember, find herself or something, and then seeing that rainbow lead back home - that's more of a loyalty trait too isn't?