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MLP: FiM General Thread, Let's keep everypony in here |
Oct 15 2011, 18:00
Group: Gold Star Club
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My top five episodes:
1. Party of One
2. Lesson Zero
3. Feeling Pinkie Keen
4. Green Isn't Your Color
5. Griffon the Brushoff.
Oct 15 2011, 18:53
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I apologize for trying to start a new FiM thread...
Anyways, I have to say, Lesson Zero just may of shot up to my number 1 fave episode. It just had so much awesome going for it. Too many d'awwww shots to count, Twilight going crazy, fluttershy being bad ass for simply a massage, a Sonic Rainnuke, etc,.
Oct 15 2011, 19:06

Ugh.. humans. Humans are inferior to ponies in every single way. Possibly with the exception of opposable digits.
Also, vectors have started appearing already. Have a giant Deal-With-It Dash~
As for top episodes..
1-2: The Return of Harmony 1+2 3. Party of One 4. Lesson Zero 5. Bridle Gossip Also great, in order of appearance: Boast Busters, Swarm of the Century, Winter Wrap-Up, Fall Weather Friends, Sonic Rainboom, Stare Master, Green Isn't Your Color, A Bird in the Hoof, The Cutie Mark Chronicles Passable: Friendship is Magic Part 1+2, The Ticket Master, Applebuck Season, Griffon the Brush-off, Dragonshy, Suited for Success, Feeling Pinkie Keen, The Show Stoppers, Over a Barrel, Owl's Well that Ends Well, The Best Night Ever Didn't like: Look Before You Sleep (no Rainbow Dash, no Pinkie Pie, no Fluttershy? really?), Call of the Cutie (outside of the Cupcakes song), A Dog and Pony Show (damnit Rarity)
Edit: Ohai, more art. People work fast.
Oct 15 2011, 19:34
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Oct 15 2011, 19:44
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I noticed that almost all my favourite episodes have been written by M.A. Larson. The rest has been written by Meghan McCarthy.
PS:(If Anyone cares:)
1.:The Cutie mark chronicles 2.:The return of Harmony 3.:Sonic Rainbewm 4.:Lesson Zero 5.:Party of One (6.:Swarm of the century) (7.:Dragonshy-which is, in fact, also episode number 7)
PPS: Thanks for the link, Rukia Pie
This post has been edited by Benjiro: Oct 15 2011, 19:51
Oct 15 2011, 19:51
Msgr. Radixius
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Also, am I the only one who noticed the REEEEEEEEEEEMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX?
Oct 15 2011, 19:52
Group: Recruits
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QUOTE(radixius sparkle @ Oct 15 2011, 13:51)  lolOCD
Also, am I the only one who noticed the REEEEEEEEEEEMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIX?
Oh, the remastered intro? I noticed, it sounded FABULOUS!
Oct 15 2011, 20:08

If you freeze-frame the new intro, you can see Derpy in the front train carriage. (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) QUOTE(derpymal @ Oct 15 2011, 19:34)  Suddenly, Deal With It Dash. Amusingly, that one predates Lesson Zero by about ten days. Also, yay vectors~ [attachembed=8990]
Oct 15 2011, 20:11
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I'm waiting for a "Why so serious" with the bit where Twilight is crazy smiling next to the CMC. Also, new intro is awesome.
Oct 15 2011, 20:22
Perverted Shadow
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Is there like a bunch of five-year-olds here? Just wondering because of all the My Little Pony threads...
Oct 15 2011, 20:24
Group: Gold Star Club
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Holy shit that episode....I woke up early to watch it at 6 in the morning so I was feeling kind of out of it, and watching Twilight go insane was actually making me uncomfortable. Those faces she makes! Jesus! I thought she was just being anal about how organized and on top of things she needs to be, but fuck she's the most insane out of all them!
And even despite those faces that later haunted me when I went back to bed, watching Fluttershy snap a bear's neck was the biggest "oh shit" moment of the show.
This post has been edited by Bloodmare: Oct 15 2011, 20:25
Oct 15 2011, 20:27

QUOTE(Perverted Shadow @ Oct 15 2011, 20:22)  Is there like a bunch of five-year-olds here? Just wondering because of all the My Little Pony threads... [attachembed=8991] QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Oct 15 2011, 20:24)  And even despite those faces that later haunted me when I went back to bed, watching Fluttershy snap a bear's neck was the biggest "oh shit" moment of the show. At least I have a new "first clip to show potential bronies". (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Oct 15 2011, 20:37
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QUOTE(Tenboro @ Oct 15 2011, 10:27)  [attachembed=8991] At least I have a new "first clip to show potential bronies". (IMG:[ invalid] style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Wow new art already? Awesome. Am I wrong, or wasn't this the most violent episode ever? RD going all 'human wrecking ball', Fluttershy utterly taking down a bear like a boss, and the fights that broke out for Mr. Smartypants, I seriously don't recall any other episode with this many action moments than would appeal to guys a hell of a lot more than to little girls. Not that I'm complaining - this episode was brilliant in how it makes fun of typical cartoon plots. Though Twilight flipping her shit still has me scared.
Oct 15 2011, 20:53
Msgr. Radixius
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Crazy Twi <3
Oct 15 2011, 20:55

QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Oct 15 2011, 20:37)  Am I wrong, or wasn't this the most violent episode ever? RD going all 'human wrecking ball', Fluttershy utterly taking down a bear like a boss, and the fights that broke out for Mr. Smartypants, I seriously don't recall any other episode with this many action moments than would appeal to guys a hell of a lot more than to little girls.
Not that I'm complaining - this episode was brilliant in how it makes fun of typical cartoon plots. Though Twilight flipping her shit still has me scared. Maybe. Considering Return of Harmony, dropping E/I and getting the fanbase that they have, I suspect they are nudging the show ever so slightly towards older viewers. Which is a bit silly, since it obviously did appeal to us already. There's certainly a lot of fanon that has to be revised to take into account RD being Superpony. If she can do that without getting a scratch, I don't know what would be required to actually break something.
Oct 15 2011, 21:02
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Oct 15 2011, 21:08
Setsuna F Seiei
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I haven't seen the episode yet. I will after I work out.
Oct 15 2011, 21:10
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QUOTE(Bloodmare @ Oct 15 2011, 15:02)  DYNAMIC ENTRY!
Oct 15 2011, 21:14
Group: Gold Star Club
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QUOTE(Pseudoshy @ Oct 15 2011, 11:08)  I haven't seen the episode yet. I will after I work out.
Awww I'm sorry. You're in for some good shit when you get home.
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